Growing up in San Antonio, I was constantly taught by my family the history of our beautiful city. The main reason for this was because my family and I are descendants of the original people of San Antonio known as the Canary Islanders. They were chosen by the King of Spain in the early 1730s to make the long journey from their homes to establish a new world. I often wonder what they must have thought when they first came to this area. They had many hardships and struggles with the land and constant battles with Indians. Eventually, they settled into their new lives and began to build the city we know today.
Almost three hundred years later, my family still lives here and continues to teach their children about their rich heritage. Because of their teachings, I grew up knowing a lot about San Antonio and its history. When I had friends visit me, I couldn’t help but give them my own tour of the city. I felt like I had a great knowledge of the city and wanted to share as much as I could about it. I not only loved the history but was also fascinated by all the ghost stories San Antonio is home to.
During Halloween, it was a family tradition to read from a ghost book while we drove around at night and visited each spot. I loved to hear my mother recount all the spooky tales. Halloween was always my favorite time of year, and I loved to host parties and invite friends over. Somehow, I always ended up near the campfire telling ghost stories.
When my family went on vacation, we tried to visit historic cities so that we could learn more about them. At night, we would take a ghost tour. (I was always absolutely enamored and thrilled by these tours).
Later on in life, I met my future husband, James, who was living at that time in Jacksonville, Florida. He lived about thirty minutes from St. Augustine, known as the oldest operating city in the United States. It is also considered to be extremely haunted. As luck would have it, one of our very first dates was on a ghost tour. James was very skeptical at first; he didn’t know what to expect. After the tour ended, he was surprised by how much he enjoyed it, and all the history he learned.
After we were married a year, we decided to go on a ghost tour in San Antonio. Living here all these years, I had never thought of doing one in my own city. I was curious how they would present our history and ghost stories. After trying out a few different tours, we became somewhat disappointed. We didn’t feel we had taken anything away from our experience like we had with the other tours. They also seemed to focus too much on ghost hunting rather than the history and the reasons ghosts haunted certain buildings.
This is around the time that we decided to open up our own ghost tour company. This was a dream come true for me, as I had the opportunity to dress up in historical costume and talk about the history and ghost stories of my favorite city. We were thrilled by how fast the company grew, and soon, we added on a second tour with the Menger Hotel.
After doing so many tours, we got to know a lot of the employees that worked in haunted buildings and also the owners. They all told us their own experiences and why they knew their buildings were haunted. We began to compile their eyewitness accounts and decided that we wanted to write a book. San Antonio just has too much history and too many ghost stories to tell about in one evening. A book would give a reader the opportunity to learn and explore even more of the city’s haunted past.
This book is intended to give people a better idea of how our city once was and the reason why there are so many ghosts that haunt it. We hope the reader comes away from reading this book with more knowledge of this beautiful city and all the many spectral tales that come with it.