

This book was an idea I came up with while decorating our Christmas tree during Thanksgiving weekend in 2017. It started as a game. We have a tradition of playing old Christmas carols while we decorate and, this night, we were being silly, seeing who could come up with the funniest alternative name for each song. Of course, I took the game down a dark avenue, naming the songs with the most horrific titles I could extemporaneously come up with. That was a moment of inspiration and this concept was born. I realized there were enough potential titles to make a horror anthology and I had a year to write one. So it was done. That night, I began outlining the potential titles and story ideas.

Funny how and where inspiration can strike, isn’t it?

12 Deaths of Christmas was written in a month and though some of the story titles do give away what is going to happen, for me it was such an enjoyable ride to jump into full-blown horror, complete with monsters of the human and supernatural variety. Honestly, it’s been a long time since I’ve played around in that type of arena and it felt good and helped, I believe, the concept I had for season three of my Subject: Found audio drama podcast, which is far more supernatural than the previous two seasons.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did (or more, honestly) writing it.

This first anthology couldn’t have happened without some very special people.

First and foremost, my incredible wife, Madeline, for constantly supporting me and being the best beta reader any writer can ask for. You sacrifice so that the rest of the world doesn’t have to slog through garbage stories. Everyone should be grateful, because my early stories are … an interesting read. Thank you for loving me so much that you read horror—a genre, I know, you wouldn’t be sad to see disappear into the annals of human history.

My daughters, Alex and Nikki. We don’t get to have Christmas together like we used to, and I miss the ‘task’ of decorating the tree together. Those nights were always special for me and I’ll cherish them forever. As you’ve aged, those nights are no longer the same. This was our last one with Alex, and it’s a curious thought to know that a book was born out of silly game during such a significant personal event. Maybe this could be a new tradition, no matter where we are in the world? Hmmmm.

Everyone needs a champion and Kevin Baker is that for me. Writers can be self-deprecating bastards, and I know I’m at the front of that line. But sometimes subtle comments and thoughts tip the balance and we do worse for ourselves than some not-so-good-natured ribbing. Kevin, you’ve always had impeccable timing with your uplifting comments, saying the right thing, at the right time, to pull my brain back into focus and simply believe in myself again.

Eric Thomas & Jason Evilive, for stepping up to help me adjust these stories well before anyone else saw them, and for helping me make sure that my inner-Clive wasn’t taking over. Reading the early versions of these stories couldn’t have been easy, especially when I dumped three of them on you in a week. True warriors, the both of you. Your feedback encouraged me to throw myself into this project with abandon.

To my Patrons. Without your constant support I couldn’t have done what I did. I wouldn’t have believed that people wanted to hear the stories I had to share had you not been there, month after month, sending encouraging messages, getting excited about what I was excited about, and providing the support I needed to be able to do this in the first place. To, Kevin Baker, Elsa Howarth, Sylvia Lynn, Alaina Malack, Dohai, PB Sebastien, James Hill, Ian Troman-Mason, Morgan Barber, Adam Burke, Shelley Perrin, Greg Bowman, Brent Moody, Dan Foytik, Cynthia Waddill, Sandy Smith, Jon Grilz, Genesis Murray, Zane Desjarlais, Glen Collins, Nate Bonilla-Warford, Brian James, Matteo Masiello, Philip Flynt, E. Kirkensgaard, Erin Karper, A. Dragon, Robert Chauncey, Anthony Dallape, Patrick Monroe, Sarah Rhea Werner, Ryan Beyer, Desdymona, Stacey Holbrook, Tim Niederriter, Cheyenne Bramwell, Raymond Camper, Roseann White, and George Greene. Thank you for your never-ceasing, always-awesome support!

To Mom. Life is a path best explored with the people we love. We may have stubbed our toes on a rock or tripped over a tree root, but we continued walking it together.

To all of the wonderful people who took time out of life to help me proofread the book. I’m never as good as I am until you give so much of your time. You are some of the kindest people on the planet. Thank you for everything you do! Adam Burke, Cheyenne Bramwell, Mel Baxter, Kevin Rowlands, Bob Tinsley, Pam Giltner, Stephanie Mikkelsen, Brent Moody, Ann Steward, and Natalie Aked.

And, of course, to the hundreds of thousands of you who have listened to one of my audio dramas. To date, I’ve released over 100 episodes of fiction podcasts. You’ve been a part of the growth my author career, encouraging me to continue forward even during the bleakest times.

Thank you to each and every one of you, for what you’ve done, in your own way, to help me find the self-belief I needed to get past the monster of doubt. These holiday horror stories might not exist if it weren’t for you and what you’ve done for me.

Thank you, one and all!