1 Canatarini here lists various species no longer cultivated, whose colorful names are descriptive and evoke harvests.
2 Raviggiolo is a small mounded fresh cheese.
3 Bengodi: godere means “to enjoy,” and ben, meaning “well,” is used here as an intensifier, suggesting a mythical place of great enjoyment.
4 Pecorino is made of ewe’s milk.
5 Robiola is made of a mix of cow’s, ewe’s, and goat’s milk.
6 In modern Italian, guasto means “spoiled” or “broken.”
7 Must is the juice of grapes before fermentation.
8 The name alone is derogatory—zucca is a squash, and padella is a frying pan.
9 Sorghum is a coarse grain raised for fodder, but also eaten by the poor.