British Order of Battle The Somme 1916

Guards Division

1st Guards Brigade

2/Grenadier Guards, 2/Coldstream Guards, 3/Coldstream Guards, 1/Irish Guards

2nd Guards Brigade

3/Grenadier Guards. 1/Coldstream Guards, 1/Scots Guards, 2/Irish Guards

3rd Guards Brigade

1/Grenadier Guards, 4/Grenadier Guards, 2/Scots Guards, 1/Welch Guards


4/Coldstream Guards

1st Division

1st Brigade

10/Glosters, 1/Black Watch, 8/Royal Berkshires, 1/Camerons

2nd Brigade

2/Royal Sussex, 1/Loyal North Lancashire, 1/Northamptons, 2/King’s Royal Rifle Corps

3rd Brigade

1/South Wales Borderers, 1/Glosters, 2/Welch, 2/Royal Munster Fusiliers


1/6th Welch

2nd Division

5th Brigade

17/Royal Fusiliers, 24/Royal Fusiliers, 2/Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 2/Highland Light Infantry

6th Brigade

1/King’s Regiment, 2/South Staffordshires, 13/Essex, 17/Middlesex

99th Brigade

22/Royal Fusiliers, 23/Royal Fusiliers, 1/Royal Berkshires, 1/King’s Royal Rifle Corps


10/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry

3rd Division

8th Brigade

2/Royal Scots, 8/East Yorkshires, 1/Royal Scots Fusiliers, 7/King’s Shropshire Light Infantry

9th Brigade

1/Northumberland Fusiliers, 4/Royal Fusiliers, 13/King’s Regiment, 12/West Yorkshires

76th Brigade

8/King’s Own, 2/Suffolks, 10/Royal Welch, 1/Gordon Highlanders


20/King’s Royal Rifle Corps

4th Division

10th Brigade

1/Royal Warwicks, 2/Seaforths, 1/Royal Irish Fusiliers, 2/Royal Dublin Fusiliers

11th Brigade

1/Somerset Light Infantry, 1/East Lancashires, 1/Hampshires, 1/Rifle Brigade

12th Brigade

1/King’s Own, 2/Lancashire Fusiliers, 2/Essex, 2/Duke of Wellington’s Regiment


21/West Yorkshire

5th Division

13th Brigade

14/Royal Warwicks, 15/Royal Warwicks, 2/King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 1/Royal West Kents

15th Brigade

16/Royal Warwicks, 1/Norfolks, 1/Bedfords, 1/Cheshires

95th Brigade

1/Devons, 12/Glosters, 1/East Surreys, 1/Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry


1/6th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

6th Division

16th Brigade

1/Buffs (Royal East Kent), 8/Bedfords, 1/King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, 2/York and Lancaster

18th Brigade

1/West Yorkshires, 11/Essex, 2/Durham Light Infantry, 14/Durham Light Infantry

71st Brigade

9/Norfolks, 9/Suffolks, 1/Leicesters, 2/Sherwood Foresters



7th Division

20th brigade

8/Devons, 9/Devons, 2/Borders, 2/Gordon Highlanders

22nd Brigade

2/Royal Warwicks, 2/Royal Irish, 1/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 20/Manchesters

91st Brigade

2/Queen’s, 1/South Staffordshires, 21/Manchesters, 22/Manchesters



8th Division

23rd Brigade

2/Devons, 2/West Yorkshires, 2/Middlesex, 2/Scots Rifles

24th1 Brigade

1/Worcestershires, 1/Sherwood Foresters, 2/Northamptons, 2/East Lancashires

25th Brigade

2/Lincolns, 2/Royal Berkshires, 1/Royal Irish Rifles, 2/Rifle Brigade


22/Durham Light Infantry

9th (Scottish) Division

26th Brigade

8/Black Watch, 7/Seaforths, 5/Camerons, 10/Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

27th Brigade

11/Royal Scots, 12/Royal Scots, 6/King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 9/Scottish Rifles

South African Brigade

1/Cape Province, 2/Natal & O.F.S., 3/Transvaal and Rhodesia, 4/Scottish



11th Division

32nd Brigade

9/West Yorkshires, 6/Green Howards, 8/Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 6/York and Lancaster

