Chapter 7



It was a small fire; only the bedroom had burned. Tess, David and Chet, who had a couple of weeks to go in his tenure with them, had arrived at the scene to find the fire was out.

The rumble of an idling truck and engine filled the air as David crossed Incident Command, spoke with the battalion chief, then headed back to the jeep. “No witnesses, nobody on the scene. Still, Chet, would you mind interviewing the firefighters?”

Not at all. This isn’t going to take much time.”

Tess and David approached the house. He noticed she’d tugged the zipper down on her jumpsuit. They carried their masks and wore their helmets. “The crew went in through the front door, so let’s check the back of the house first.”

There, they found the bedroom window open, and a few panes of glass had cracked. Pry marks on the outside were from jimmying an entrance. And a chair had been kicked to the side. Tess bent over it and slapped her palm against the wall of the house.

Huh! Was she all right? “Something wrong?”

Um, no, just didn’t want to lose my balance. There’s mud on the chair.”

Then this is the point of entry.” David donned the mask and poked his head through the window. The bed was charred but the dressers and floor across the room were not. “Looks like the point of origin was the bed. We have to go inside.”

Heading around the house to the front, Tess donned her mask and they entered the foyer. At the room, David pointed to the char marks on the top of the door. “This was closed.”


They went inside. Again, David suggested, “I’ll take this dresser, you do the one over there.” He waved to the intact furniture.

Nodding, she crossed to the long, white chest of drawers while he examined the others. Soon, she came back. “I found a watch case split open, like somebody had grabbed it then dropped it back down. An empty jewelry box sat on the floor. A vase of wilted flowers and some perfume bottles hadn’t been affected by the fire, either. Find anything here?”

He held up a necklace. “This was on the floor. As was an earring by the window.”

Looks like robbery, right?”

Yep.” He frowned. “Or it was made to look like a robbery.”


The bed was deeply charred, and a pink purse had melted on the covers. Since this appeared to be an arson to cover theft, despite other possibilities, he’d call the police.

Where’s Manwaring, Tess?”

I don’t know. I was wondering why he didn’t come when this went out over the police scanner.”

David mumbled under his breath, “I hope he had a hot date.” It was six in the evening.

If Tess heard, she ignored his comment.

They stayed at the scene until the rest of the rooms were videoed and photographed. His crew tagged and bagged the evidence, then took off for the lab at the academy. Chet also gave them the report from two firefighters, then headed out too.

Let’s go,” David said.

Back at the arson jeep, they took off the jumpsuits and put their gear in the trunk. Then, David turned to her. She was so pretty, even with her hair messy, her eyes a bit red. “I don’t think we can do much until we get some analysis. Are you hungry?”


Would you share a meal with me?”

She cocked her head. “Yes.”


* * *


On the way to the restaurant, Tess was acutely aware of the man next to her. They hadn’t been in the charred bedroom long enough to have absorbed the scents, and she caught a whiff of his aftershave. His hair was mussed from removing the helmet and she longed to run her hand through it. She tore her gaze away to stop the well of feeling for him.

They arrived at Marcello’s in ten minutes and were seated in the back, as they had many times over the years. But everything was different now. Tess couldn’t forget how they’d tangled the sheets together, sweaty and wanting. The images wouldn’t stop coming, no matter how hard she tried to stuff them down. Over the candle in the middle of the table, he asked, “A glass of wine?”

No thanks. I’ll have a seltzer.”

Tess had done a pregnancy test which, of course, was positive, but she waited to call her doctor as it had only been a few weeks. She wished there was a chance she wasn’t pregnant, but she knew the test was correct because the signs were the same as her last pregnancy. And the symptoms kept worsening. Plus, they hadn’t used protection.

Where’d you go?”

Just daydreaming.” In the dim light, she focused on the father of her child. She’d tell him, eventually, but not yet. His face was drawn with fatigue and sleeplessness. Hope’s death, the turmoil of their relationship and the arsons were taking their toll on him. Maybe she could do something about that.

David, after Zach died, I realized how random life is. It can end at any time. I don’t want any rancor between us anymore.” Though there had been less since her friend’s passing.

He took her hand across the white tablecloth. “Thank you, Mary Theresa. I want that, too.”

She smiled at the name. He left his hand in hers, rubbed her wrist with his thumb. She wondered if he even knew what he was doing. She knew, from the prickle of her skin.

Tess, you never told me why Vince came over that night when Sir Lancelot saved the day.”

