The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
1950s, history of
1960s, history of
1970s, history of
The Age of Mackenzie King; disputes between authors; possible censorship of; republication of
Agnew, Spiro
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alligator Pie
All the President’s Men
Americanization, connection to popularity of Freudian ideas
Assignment Ottawa
Atwood, Margaret
Austin, Reverend Benjamin Fish
Balfour Declaration
Barr, A.M.
Bassett, John
Bear (Engel)
Beauharnois scandal
Berton, Pierre
biography, ideas about writing of
Blackstock, Peggy
Bliss, Michael
Borstelman, Thomas
British Book Services. See Heineman’s
Brockington, Leonard
Bush, Jack
Byng, Governor General. See King-Byng controversy
Cameron, A.K.
Camp, Dalton
Canada’s relations with Britain
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (csis). See Security Service
Cantacuzene, Princess
censorship: of King biographies; of media
Chisholm, Brock
Chrétien, Jean
Churchill, Winston
Claxton, Brooke
Cold War
Collier, James Lincoln
“colony to nation.” See Canada’s relations with Britain
Cook, Jack Kent
Cook, Ramsay
Cossitt, Tom
Côté, Jacqueline (Neatby)
Courtney, John
Creighton, Donald
Crerar, T.A.
Cummins, Geraldine
Daviault, Jean-Louis
Davies, Robertson
Dawson, Robert MacGregor
debt, attitudes toward
Deep Throat
deference: decline of in politics; as part of Canadian political tradition
democracy, Canadian history of
Dempson, Peter
Dexter, Grant
diary of Mackenzie King: arguments for access to; comparison to Watergate White House tapes; excitement over release of; history of; King’s wishes for; missing volume of; plans for destruction or preservation; special spiritualism binders; stolen copies of; use in the writing of official biography
Diefenbaker, John G.
drinking, changing attitudes toward
Dunton, Davidson
Eayrs, James
Edible Woman
education, changing attitudes toward
election of 1917
Engel, Marian. See Bear
Erikson, Erik
Esberey, Joy
espionage, connection of King diary to
“Establishment” critiques of
Ferns, H.S. (Harry): background of; conflict with Ostry; earlier writing on King; fears of censorship; involvement in 1976 republication of Age of Mackenzie King; views on King’s diary
Ford, Rob
Forsey, Eugene: background of; concern with Canada’s British traditions; criticism of Liberal Party; criticism of Mackenzie King; relationship with Arthur Meighen; response to The Incredible Canadian; views on education
Forster, Donald
Fotheringham, Allan
Fox, Paul
Fraser, Blair
French-English relations in Canada
Freud, Sigmund, popularization of his ideas
Freudian ideas: alternative versions of psychoanalysis; connection to a more authentic culture; influence on interpretations of Mackenzie King; role in anti-Victorianism, See also Oedipus Complex
Fukuyama, Francis
gambling, changing attitudes toward
Gibbes, Beatrice
Gibson, Frederick
Glasco, John
Gordon, Alan
Gouzenko spy scandal
government secrecy
Granatstein, J.L.
Gray, David
Grossert, Mathilde
Hamilton, Duchess of
Handy, J. Edouard
Hardy, H. Reginald
Harper, Bert
Haydon, Andrew
Herridge, Marjorie
Hill, Alan
Hillmer, Norman
Himmelfarb, Gertrude
historical memory
Hollis, Roger
honour, role in politics
Horney, Karen
Hughes, Helen
human rights. See rights revolution
Hutchison, Bruce
The Incredible Canadian; response to
independence of Canada. See Canada’s relations with Britain
Industry and Humanity
Institut Canadien Français
Joshua Then and Now
journalism: deference of; history of; investigative, rise of
Jung, Carl
Keable Inquiry
“King, Mary Mackenzie”
King, William Lyon Mackenzie: activities during First World War; attachment to his dogs; connection to John D. Rockefeller; connection with rebel grandfather; and conscription; corruption of; as deputy minister; earlier biographies, of; election as Liberal Party leader; as enigma; interest in spiritualism; involvement with labour unions; partisanship of; plans for his memoirs; policies regarding Quebec; as political genius; praise for; private life of; psychoanalytic interpretations of; racism of; reactions to the death of; relations with prostitutes, ; relationship with mother; romances with women; secret life; as symbol of the Establishment; unpopularity of; use of spiritualism in politics; views of Canadians toward; views of him as a man; wartime policies of; Weird Willie phenomenon; youth, See also diary of Mackenzie King; literary executors of Mackenzie King
King-Byng controversy
Kinsey Reports
Lady Chatterley’s Lover, trial
Laing, R.D.