33rd Brigade

6/Lincolns, 6/Border Regiment, 7/South Staffordshires, 9/Sherwood Foresters

34th Brigade

8/Northumberland Fusiliers, 9/Lancashire Fusiliers, 5/Dorsets, 11/Manchesters


6/East Yorkshires

12th Division—Major General A. B. Scott

35th Brigade

7/Norfolks, 7/Suffolks, 9/Essex, 5/Royal Berkshires

36th Brigade

8/Royal Fusiliers, 9/Royal Fusiliers, 7/Royal Sussex, 11/Middlesex

37th Brigade

6/Queen’s, 6/Buffs (Royal East Kent), 7/East Surreys, 6/Royal West Kents



14th (Light) Division

41st Brigade

7/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 8/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 7/Rifle Brigade, 8/Rifle Brigade

42nd Brigade

5/Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 5/King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, 9/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 9/Rifle Brigade

43rd Brigade

6/Somerset Light Infantry, 6/Dukc of Cornwall’s Light Infantry; 6/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 10/Durham Light Infantry



15th (Scottish) Division

44th Brigade

9/Black Watch, 8/Seaforth, 8th/10th Gordons, 7/Camerons

45th Brigade

13/Royal Scottish, 6th/7th Royal Scots Fusiliers, 6/Camerons, 11/Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

46th Brigade

10/Scottish Rifle, 7th/8th King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 10th/11th Highland Light Infantry,

12/Highland Light Infantry



16th (Irish) Division

47th Brigade

6/Royal Irish, 6/Connaught Rangers, 7/Leinster, 8/Royal Munster Fusiliers

48th Brigade

7/Royal Irish Rifles, 1/Royal Munster Fusiliers, 8/Royal Dublin Fusiliers, 9/Royal Dublin Fusiliers

49th Brigade

7/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 8/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 7/Royal Irish Fusiliers, 8/Royal Irish Fusiliers



17th Division

50th Brigade

10/West Yorkshires, 7/East Yorkshires, 7/Green Howards, 6/Dorsets

51st Brigade

7/Lincolns, 7/Border Regiment, 8/South Staffordshires, 10/Sherwood Foresters

52nd Brigade

9/Northumberland Fusiliers, 10/Lancashire Fusiliers, 9/Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 12/Machesters


7/York and Lancaster

18th (Eastern) Division

53rd Brigade

8/Norfolks, 8/Suffolks, 10/Essex, 6/Royal Berkshires

54th Brigade

11/Royal Fusiliers, 7/Bedfords, 6/Northamptons, 12/Middlesex

55th Brigade

7/Queen’s, 7/Buffs (Royal East Kent), 8/East Surrey, 7/Royal West Kent


8/Royal Sussex

19th (Western) Division

56th Brigade

7/King’s Own, 7/East Lancashires, 7/South Lancashires, 7/L.N. Lancashires

57th Brigade

10/Royal Warwick, 8/Glosters, 10/Worcesters, 8/North Staffordshires

58th Brigade

9/Cheshires, 9/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 9/Welch, 6/Wiltshires


5/South Wales Borderers

20th (light) Division

59th Brigade

10/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 11/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 10/Rifle Brigade, 11/Rifle Brigade

60th Brigade

6/Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 6/King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, 12/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 12/Rifle Brigade

61st Brigade

7/Somerset Light Infantry, 7/Duke of Cornwall’s light Infantry, 7/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 12/King’s


11/Durham Light Infantry

21st Division

62nd Brigade

12/Northumberland Fusiliers, 13/Northumberland Fusiliers, 1/Lincolns, 10/Green Howards

63rd Brigade2

8/Lincolns 8/Somerset Light Infantry, 4/Middlesex, 10/York and Lancaster

64th Brigade

1/East Yorkshires, 9/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 10/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 15/Durham Light Infantry


14/Northumberland Fusiliers

23rd Divison

63th Brigade

10/Northumberland Fusiliers, 11/Northumberland Fusiliers, 12/Durham Light Infantry, 13/Durham Light Infantry

69th Brigade

11/West Yorkshires, 8/Green Howards, 9/Green Howards, 10/Duke of Wellington’s Regiment.

