Chapter 2



Annie O’Shea watched Tess from a few feet away. “Thanks for having Sisters of Fire night at your house.”

No problem.”

She knew Tess didn’t mind, but still Annie fumed. She was scheduled to have the group to her own home, but Colin had to work late at his parents’ company, so he couldn’t be responsible for Bridget. Her mother-in-law came over to babysit. “Mothers-in-law have to have their TV.” And the only one in her small house was in the living room.

Vince’s mother cut me out of her life after the divorce.”

I’m sorry.”

You know, we were close, and boom, now I’m the enemy.”

How’s Vinny?” Annie asked, changing the subject.

He still blames me, but as I said, I asked for the divorce.”

Vinny cheated on you. Tell your son that and he won’t hate you anymore.”

I can’t do that.”

No, you’re too nice of a person.”

Back at you, kiddo.” Tess smiled. “How are you?”

Knowing her dark hair was messy and her hazel eyes tired, Annie glanced away. Thankfully, the doorbell rang again. Lynne and JJ arrived and on their heels was Trish. So, Annie didn’t have to answer Tess’s question. Her life was in turmoil.

Tess poured six glasses of wine, then they sat on the porch, since it was June and a warm breeze wafted through the wall of window screens. They talked about Tess’s updating and remodeling of her house, making it even bigger. The doorbell rang again right when she was explaining about the work she’d done and what she’d hired out, so Annie got up. “I’ll get it.”

She opened the door to Brooke.

Bruised eyes looked up at her. “Sorry I’m late. I was at the hospital.”

Annie pulled Brooke inside and hugged her. Brooke had seemed to whither in the last month since her husband’s diagnosis. She’d lost weight and for the first time, her face was showing lines around her mouth and eyes. “Oh, honey, never apologize for taking care of Zach.”

Brooke followed Annie out to the back porch. Everybody made a fuss over her, and before she sat, she stuck her hands in her jeans’ pockets. “I’ll tell you the latest, but I don’t want to focus on Zach’s issues all night. I need to escape.”

Trish handed her a glass of Chardonnay. “Whatever you want, honey.”

Annie was constantly surprised by the changes in Trish since her ex-boyfriend died and she’d gotten together with Nathan Mitchell. Her use of the endearment was only one of them.

Brooke reached for the wineglass but stopped abruptly. “Oh, my God, what’s on your hand?”

Trish giggled. “An engagement ring.”

Everybody started talking all at once.

Finally, JJ whistled with her fingers in her mouth. “Brooke first. Then Trish, you go but know you’re a devil for not spilling right away.”

They all sat. A pall fell over them. “The tumors aren’t shrinking, yet,” Brooke choked out. “He’s had four rounds of chemo, and the doctor was talking surgery if the next two don’t work.”

Oh, no…”

Oh, Brooke…”

I’m so sorry.”

I’m devastated. I just told my two boys. They’re crushed, too. Which is why I can’t keep thinking about it anymore tonight.” She turned to Trish. “So, when and what does this all mean?”

When was last night.” Her blue/gray eyes danced. “He surprised me with it. He knew I’d never pick one out for myself. And I think he was a little worried if he asked, I’d say no.”

Would you have?” Annie wanted to know.

Trish made a sucking sound of disgust. “No, of course not. I’m in love, big-time, and I’m going for it.”

You’ve made a lot of progress in therapy.” Tess smiled. “I’m so glad.”

I have. I’m keeping it up a while longer to iron out all the shit from my childhood, but I’m ready to move on.”

Good for you.” Tess surveyed the room. “Any other news?”

I got some.” JJ’s hair was getting longer, and her blue eyes sparkled at her statement.

Has a position opened up?” Annie asked.

JJ had been promoted to lieutenant earlier in the year. “It will, in three months, when Jed Barker at Engine 2 firehouse retires.”

Tess frowned. “But he’s a captain.”

The brass wants me to take the captaincy exam before then.”

How come?” Lynne asked.

They’re fast-tracking me.”

Why?” Then Lynne’s eyes widened. “No offense, JJ.”

None taken. Because of some initiative to put millennial women in the upper ranks of the department. I have to take classes, study for the test, and shadow some current captains.”

There’s not a captain on our force under forty-five,” Brooke mused. “But I’m not that surprised about the fast-tracking. You’ve been running rings around the guys your age, and even most of the older smoke eaters. Good for you, JJ.”

The rest agreed.

When the celebration of her success wound down, JJ asked, “Tess, what about you?”

What about me?”

David’s back.”

Yeah, I’m really glad.” Geez, Annie thought, did she know how sappy her expression was? “I feel better when he’s at work.”