Suppressing a chuckle at his nomenclature, she said, “Vince wanted to whine about the kids. About Izzy refusing to clean his disgusting bathroom. Things like that. I knew he’d never be very good at dealing with an adolescent girl.”

Is eleven an adolescent?”

These days, it is. They were disappointed you didn’t come to the barbeque.”

What did you tell them?”

That you were busy.” She arched a brow. “Not that you had written me that stupid email.”

I’ve been thinking about that. I should have talked to you in person.” He shook his head. “I’ve bungled so much between us.”

A huge sigh. “Water under the damn. Let’s just go on from here.”

Because of Zach?”

A pause. He’d given her a perfect opportunity to tell him about the pregnancy now. “Yeah, because of Zach.”

Her steak and salad seemed to settle well in her stomach. After they paid the bill—she insisted they go Dutch and he didn’t argue this time—they walked out the door, got in the jeep and headed back to the academy to get her car.

When they arrived, she turned in her seat. “Thanks, David, it was nice to be with you again.” That was an understatement.

For me, too.” His voice was hoarse on the last word and he slid his hand around her neck, kissed her forehead. He got out first and circled the hood to open her door. She’d told him that wasn’t necessary a long time ago, but he insisted on being chivalrous.

Tess slid out of the seat and stood. Or tried to. A wave of dizziness flooded her. “Oh.” She grabbed the top of the open door when her knees buckled.

He grasped onto her so she wouldn’t fall and pulled her up and into his arms. “Are you all right?”

I—” She sucked in a breath and managed to straighten. “I got dizzy.”

From what? You didn’t drink anything.”

I haven’t been sleeping well because I’m worried about Brooke. Must be that.”

Have you been dizzy before?”

A bit at the fire scene. It passed. This is going away too.”

Is that really why you flattened your palm against the wall.”


She drew back, opened her purse and fished out the keys.

Like hell. You’re not driving. Get back in the car.”


He snatched her keys away. “I’m not letting you drive home after two dizzy spells.”

You know how these kinds of macho things annoy me. I have the right to decide whether I should drive.” But as soon as she said the words, her stomach roiled and she knew in her heart she was in no condition to get behind the wheel. It was late, dark, and she really didn’t feel well.

Be annoyed then.”

Exhausted now, she climbed back into the car and did up her seatbelt. When he got in, he turned to her. “I’m not being macho, honey. I’m worried that you’ll have an accident.”

The endearment seeped through her like fine wine. “I know. Just take me home. Mom can drive me to work in the morning.”

I’ll pick you up.”

David, listen to what I said. Mom will drive me!”

All right. But I’m not going to apologize for protecting you.”

He didn’t know the irony of his words. Had he protected her—or they’d protected each other—she wouldn’t be having these dizzy spells.


* * *


Ah, this feels good.” David looked out over the golf course as the trees swung gently and ruffled both his and his son’s hair. Sunlight dappled the ground around them.

Yeah. It’s nice to get away from my family.” A grim tone was unusual for his boy.

David halted mid-swing. “I’ve never heard you say anything like that.”

But now that he studied Linc, he could see the tightness of his jaw, the tense, narrow gaze. “I’m mad about Lacy going away tomorrow with her girlfriends for a long weekend. I’ve had the boys non-stop since they’ve been out of school.” Linc worked from home most days. “I have a job to do and they mostly let me, but they interrupt when she’s not there.”

Lacy and Linc were very much in love, but even a good relationship had its tiffs. “I can see why that would be an issue.”

Linc threw down his club and jammed his hands in his pockets. “I hate being mad at her. And I’m a terrible dad for not wanting to be with the kids all the time.”

Then I was, too. We used to leave you with your grandparents to take time away from you.”

His brows arched. “I liked going to their house.”

I rest my case. Now, how about if this grandparent takes the boys for a few days? I’m having them tomorrow anyway for the Fire Department Fun Day at the amusement park. Let them come back with me after we finish playing. We’ll have a longer sleepover. You and Lacy have the night together alone, which might help you get rid of the anger.”

Your plan was to only have them for the day.”

Plans change.”

Dad, you’re still grieving.”

So are you.”

And you’ve got a serial arsonist on your hands. You don’t need my problems.”

I’m always here for you.”

I didn’t mean to lay this on you.”

Lincoln David Ashford, it’ll be good to have someone in my house for a while.” The boys would distract him from obsessing about Tess. “I like the idea.”

You’re sure?”

Uh-huh. Now, maybe you can enjoy the rest of our game.”

They did, both scoring their all-time low. They were smiling afterward.

Noah and Patrick were packed when he and his son returned from golf. Linc had called ahead and asked Lacy to get their stuff together and include a few days’ worth of clothing.

