Author’s Note



In some ways, this book was difficult to write. I’d covered arson in former stories, but I had to do a lot of research for the day-to-day workings of a full Arson Squad. I received some help from a firefighter, who has a FB page about what exactly went on in an investigation, and he also answered some specific questions for me. I hope the plot intrigued you and it took you a bit to discover who the arsonist was. If not, that’s okay too. The book is primarily about relationships.


David presented his own challenge. I had to strike a balance between his heartbreak over losing his wife and his long-time feelings for Tess. I hope I achieved that. And I hope you liked him, an older hero, who was steadfast, wise, loving and loyal. Of course, he makes mistakes in his relationship with Tess, but I wanted to show how torn he was about feelings for her. Also, David was a champ in bed!


Tess was a lot easier to write. All of my heroines are. I admired her strength, how she dealt with the divorce and her creepy ex, what a good mother she was and what a good friend she is to the other five female firefighters. I think she might have been inclined to wait longer for David to grieve if they hadn’t made love that one time. I might feel that way, too.


I hope you like seeing all the Sisters of Fire again. I absolutely love these women. Annie’s up next and her story was easy for me to tell.


Let me know what you thought about Tess and David’s story.





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