June 8

Abide with Me

The troops learned that the regiment would lead the attack next morning on a strongly held enemy position. Worried men stood close together in the makeshift church, a dusty and battered old commercial building about a mile behind the front lines. Stan Scislowski remembered the scene vividly and marveled at how much closer to God he felt in this rustic setting than in the “regular” churches of his past.

When it came time in the service to sing, the words of the old familiar hymn had never been so meaningful. “ The expressions of faith that made up this beautiful hymn crossed my mind, and as we sang, I found myself inserting my own feelings between the lines, feelings that harboured the fear that perhaps I might not be coming back at battle’s end. ”224

The lyrics of “Abide with Me” are meaningful no matter what our own situation may be.

Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away.
Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
Come not in terrors, as the King of kings, But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings,
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea Come, Friend of sinners, and thus bide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks, and the earth’s vain shadows flee; In life, in death, O Lord,
Abide with me.225

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.

—John 14:16 (KJV)