Lamb, W. Kaye
Lambert, Norman
Lapierre, Laurier
Lapointe, Ernest
Larkin, P.C.
Larkin, Philip
Laurendeau, André
Laurier, Wilfrid
Lee, Dennis
Leiterman, Douglas
Lewis, John
liberalism, changes to
Liberal Party of Canada: changes to by 1970s; status of in 1950s;
literary executors of Mackenzie King: appointment of; attempts to minimize attention given to King’s interest in spiritualism; criticisms of; decision to open up King’s diary; decisions regarding King’s diary and other papers; role in King’s official biography
London Spiritualist Alliance
Macdonald, John A.
The Mackenzie King Record
Maclean’s magazine
MacLennan, Hugh
MacTavish, Duncan
The Manchurian Candidate
The Manticore
Markham, Violet
McAree, J.V.
McDonald Commission
McDougald, Wilfrid
McGill University
McGillicuddy, Owen Ernest
McGregor, Fred
McKinnon, Corporal D.L.
McNaughton, General Andrew
Mead, Margaret
Meighen, Arthur
Meisel, John
Memoirs of Montparnasse
Menniner, Karl
Menninger, Karl
Menon, Krishna
mental illness, changing attitudes toward
money, changing attitudes toward
Mulock, William
Mulroney, Brian
Murphy, Charles
narrative history
National Film Board
National Resource Mobilization Act
Neatby, H. Blair
Neatby, Hilda
Needham, Richard
neo-liberalism, similarity to 1960s radicalism
Nevitte, Neil
Newman, Peter
Nicholson, Colonel L.H.
Nixon, Richard
Norman, Herbert
Oedipus Complex
official biography of W.L. Mackenzie King
O’Leary, Grattan
Operation Featherbed
Ostry, Bernard: background; denial of access to papers in archives; involvement in 1976 republication of Age of Mackenzie King; relations with Ferns; as representative of new Ottawa; role in promoting Age of Mackenzie King; role in writing Age of Mackenzie King
Ostry, Sylvia
Ouellet, Fernand
Papineau, Julie
Patteson, Joan
Pearson, Lester
Pentagon Papers
Pickersgill, J.W.
Pincher, Chapman
plebiscite. See conscription
Pollitt, Nan
Porter, John
post-war era, history of
Power, Charles Gavan (Chubby)
privacy, right of politicians to
Psychic News
psychic research. See King, William Lyon Mackenzie, interest in spiritualism; spiritualism
psychoanalysis. See Freud, Sigmund
Ralston, J.L.
Rebel without a Cause
Reid, Tim
respectability, role in politics
revolt of army during Second World War, story of
Richler, Mordecai
rights revolution
Riordan, Kitty
Ritchie, Charles
Robertson, Gordon
Robertson, Heather
Robertson, Norman
Rockefeller Foundation
Rodgers, Daniel T.
Rogers, Norman
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service. See Security Service
Rumilly, Robert
St Laurent, Louis
Saturday Night
Scott, F.R.
The Scripts of Cleophas
Security Service (RCMP)
self: morality of; as source of truth
self-revelation. See authenticity
Sinclair, Margaret (Maggie) (Trudeau)
Smith, Wilfrid
The Smug Minority
Society for Psychical Research
spiritualism: British attitudes toward; Canadians attitudes toward; history of
Stacey, C.P.
statesman: decline of; idea of; right to privacy
Stevenson, John
Stewart, Alastair
Strachey, Lytton
Stratton, Allan
Taylor, Charles
television, Canadian history of
Their Trade Is Treachery
This Hour Has Seven Days
Toronto Telegram
Trudeau, Margaret. See Sinclair, Margaret
Trudeau, Pierre
Trump, Donald
Truscott, Stephen
University of Toronto Press
The Vertical Mosaic
A Very Double Life
Vietnam War
Walker, H.J.
The Watch That Ends the Night
Watergate scandal
Watson, Patrick
Weekend Magazine
Weird Willie. See King, William Lyon Mackenzie
welfare state
Whitaker, Reg
Willie: A Romance (Robertson), See also Robertson, Heather
Winnipeg Free Press
Worster, Donald
Wriedt, Etta
Wylie, Philip