70th Brigade3

11/Sherwood Foresters, 8/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 8/York and Lancaster, 9/York and Lancaster


9/South Staffordshires

24th Division

17th Brigade

8/Buffs (Royal East Kent), 1/Royal Fusiliers, 12/Royal Fusiliers, 3/Rifle Brigade

72nd Brigade

8/Queen’s, 9/East Surreys, 8/Royal West Kents, 1/North Staffordshires

73rd Brigade

9/Royal Sussex, 7/Northamptons, 13/Middlesex, 2/Leinsters


12/Sherwood Foresters

25th Division

7th Brigade

10/Cheshires, 3/Worcesters, 8/Loyal North Lancashires, 1/Wiltshires

74th Brigade

11/Lancashire Fusiliers, 13/Cheshires, 9/Loyal North Lancashires, 2/Royal Irish Rifles

75th Brigade

11/Cheshires, 8/Border Regiment, 2/South Lancashires, 8/South Lancashires


6/South Wales Borderers

29th Division

86th Brigade

2/Royal Fusiliers, 1/Lancashire Fusiliers, 16/Middlesex, 1/Royal Dublin Fusiliers

87th Brigade

2/South Wales Borderers, 1/King’s Own Scottish Borderers, 1/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers,

1/Border Regiment

88th Brigade

4/Worcestershires, 1/Essex, 2/Hampshires, Royal Newfoundland Regiment



30th Division

21st Brigade

18/King’s, 2/Green Howards, 2/Wiltshires, 19/Manchesters

89th Brigade

17/King’s, 19/King’s, 20/King’s, 2/Bedfords

90th Brigade

2/Royal Scots Fusiliers, 16/Manchesters, 17/Manchesters, 18/Manchesters


11/Sourn Lancashires

31st Division

92nd Brigade

10/East Yorkshires, 11/East Yorkshires, 12/East Yorkshires, 13/East Yorkshires

93rd Brigade

15/West Yorkshires, 16/West Yorkshires, 18/West Yorkshires, 18/Durham Light Infantry

94th Brigade

11/East Lancashires, 12/York and Lancaster, 13/York and Lancaster, 14/York and Lancaster


12/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

32nd Division

14th Brigade

19/Lancashire Fusiliers4, 1/Dorsetshires, 2/Manchesters, 15/Highland Light Infantry

96th Brigade

16/Northumberland Fusiliers, 15/Lancashire Fusiliers, 16/Lancashire Fusiliers, 2/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers

97th Brigade

11/Border Regiment, 2/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 16/Highland Light Infantry, 17/Highland Light Infantry


17/Northumberland Fusiliers5

33rd Division

19th Brigade

20th Royal Fusiliers, 2/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 1/Cameronians, 5/Scottish Rifles

98th Brigade

4/King’s Regiment, 1/4th Suffolk, 1/Middlesex, 2/Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

100th Brigade

1/Queen’s Regiment, 2/Worcestershires, 16/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 1/9th Highland Light Infantry


18/Middlesex Regiment

34th Division

101st Brigade

15/Royal Scots, 16/Royal Scots, 10/Lincolns, 11/Suflblks

102nd (Tyneside Scottish) Brigade6

20/Northumbcrland Fusiliers, 21/Northumberland Fusiliers, 22/Northumberland Fusiliers, 23/Northumberland Fusiliers

103rd (Tyneside Irish) Brigade7

24/Northumberland Fusiliers, 25/Northumberland Fusiliers, 26/Northumberland Fusiliers, 27/Northumberland Fusiliers


18/Northumberland Fusiliers8

35th (Bantam) Division

104th Brigade

17/Lancashire Fusiliers, 18/Lancashire Fusiliers, 20/Lancashire Fusiliers, 23/Manchester

105th Brigade

15/Cheshire, 16/Cheshire, 14/Glosters, 15/Sherwood Foresters

106th Brigade

17/Royal Scots, 17/West Yorkshires, 19/Durham Light Infantry, 18/Highland Light Infantry