And Chet’s still there till July?” Tess nodded. “Is it hard with three officers in the same unit?”

We have a team that we work with full-time, too. So, no, not odd.”

I don’t think David likes Chet much,” Trish put in. “I see him occasionally at the academy.”

You know, I get that feeling too.” Tess frowned. “I can’t imagine why.”

The girls exchanged looks.

What was that for?”

Honey,” Brooke offered softly, “maybe David’s jealous.”

Of what?”

Boy you can be obtuse.” Sometimes JJ wasn’t very sensitive. “How many times have we told you that Chet has a crush on you.”

I know that. I had breakfast with him once, and we went to dinner a bit ago.” She sighed. “Truthfully, he doesn’t appeal to me that much.”

He’s no David.”

No, he isn’t but…oh, you think David’s jealous that I’ve been dating Chet?” She tried to hide a smile, but Annie caught it.

Duh!” JJ again.

You know it’s not like that between us.”

Silence all around.

Tess cocked her head.

Annie blurted out, “It’s always been like that between you two. You didn’t act on your sexual attraction because you were married to other people. I admire you for that, but neither of you are with anyone now.”

I feel things for David. I always have. But—"

Someone else came to the doorway. He resembled Vince so much with his nearly black hair and eyes that for a minute, Annie mistook him for his father.

Tess’s dark eyes widened. “Vinny? Did I get the nights mixed up?”

Vinny looked like he’d been crying. Must be something big because Annie knew thirteen-year-old boys didn’t cry much.

Dad, um, Dad’s got a date. He told me about a half hour ago I was coming here.” His gaze locked on his mother. “He said he’d call you.”

Tess always kept her phone on her in case Vinny needed her. She would have known if her ex had called. Tess stood. “What do you need right now, honey?”

Nothin’. I’ll just go up to my room.” He turned away, and Tess followed him. She glanced over her shoulder. “Annie, get out the buffet whenever you’re ready.”

After she left, JJ shook her head. “Vince is a shit. She should tell her son about him.”

He’s a fucking asshole.” Lynne had taken to swearing a lot lately.

Annie stood. “Let’s put out the buffet. It’s ham, potato salad, a relish tray and my chocolate roll for dessert.”

Where’d you get the time?” Brooke asked.

Bridget naps. It’s her night feedings that kill me.”

They set dinner up on the kitchen island and were dishing out their meals when Tess returned. “Can I cut in? I want to bring Vinny food.”

Is he okay?” Annie asked.

Yeah. I’d like to wring Vince’s neck, though. He’d been drinking, and a girl was coming over. He called Vinny an Uber and sent him to me.”

He is something else!” JJ frowned. “How’d you put up with him so long?”

Tess shrugged, but Annie could tell the question hurt her. Crossing to JJ and when they resumed getting food, she pulled her aside. “JJ, I know you mean well, but could you try to be more sensitive to Tess. She’s upset.”

JJ sighed. “God, sometimes I have no tact. Thanks for pointing it out. I will, I promise.”

Later, Annie saw her talking to Tess. Annie was glad to see that. She needed the Sisters of Fire around her these days to stay sane.


* * *


Hey, Dad.”

Hi, Linc.” David swallowed hard. Today would be tough enough, but from the sound of his son’s voice on the phone, he wasn’t going to get help from Linc, which Hope had requested in a letter before she died.

I’m sorry, but the kids came down with bad colds. Lacy had to go to a nurse-training thing. I can’t come today. Actually, I’ve already got a stuffy head.”

I could drive there. Make you soup. Take care of all three of you.”

And catch this? That’s all you need.”

All right.” He tried to keep the disappointment from his voice. “Check in periodically by text, would you? I don’t want to wake you up if you’re napping.”

Okay. Listen, wait till next weekend to clean out Mom’s things. I know this was the date she said to do it, but I’ll be better by then and the task can wait.”

We’ll see. Take care. I love you.”

Love you, too.”

When he disconnected, David poured himself a mugful of coffee and walked out to his stone patio. Summer was in full swing, and the temperature was rising daily. He remembered building this large expanse of patio, with a two-foot wall and another two feet of flower boxes tracing the perimeter. Hope had been so excited when it was finished.


She’d been a wonderful woman and terrific wife. She’d chosen to stay home with Linc until he went to school, then worked some shifts at the library where she’d once been the boss.

And she took care of him, too. He remembered what she did even in those last days, when she had lucid moments…

She’d awakened from a good night’s sleep, and he’d come into their bedroom with her breakfast. “Good morning.”

Hello, darling. I feel up to doing more today.” She glanced down at the protein shake, her usual meal. “Can I have eggs instead?”