The boys chattered all the way back to Crystal Corners. By the time they reached his house, David was already feeling better than he had all week.


* * *


Isabella and Maria ran ahead of Tess as they entered Eldridge Park for Firefighter Fun Day. She started to call out for them to wait for her, until she saw them heading toward David. And, oh look, he had his grandsons with him! Like always the girls threw themselves into David’s arms and he hugged them. When she reached the fivesome, David took off his sunglasses. “Hi, there.”

God, did he have to look so freaking good in his dark green shorts and a sage T-shirt, which pulled across his shoulders? Even his face seemed…less tense.

Hi, there.” She glanced behind him, where their children had gathered. “You brought your grandsons.”

Yeah, I planned to have them for today. But they’re staying for the weekend. Linc needs some down time and Lacy’s going away with her teacher friends.”

Instinctively she moved closer. “Is Linc all right?” Tess loved his son. He was so much like David, so that was probably why.

David put his hand on her arm. “I always treasured how solicitous you were of him.”

That’s not going to change.”

He left his hand where it was and his scent, much like the morning, was fresh and woodsy.

Linc’s okay. Relationships, even good ones like theirs, get messy sometimes.”

Suddenly angered, Tess stepped back. “How do you dare say that to me?” she whispered harshly.

He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

You’re avoiding a mess with me.” She glanced away. Damn it. Her hormones were making her moods erratic. She took in a deep breath then looked back at him. “I shouldn’t have said that. I know what I agreed to.”

You don’t have to walk on egg shells around me.”

Whatever. I’m going into the park with the girls. Have a good day.”

When they approached the kids, Patrick’s face lit. “Hey, Tess.”

Noah gave her a quick hug around the waist.

Quiet Izzy spoke up. “Mom, isn’t it great seeing Noah and Patrick again. They want to go around the park with us.”

I thought you were planning to look for some of your soccer teammates here.”

I’d rather be with these guys and Maria.”

David sighed dramatically. “You don’t want to be with your Papa?”

We do!” Noah looked longingly at Isabella. “She said she’d hold my hand on the Ferris Wheel.”

David frowned. “I planned to go on the rides with you. I can hold your hand.”

Noah and Patrick exchanged glances. Patrick blurted out, “It’s not as much fun with you.”

David smiled. He wasn’t offended, which made him all the more attractive. “Ask Tess if it’s okay.”

She wasn’t going to be the bad guy. “Yes, it’s okay.”

As she walked alongside David to the rides, she could hear the bark of vendors calling people to throw softballs, pick up ducks, and toss rings. At one point, as they threaded their way to a crowd, he put his hand on the small of her back. Just that light, public contact made her core contract. She wanted his touch so much she could almost not stand it. After the path cleared, she whispered to him, “Being so close to you is killing me.”

He shook his head. “Me, too. Maybe I shouldn’t have brought the boys after all that’s happened.”

No, you should have,” she said quietly. “We’re just colleagues. I have no right feeling this white-hot attraction here at the park, for God’s sake.”

His brow arched. “White-hot, huh?”

She saw he was smiling. “Cut it out. But it’s good to see you joke.”

They reached the Ferris Wheel and David hesitated. “They’re only eight and nine. Maria’s six. I think you or I should go with them.”

Isabella overheard him. “David, I’m almost twelve. I’m going to start babysitting as soon as my course is over. I promise I’ll keep them in line.”

Again, he looked to Tess. She knelt down in front of the three younger kids. “Do you swear to stay seated, hold onto the bar and obey Izzy at all times?”

Their heads shook so vigorously, she had to bite back a smile. She straightened. “I think it’ll be fine, Grandpa.”

He nodded and the kids took off.

Want coffee?”

Um, no thanks. I brought water.” She took a seat on a bench. “Go ahead, though. I’ll make sure they get on.”

She watched him walk away in that confident stride he had. Everything about him physically made her, well, swoon today. Man, her hormones were wreaking havoc in another way, too.

Hi, Tess.” Brooke had come into her line of vision.

She stood and hugged her friend. It had been nearly two weeks since Zach passed. “Hi, sweetie. I’m surprised to see you here.”

The boys wanted to come.” She shook her head. “I think they’re meeting some girls—daughters of other firefighters they’re friends with on Facebook.”

Oh, my God. Girls? Already?”

They’re 14 and 15.”

That’s still young.”

It’s fine by me.”

Maybe Vinny would have come if he knew Grayson and Jordan would be here.” He’d been in a bad mood when she asked him to join them. He refused.