19/Northumberland Fusiliers

36th (Ulster) Division

107th Brigade

8/Royal Irish Rifles, 9/Royal Irish Rifles, 10/Royal Irish Rifles, 15/Royal Irish Rifles

108th Brigade

11/Royal Irish Rifles, 12/Royal Irish Rifles, 13/Royal Irish Rifles, 9/Royal Irish Fusiliers

109th Brigade

9/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 10/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 11/Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, 14/Royal Irish Rifles


16/Royal Irish Rifles

37th Divison

110th Brigade9

6/Leicesters, 7/Leicesters, 8/Leicesters, 9/Leicesters

111th Brigade10

10/Royal Fusiliers, 13/Royal Fusiliers, 13/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 13/Rifle Brigade

112th Brigade11

11/Royal Warwicks, 6/Bedfords, 8/East Lancashires, 10/Loyal North Lancashires


9/North Staffordshires12

38th (Welsh) Division

113th Brigade

13/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 14/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 15/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 16/Royal Welch Fusiliers

114th Brigade

10/Welch, 13/Welch, 14/Welch, 15/Welch

115th Brigade

10/South Wales Borderers, 11/South Wales Borderers, 17/Royal Welch Fusiliers, 16/Welch



39th Division

116th Brigade

11/Royal Sussex, 12/Royal Sussex, 13/Royal Sussex, 14/Hampsnires

117th Brigade

16/Sherwood Foresters, 17/Sherwood Foresters, 17/King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 16/Rifle Brigade

118th Brigade

1/6th Cheshires, 1/1stCambridgeshires, 1/1st Hertfordshires, 4th/5th Black Watch



41st Division

112th Brigade

12/East Surreys, 15/Hampshires, 11/Royal West Kents, 18/King’s Royal Rifle Corps

123rd Brigade

11/Queen’s, 10/Royal West Kents, 23/Middlesex, 20/Durham Light Infantry

124th Brigade

10/Queen’s, 26/Royal Fusiliers, 32/Royal Fusiliers, 21/King’s Royal Rifle Corps



46th (North Midland) Division (T.F.)

137th Brigade

1/5th South Staffordshires, 1/6th South Staffordshires, 1/5th North Staffordshires, 1/6th North Staffordshires

138th Brigade

1/4th Lincolns, 1/5th Lincolns, 1/4th Leicesters, 1/5th Leicesters

139th Brigade

1/5th Sherwood Foresters, 1/6th Sherwood Foresters, 1/7th Sherwood Foresters, 1/8th Sherwood Foresters



47th (1/2nd London) Division (T.F.)

140th Brigade

1/6th Londons (City of London), 1/7th Londons (City of London), 1/8th Londons (Post Office Rifles), 1/15th Londons (Civil Service Rifles)

141st Brigade

1/17th Londons (Poplar and Stepney Rifles), 1/18th Londons (London Irish Rifles), 1/19th Londons (St Pancras), 1/20th Londons (Blackheath and Woolwich)

142nd Brigade

1/21st Londons (1st Surrey Rifles), 1/22nd Londons (The Queen’s), 1/23rd Londons, 1/24th Londons (The Queen’s)


1/4th Royal Welch Fusiliers

48th Division (South Midland) Division (T.F.)

143rd Brigade

1/5th Royal Warwicks, 1/16th Royal Warwicks, 1/7th Royal Warwicks, 1/8th Royal Warwicks

144th Brigade

1/4th Glosters, 1/6th Glosters, 1/7th Worcestershires, 1/8th Worcestershires

145th Brigade

1/5th Glosters, 1/4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 1/1st Buckinghamshires, 1/4th Royal Berkshires


1/5th Sussex

49th (West Riding) Division (T.F.)

146th Brigade

1/5th West Yorkshires, 1/6th West Yorkshires, 1/7th West Yorkshires, 1/8th West Yorkshires

147th Brigade

1/4th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 1/4th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 1/6th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, 1/7th Duke of Wellington’s Regiment

148th Brigade

1/4th King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1/4th King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1/4th York and Lancaster, 1/4th York and Lancaster


3/Monmouth (Replaced by 19/Lancashire Fusiliers 6th August)

50th (Northumberland) Division (T.F.)

