Kitchen Inspiration


One way to ensure that your body gets high levels of beauty nutrients at every meal is to simply eat foods that have greater nutritional value. While we often think of fresh produce as the most nutrient-dense option we have access to, frozen produce can actually have higher levels of nutrients than fresh, especially if fresh food travels long distances or sits in storage before arriving at your market. Carrots, apples, beets, and other produce are commonly stored, unfrozen, in a warehouse (or your fridge) for months, losing nutrition all the while. Frozen produce—which is often frozen immediately after being picked in a process that locks in its nutrients until you defrost or cook it—is an undervalued beauty food resource, inexpensive and incredibly convenient. Start hitting the frozen food aisle for budget-friendly frozen organic produce to use in your meals (the range of fruits and veggies available often make great smoothie, soup, and stir-fry ingredients) whenever you shop, and up the nutritional content of your meals.