I should have let you know.”
“Nah, it’s okay. Where are they?”

On the Ferris Wheel.”

Ours, too.”


Just then, David returned. “Hey, Brooke.” He smiled at her. “Want some coffee?”

No thanks. I brought water. I’m cutting down on caffeine after having so much these last weeks.”

Brooke sat and David dropped down on the other side of her. She explained about the boys. He said, “They grow up so fast.”

Yeah.” Her eyes watered. “Zach and I were supposed to bring them today. Do these kinds of things together.”

She saw David take Brooke’s hand. “I thought the same about Hope on occasions like this. But I came to the conclusion that her spirit’s happy in the universe, and she won’t miss a thing.”

What a nice sentiment.”

They chatted for a while, then someone else approached them. Lance Manwaring. Tess had to admit he looked scrumptious, too, in designer denim shorts—Vince had some—and a silky V-neck white T-shirt. “Hello, everybody. Tess, you look great in casual clothes.” Since she wore plain jean capris and white top, the compliment fell flat. But she did notice a flicker of something in his eyes. Maybe a challenge for David?

Hello, Manwaring.” David’s tone was knife sharp. “What are you doing here?”

I thought I’d take part since I’m a firefighter helper. Besides, sometimes arsonists attend these kinds of things.”

You mean they come to set fires?” Tess asked.

No. Usually to observe their prey.”

The fuckers,” Brooke put in. “I hope this one burns in hell.” Then she shrugged. “I don’t really mean that, but it felt good to say.”

Tess laughed.

Lance focused on her. “I was sorry to hear about your husband, Brooke.”


He turned to Tess. “Would you and your girls want to get some lunch with me?”

Now, David’s hand curled. “Sorry. Tess and her kids are spoken for. My boys have her girls totally occupied and we’re all having a picnic together.” He lifted his sunglasses and stuck them on his head. “Maybe next time.”

That’s how you feel, Tess?”

Of course, David would never speak out of turn.”

All right. Have a nice day.” He walked away.

Brooke’s gaze narrowed on the back of him. “You know, he’s super attractive but there’s something sleazy about him.”

Is there?” Tess.

I agree.” David.

Brooke laughed. It was good to hear.


* * *


Close to noon, David sat alone on a bench at the next ride. The Friendly Flyer sported small airplanes that went in circles and kept getting higher. Tess had gone with Brooke for half an hour to keep her company. He thought about her reaction to his comment about marriage earlier.

Relationships, even good ones like theirs, get messy sometimes.”

How do you dare say that to me?”

What do you mean?”

You’re avoiding the mess with me.”

It pricked his conscience, now that he had time to think about what he said. Maybe because he’d dreamed about her last night. In truth, most nights. They were in bed with all that glorious mess between them. Her skin had felt like silk. Her breasts full and heavy. Her mouth…

Oh, Lord. He shifted in his seat.

Hey, buddy.”

David looked up. “Hello, Todd.”

I didn’t know the fire department had a day here. I brought my kids and some of their friends this morning. They’re off alone.”

Yeah, I guess they’re old enough.”

Well into teenage-hood. They’re still good with me, though.”

David felt bad about Todd’s divorce. “I’m sure they miss you at home.”

I’m sure they don’t miss the fighting.”

Yeah, I guess.”

Todd looked out over the crowd. “It’s getting busy now.”

How long are you staying?”

All four kids have part-time jobs. We have to leave at one. I’m meeting them at noon, to regroup.”

I hope I get to see them.”

They’d love it. Uncle David is their favorite person.”

That’s an exaggeration.”

Todd grunted.

Sometimes, he seemed irritated with David. He thought David’s life was perfect until Hope got sick. Perfect it was not.

Four smiling kiddies raced to the bench. “Papa, we had so much fun on the Flyer.”

We did too, David.” This from Maria. “Where’s mom?”

Mom?” Todd asked.

These are Tess’s girls, Izzy and Maria.”

He shook his head. “I should have known.”

We don’t have to meet mommy for fifteen minutes,” Izzy told them.

Noah grabbed David’s hand. “Come on Papa, let’s go to the Crazy Train.”

He looked to Todd. “Want to come with us?”

Nah, I’m just gonna soak up the sunshine. Have fun, Papa.”

You, too.”

Oh, I will.”


* * *


Hey, pretty lady.” Chet Carson met up with Tess and Brooke where they stood by a fence.

Chet?” His dark hair was combed back and his hazel eyes were smiling. “I didn’t know you were coming today.”

You seem surprised. Why wouldn’t I?”

