When your heart is open, people know not only by your words but also by your actions.
When connecting with others I let my heart direct me. I feel each person has something to say that will enrich my life. This enrichment enables me to pass on the connections and share it with others. It is a choice to listen, to participate and learn what helps each of us to connect. When your heart is open, people know not only by your words but also by your actions. They can feel that you care and because of this they choose to allow you into their lives. They want to share with you thereby creating a connection.
You choose the energy level that exists between two people meeting for the first time. Energy, excitement, enthusiasm and a smile are sure ways to attract others to you. You create your life and the choices you make, so choose to make every connection a strong and positive one. Having a great attitude and being grateful for what you have brings blessings into your life. Being happy isn’t a function of your circumstances; it is a function of your attitude.
I have always had a great attitude and choose to have a sunny disposition to get me through everything that life throws my way. When my daughter was born with brain injury I could have allowed my circumstances to dictate my emotions. It would have been very easy to have a “Why me?” attitude. Instead, my attitude was “How do I fix it?” I decided to find out what she could and could not do. I then became determined to create a wonderful life for us. When you choose your attitude and response to your circumstances you make decisions, take action and take control.
In my profession as a chiropractor, I have people come in with complaints about aches and pains. It is my job to turn those around into solutions for a healthier life. Complaining is a negative choice and does not enhance problem solving, rather it repels it. Sometimes we are reluctant to open ourselves up and share our heart with others. By sharing my concern, enthusiasm and goals for their health, it helps them to understand someone cares and wants the best for them. I have found this is a rare find for some people. Surrounding yourself with those who care only enhances your ability to communicate feelings and make great connections.
Having a sunny disposition has enhanced my life. I’m nicknamed ‘the Energizer bunny,’ due to the excitement and energy I bring to each unique situation. My attitude and genuine care for people have a positive affect on the lives of others around me. They are more willing to open up and share their true wants and desires with me.
How is your attitude? Are you letting your circumstances close your heart and closing your chances for connections? Remember, it is easier to ride a roller coaster than to drag it behind you. By keeping a good attitude, and always looking forward, you will find an opportunity to make connections. Choose to have an attitude that will reflect the inner feelings of your heart. When you connect from the heart true feelings are shared, that is what connecting is about.