Encouraged by her energy, he’d gladly fixed eggs and toast and they ate them on the bed. When he’d cleared the dishes and returned, she patted the mattress. “Sit again.” She had her tablet on her lap. “We have some things to decide.” She’d already written a document about end-of-life care—she wanted to stay at home, so they hired an overnight nurse to come in at six. She insisted on no heroic measures, though, to keep her alive.

What’s left to do, sweetheart?” His voice was strained as he glanced at the tablet.

A to do list for you.”


Yes. First off, I want you to take a month off to recover from my passing.” David thought at the time he’d never recover. “Second are some housekeeping things. Pictures are okay to keep out, but a month after I pass, I want you to clean out my clothes in here, and redecorate.”

Oh, Hope, no. That’s too soon.”

I’ve been dying for thirteen months, David. Promise me you’ll get Linc up here and you’ll do it together.”

Reluctantly, he agreed. But it was her next demand that poleaxed him. “And you can find someone else at any time. As I said, thirteen months is a long time without a real partner—and yes, I’m talking about sex. And a mutual relationship.”

Absolutely not.”

Hope had been patient. Listed why her request was okay. But her last point threw him even more. “Start with Tess DiMarco.”


She’s single again. I adore her and she’s been so kind to me since I got sick.”

It’s not like that between Tess and me. We’re close, but I’m more like her father.”

No, David, you’ve suppressed your feelings for her for a long time. I’ve seen it in both of you for years and appreciated how you kept your affection under control. But when I’m gone, you can allow yourself to see her as a woman you’ve come to love…”

He’d wanted to rail at the fates, but he couldn’t. Because Hope was right, he cared deeply for Tess, had kept his feelings in check. Had felt the attraction to her many times, and he knew her so well he was aware that she’d returned both.

Where Hope had been wrong was that he’d pursue another woman, even her, now. It was too soon.

Sighing, David checked his watch. 9 a.m. Huh. He could still fulfill part of her instructions. He could clean out the bedroom and think about redecorating. He was halfway up the steps when the doorbell rang. Somehow, he knew who it was. Tess DiMarco had been summoned by the ghost of his beloved wife.

He opened the door and her gaze narrowed on him. “What’s wrong?” she said without a greeting.

A lot, still.”

She held up a white bag. “I brought you those cranberry scones you like.”

Come in and we’ll share them. I wouldn’t mind another cup of coffee.”

I’d like one, too.”

Probably because of Hope’s dictum, he allowed himself to study her. She wore those denim things Hope had called capris and a short-sleeved pink blouse. Something white and lacy peeked out of the vee. Her hair was up in a ponytail, so she looked a lot younger. And sexier.

Something amiss with me?” she asked touching her face. “You’re staring.”

Just thinking how cute you look.”



He poured them coffee and she shook out the crusty scones. They sipped their drinks and she bit into one. A crumb lingered on her jaw and he swiped it off with his thumb. She swallowed hard. She was feeling it, too. But she drew back. And cleared her throat. “W-what’s a lot that’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “Before Hope died, she made to do lists for me for after she was gone.”

A genuine laugh from Tess. “That sounds so much like her.”

His pulse sped up. He wanted badly to tell her what she said about them. But he couldn’t get the words out. “One was to clean out her clothes from the bedroom and start redecorating.”


She gave me only a month. She was adamant.”

You shouldn’t clean out her things alone. It was hard for Mom when I helped pack and send off Dad’s clothes. I can’t imagine for you…”

Yeah. But I have to adhere to her wishes.”

Why didn’t you ask Linc to help?”

I did. He was all set to come. But he called and said the kids came down with colds, and Lacy has to go for a Saturday nurse training. He doesn’t feel so hot himself. So, he canceled.”

Reaching over the table, Tess squeezed his hand. He linked their fingers and held on. “Wait for him, then. Hope wouldn’t mind.”

I’ve prepared myself for this today, so I want to get it out of the way.”

She cocked her head. “Then let me pitch in.”

That was the last thing he should do. He should turn her away. “I’m sure you’ve got plans for your Saturday.”

I don’t. The kids went to Vince’s and Mom has a day out with girlfriends. I’m kind of at loose ends.”

If you’re sure.”

Absolutely.” She let go of him and stood, held out that hand. “Let’s go.”

He grabbed her hand and stood. He wanted to hold her badly. Meld her body to his. But he resisted. He did let her lead him upstairs.


* * *


Tess walked into their bedroom, where she’d visited David’s wife many times over the months she’d been sick and dying. And when needed, she’d stayed with Hope to give David a break. They knew her prognosis was terminal. Tess and Hope had had long talks about death, and Hope shared her concern about David.

Shaking off the images, Tess spied boxes on the bed. “Where shall we start?”