I never asked if you had kids?”

Yes, to you never asked. And no, I don’t have kids. But I wanted to get a full picture of how the fire department works.”

Brooke said, “Hi, Chet.”

Brooke, I’m so sorry about Zach.” His sympathetic expression seemed genuine. “I’ve been out of town lately so I haven’t seen you to offer my condolences.”

Don’t worry about it. Been back in Albany?”

Yeah.” He glanced around the park. Sounds of kids laughing, the gears of the rides and the whoosh from the water park echoed over to them. “I’m leaving in two weeks.” He smiled—which was more of a smirk—at Tess. “Maybe.”

Maybe?” she asked, a foreboding on the edge of her consciousness.

Yeah. The brass and I have been talking. Because of my experience with the Office of Fire Prevention and Control, the mayor’s thinking of setting up an advisory task force for AFT in Crystal City.”

Arson, Fire and Tobacco? That’s a federal agency. Does David know about this?”

Another satisfied expression. “I haven’t a clue. What about you? Would you like me to stay?”

She wouldn’t be trapped into anything. “I think you should do what you want. But I’m very interested to know the role of this task force in the Arson Squad’s work.”

All in due time.” He jammed his hands into his jeans’ pockets. “I gotta go.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “See you soon.”

Tess was agape when he walked away. And her stomach got queasy.

Did I imagine it, or was that whole conversation odd? Not to mention the inappropriate kiss.”

You didn’t imagine it. Something’s going on with Chet. I just don’t know what yet.”


* * *


At a picnic table by the duck pond David, Tess, Brooke and four of the kids ate lunch of hamburgers, fries and soda, totally unhealthy, but delicious. Brooke’s boys were out with their girls still, though they’d checked in with her. The park was crowded and they were lucky to get an open picnic spot. Maria blew bubbles in her soda. Stealing a glance at David, Patrick did the same. When they all joined in, Maria got so excited, she spilled her drink. “Oops.”

Yeah, oops. Let’s mop it up.” Tess produced both wet and dry towels.

When the table was clean, David scooped up the mess in one of the bags the meal had come in and walked over to the trash bin. He stuffed the detritus into the slot then turned. The sun glinted off something, not too far away, blocking his vision. But he thought he’d caught a glimpse of binoculars.

Soon the glint was gone.

He came back to the group and of course didn’t say anything in front of the kids. Tess cocked her head. Her hair was in a ponytail and it swung with the motion. “Everything okay?”

Yeah, sure.”

Izzy said, “Nana’d say you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

God, he hoped not. But the notion nagged at him the rest of their time in the park.

At the end of Firefighter Fun Day, they all gathered near the big-kid rides and met up Gray and Jordan. A park official hurried up to the three adults and asked to talk to them privately. They moved away from the children. “I don’t want to alarm anyone, but we’ve got a fire in the parking lot.”

Now, David detected the faint sounds of sirens in the distance. “I’m David Ashford, from the CCFD Arson Squad. Can I help?”

I know who you are. Somebody in security recognized you when you came in. We located you on the cameras. It’s a car fire in the parking lot.” His walkie talkie blared. “I gotta go. Meet us there?”


Brooke straightened. Her professionalism replaced her previously depressed demeanor. “I can watch the kids, you two go.”

I think you should take them out of the park.” Tess’s alarm was only vaguely concealed. “Where’s your car?”

On the street. Down a block. The lot was full when we got here.”

David asked, “Did you drive your van?”

Uh-huh. Room enough for everybody.”

Good, take them there. As soon as we find out what this is, we’ll be in touch.” He squeezed her arm. “Sorry to throw you a curve at a time like this.”

It’s distracting. I’ll wait for your text.”

Tess and David strode to the front gates. As they got closer to the exit, the acrid smell of fire intensified.

I have a bad feeling about this,” David told her. He’d moved closer and their shoulders touched. “Something’s been niggling at me.”


I have a hunch my car is on fire.”

What do you mean?”

The arsonist might have been in the park grounds. Taunting us.”

God, it could be anybody.”

No, I think I know how to narrow the list down.”

They followed the smell through the parking lot. As they got close to the blaze, Tess gasped.

It is my car.” David turned to her. “We have to deal with this. Text Brooke. Ask her to take our four to your house. Is Rose home?”

Yeah. She had no plans for today. Why?”

Then Brooke can leave with her kids. You and I have to work on this now. We may have been going about the investigation all wrong.” He grasped her arm. “Trust me on this.”

Of course.”

Leaning over he kissed her cheek. “Thanks.