149th Brigade

1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers, 1/5th Northumberland Fusiliers, 1/6th Northumberland Fusiliers, 1/7th Northumberland Fusiliers

150th Brigade

1/4th East Yorkshires, 1/4th Green Howards, 1/4th Green Howards, 1/4th Durham Light Infantry

151st Brigade

1/4th Border Regiment, 1/6th Durham Light Infantry, 1/8th Durham Light Infantry, 1/9th Durham Light Infantry


1/7th Durham Light Infantry

51st (Highland) Division (T.F.)

152nd Brigade

1/5th Seaforths, 1/6th Seaforths, 1/6th Gordons, 1/8th Argyll and Sutherlands

153rd Brigade

1/6th Black Watch, 1/7th Black Watch, 1/5th Gordons, 1/7th Gordons

154th Brigade

1/9th Royal Scots, 1/4th Seaforths, 1/4th Gordons, 1/7th Argyll and Sutherlands


1/8th Royal Scots

55th (West Lancashire) Division (T.F.)

164th Brigade

1/4th King’s Own, 1/8th King’s, 2/5th Lancashire Fusiliers, 1/4th Loyal North Lancashires

165th Brigade

1/5th King’s, 1/6th King’s, 1/7th King’s, 1/9th King’s

166th Brigade

1/5th King’s Own, 1/10th King’s, 1/5th South Lancashires, 1/5th Loyal North Lancashires


1/4th South Lancashires

56th (1st London) Division (T.F.)

167th Brigade

1/1st London Royal Fusiliers, 1/3rd London Royal Fusiliers, 1/7th Middlesex, 1/8th Middlesex

168th Brigade

1/4th London Royal Fusiliers, 1/12th London Rangers, 1/13th London (Kensington), 1/14th London (London Scottish)

169th Brigade

1/2nd Royal Fusiliers, 1/4th London Rifle Brigade, 1/9th London Queen’s Victoria’s Rifles, 1/16th London Queen’s Westminster Rifles


1/5th Cheshire

63rd (Royal Naval) Division

188th Brigade

Anson Battalion, Howe Battalion, 1/Royal Marine Battalion, 2/Royal Marine Battalion

189th Brigade

Hood Batttalion, Nelson Battalion, Hawke Battalion, Drake Battalion

190th Brigade

1/Honourable Artillery Company, 7/Royal Fusiliers, 4/Befords, 10/Royal Dublin Fusiliers



1st Australian Division

1(New South Wales) Brigade

1st Battalion, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Battalion, 4th Battalion

2nd (Victoria) Brigade

5th Battalion, 6th Battalion, 7th Battalion, 8th Battalion

3rd Brigade

9th (Queensland) Battalion, 10th (S. Australia) Battalion, 11th (W. Australia) Battalion,

12th (S. and W. Australia, Tas.) Battalion


1st Australian Pioneer Battalion

2nd Australian Division

5th (New South Wales) Brigade

17th Battalion, 18th Battalion, 19th Battalion, 20th Battalion

6th (Victoria) Brigade

21st Battalion, 22nd Battalion, 23rd Battalion, 24th Battalion

7th Brigade

25th (Queensland) Battalion, 26th (Q’land, Tas.) Battalion, 27th (S. Australia) Battalion, 28th (W. Australia) Battalion


2nd Australian Pioneer Battalion

4th Australian Division

4th Brigade

13th (New South Wales) Battalion, 14th (Victoria) Battalion, 15th (Q’land, Tas.) Battalion,

16th (S. and W. Australia) Battalion

12th Brigade

45th (New South Wales) Battalion, 46th (Victoria) Battalion, 47th (Q’land, Tas) Battalion, 48th (S. and W. Australia) Battalion

13th Brigade

49th (Queensland) Battalion, 50th (S. Australia Tas.) Battalion, 51st (W. Australia) Battalion, 52nd (S. and W. Australia, Tas.) Battalion