I have no idea.”

His demeanor had changed as soon as they got inside the private space. Downstairs, he’d looked at her…differently. He’d made physical overtures that caused her to shiver inside. Now, he was all business, so Tess followed suit.

Let’s do the closet. We’ll fold her clothes and box them up. Then do the shoes.”

Sounds like a plan.”

Is there anything you want to keep?” she asked.

Lacy wants a scarf. Linc, her jewelry. To give to Lacy and save for the boys when they are older and have wives of their own.”

She had some nice pieces.”

His brow rose. “Would you like one?”

No, no. But you’re sweet to ask. I’d love to have a scarf, though.” She crossed to the huge walk-in closet in the far corner of the room, next to a bathroom, pulled open the door. And froze. Oh, Lord, David’s clothes were missing. He must have given the room to her.

He came up behind her, put his hands on her shoulders. “I moved my stuff into the guest room when she got too sick to sleep with me.”

Turning, she felt like crying, but suppressed the emotion. She hugged him and he hugged back. Then they walked inside and put a box in the middle. He started on one end and Tess the other. “Tell me something nice. Distract me.”

As Tess reached for a lovely peach suit, she said, “Trish is so happy, David. She got engaged.”

Holy Lord! Already?”

Uh-huh.” Tess took out a bathrobe and put that in the box. “They’re not rushing into marriage, like I did.”

Yeah, I remember that time. You didn’t plan on the pregnancy fourteen years ago. You still had so much to do.”

But I did it.” She smiled and watched him fold a delicate negligee. She had to turn away from the sight because she wished he was holding her sexy nightgown instead.

You’re damn right. I was so proud of you for taking a year off your job to be with Izzy, coming back, then deciding to go to the academy as a recruit.”

I had a push.” She chuckled. “A big one.”

He stopped and smiled over at her. His blond hair was a bit mussed, and his green eyes tired. “What did you say that time? Something like, David stop. You’re being too forceful about this.

And you said, I will not stop where your welfare is concerned.” She caught his gaze and held it. “And you never have. Thank you for that.”

You’re welcome.”

Soon the clothing was off the racks and along with shoes stored in several boxes. They made quick work of the drawers, where Tess found a long, pink and red scarf to keep.

Then they went to her bathroom. It was set up for a sick person, with a shower seat and grab rails. Everything Hope would need was out on the long counter, and a bottom cabinet had been removed when she went into a wheelchair. “I put all that stuff lower.” He picked up a bottle of French perfume. Sprayed. The airy, aromatic, and a bit exotic scent filled her head. “She wore this even when she was sick.” He swallowed hard, and when he looked at Tess, there were tears in his eyes.

She said, “Go out into the bedroom and take the boxes downstairs. I’ll do in here.”

No, I can—”

Scents can be painful. I smelled Vince’s aftershave on Vinny a while ago and it got me behind the knees.”

Squeezing her shoulder, he left the bathroom.

When she finished, she came out and found the boxes gone. But when she went to the doorway, David was leaning against the wall. This was hard for him, as she’d known it would be. He looked at her. “She has winter clothes stored in a spare bedroom.”

Should we split up to make this go faster?”

No! You’re making this horrible task so much easier. We’ll talk more and I’ll turn on some music.”

They ended up with jazz to fill in silent spaces as they finished the main bedroom, leaving only her jewelry box, a big standing one that held her precious objects.

The winter clothes were bulkier and went slower, but by noon, they’d finished with them. “Should we move your clothes into the bedroom?” she asked.

Not yet. She wanted me to redecorate the space. I may paint it when I do the whole room.”

What color?”

I always loved the slate blue of your living room at Rose’s.”

It’s lovely.” She sat on the bed because of the tension of the task and David’s presence. She tried to relax her shoulders. “So, will you recover the chair? If so, do it with a pattern. There’s lots of choices. I put one in my room.”

I’d like to see it.”

He hadn’t meant the comment to have double meaning but somehow the sight of him in her bedroom wouldn’t leave her mind.

A rug?” he said.

Neutral.” Her voice came out hoarse. “Wood for the new bed and dressers?”


Will you give the old furniture away?”

No, Linc has an empty room. He’ll take most of it.”

I always liked the skylights and windows in your bedroom.”

Me, too.”

He sat down next to her. Took her hand again. Locked their fingers together again. As a soulful saxophone came from the house’s stereo system, he cocked his head. “Have I told you lately what a good friend you’ve been to me?”

Yes. A million times. I care deeply about you, David.”

I care deeply for you.” He held her gaze. “I’ve kept it in check all these years.”

The confession brought a heavy sigh to her lips. Finally, she said out loud, “I’ve kept it in check, too, David.”