“Bonnie Ross-Parker inspires you to leave your imprint everywhere you go, by making every connection with everyone count. Learn to fall in love with the anticipation of meeting new people, and build lasting relationships with them. For anyone who wants to improve their communication skills, ‘42 Rules for Effective Connections’ is the book for you.”
Debbie Madiou, President, Liveonlinemeeting.com
“‘42 Rules for Effective Connections’ is not just an idle suggestion when coming from Bonnie Ross-Parker and Cindy Elsberry. After experiencing the passionate and authentic ‘voice’ of contributing writers you’ll quickly see that what they provide are the concise, practical steps to truly experiencing the joy of connecting with others and getting better results TODAY!”
Mary K Weinhagen, Editor,
“I’ve often said it’s who you know that gets you in the door, and what you know that keeps you there. ‘42 Rules for Effective Connections’ is about both of these—building meaningful connections that open doors, and sharing yourself with integrity so that you sustain lasting relationships. It’s a great book to read cover to cover or to just pick up when you have a moment or two. One idea could change your life.”
Marnie Pehrson, CEO/Founder, http://www.ideamarketers.com