4th Australian Pioneer Battalion

5th Australian Division

8th Brigade

29th (Victoria) Battalion, 30th (New South Wales) Battalion, 31st (Q’land, Vic) Battalion,

32nd (S. & W. Australian) Battalion

14th (New South Wales) Brigade

53rd Battalion, 54th Battalion, 55th Battalion, 56th Battalion

15th (Victoria) Brigade

57th Battalion, 58th Battalion, 59th Battalion, 60th Battalion


5th Australian Pioneer Battalion

1st Canadian Division

1st Brigade

1st (Ontario) Battalion, 2nd (East Ontario) Battalion, 3rd (Toronto Regiment) Battalion, 4th Battlion

2nd Brigade

5th (Western Cavalry) Battalion, 7th Battalion (1st British Columbia), 8th Battalion (90th Rifles), 10th Battalion

3rd Brigade

13th Battalion (Royal Highlanders), 14th Battalion (R. Montreal Regt), 15th Battalion (48th Highlanders), 16th Battalion (Canadian Scottish)


1st Canadian Pioneer Battalion

2nd Canadian Division

4th Brigade

18th (W. Ontario) Battalion, 19th (Central Ontario) Battalion, 20th (Central Ontario) Battalion,

21st (Eastern Ontario) Battalion

5th Brigade

22nd (Canadian Francais) Battalion, 24th Battalion (Victoria Rifles), 25th Battalion (Nova Scotia Rifles), 26th (New Brunswick) Battalion

6th Brigade

27th (City of Winnipeg) Battalion, 28th (North-West) Battalion, 29th (Vancouver) Battalion,

31st (Alberta) Battalion


2nd Canadian Pioneers Battalion

3rd Canadian Division

7th Brigade

Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, Royal Canadian Regiment, 42 Battalion (Royal Highlanders), 49th (Edmonton) Battalion

8th Brigade

1st Canadian Mounted Regiment, 2nd Canadian Mounted Regiment, 4th Canadian Mounted Regiment, 5th Canadian Mounted Regeiment

9th Brigade

43rd Battalion (Cameron Highlanders), 52nd (New Ontario) Battalion, 58th Battalion, 60th Battalion (Victoria Rifles)


3rd Canadian Pioneer Battalion

4th Canadian Division

10th Brigade

44th Battalion, 46th (S. Saskatchewan) Battalion, 47th (British Columbia) Battalion, 50th (Calgary) Battalion

11th Brigade

54th (Kootenay) Battalion, 75th (Mississauga) Battalion, 87th Battalion (Canadian Grenadier Gds), 102nd Battalion

12th Brigade

38th (Ottawa) Battalion, 72nd Battalion (Seaforth Highlanders), 73rd Battalion (Royal Highlanders), 78th Battalion (Winnipeg Grenadiers)


67th Canadian Pioneer Battalion

New Zealand Division

1st New Zealand Brigade

1/Auckland, 1/Canterbury, 1/Otago, 1/Wellington

2nd New Zealand Brigade

2/Auckland, 2/Canterbury, 2/Otago, 2/Wellington

3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade

1/New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 2/New Zealand Rifle Brigade, 3/New Zealand Rifle Brigade,

4/New Zealand Rifle Brigade


New Zealand Pioneer Battalion

1 With 23rd Division until 15th July, in exchange for 70th Brigade

2 Exchanged with 110th Brigade of 37th Division, 7July

3 With 8th Division until 15th July in exchange for 24th Brigade

4 Replaced by 5th/6th Royal Scots, 29 July

5 Replaced by 12/L.N. Lanes., 19 October

6 Attached to 37th Division 7 July–21 August. Replaced by 111th Brigade

7 Attached to 37th Division 7 July–21 August. Replaced by 112th Brigade

8 Attached to 37th Division 7 July–21 August. Replaced by 9/North Staffordshire

9 Exchanged with 63rd Brigade, 21st Division, 7 July

10 Attached 7 July–21 August to 34th Division

11 Attached 7 July–21 August to 34th Division

12 Attached 7 July–21 August to 34th Division