60 Minutes, 249
700 Club, the, 72
Abington Township School District v. Schempp, 271
and the economic status of women, 166
“partial birth,” 165
third-trimester, 61
“abstinence” programs, 24
“Acts of God,” 91
Adams, John, 250
Adelman, Lynn S., 246
Aderholt, Robert, 125
adoptions for gay or lesbian couples, 257
Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, 202, 204
Affordable Care Act (ACA), 100, 211
after-school programs, 49
Age of the Antichrist, The, 72
Aid in Dying for the Terminally Ill Act, 189
AiG Statement of Faith, 37
All Things Considered, 104
Allen, George, 248
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), 241, 245, 296
Alliance Defense Fund, 74, 242, 278
Alliance for Justice, 99
American Association of University Women, 204
American Atheists, 129, 152–53
American Center for Law and Justice, 17, 93, 117, 128, 231, 240, 256
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 9, 35
American Family Association, 63, 75
American Humanist Association, 168
American Jewish Committee, the, 204
American Life League, 56
Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, 176
Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU)
Barry Lynn becomes director, 8
documents subpoenaed, 232
formation of, 66
and intelligent design, 35
and school vouchers, 46–47, 52–53
amicus brief, 103
Amish and the Social Security program, 210–11
Andersen, Eric, 265
Anderson Cooper 360, 275
anti-choice supporters, 162–64
antivoucher movement, the, 40
apartheid, 60
Archer, Ruth, 261
Armey, Dick, 15
Aronofsky, Darren, 153
Atlanta Journal Constitution, 83
Austin, Lloyd J., III, 98
Ayres, Stephen, 83
Bacon, Kevin, 268
Balanced Treatment for Creation Science and Evolution Science in Public Schools Instruction Act, 32
Baldwin, Jason, 114
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, the, 204
Barker, Dan, 292
Barna Group, 157
Barry, Dave, 62
Bathija, Sandhya, 251
Beasley, David, 71
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, 105
Bennett, William, 75
Besen, Wayne, 176
Biery, Fred, 260
Big Story with John Gibson, The, 239
Bill of Rights, 102
bin Laden, Osama, 149
Birch, Stanley F., Jr., 185
birth control. See contraceptives
birth control restrictions, 215
Black, Barry, 123
Black, Lewis, 287
Blackwell, Kenneth, 248
Blaine amendments, 105
Boehner, John, 102, 111, 219, 297
book burning, 56
Boone, Wellington, 179
Bork, Robert, 269
Boston University, 8
Boxer, Barbara, 84
Bradford, Cole, 141
Brand, Russell, 272
Brennan, William, 211
Brewer, Jan, 215
Brock, Jack, 56
Brown, Sherrod, 248
Brown v. Board of Education, 44–45, 181
Bruce, Lenny, 8
Buchanan, James, 36
Buchanan, Pat, 48
Buckley, William F., Jr., 271
Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 146
Bush, George W.
bad proposals of, 62
declared “a new kind of war,” 19
and embryonic stem cell research, 166
and historic preservation grants to churches, 82
initiative on faith-based organizations, 61–62, 191
and intelligent design, 35
and the “Mexico City Policy,” 61–62
and Nation of Islam in campaign speech, 194
Cain, Herman, 254
California Missions Foundation, 85–86
California Missions Preservation Act, 84–85
Campaign for Working Families, 238
Cantor, Eric, 64
capital punishment, 68
Capital Report, 238
Carlson, Gretchen, 132
Carson, Ben, 122
Carville, James, 252
Casey, Bob, 297
Cash, Jonathan, 72
Catholic Charities, 158, 191, 203, 258
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, 225
chaplains in the military, 94
Chaput, Charles, 225
Charisma magazine, 113
Chattanooga Times Free Press, 64–65, 149
China, and forced-abortion policy, 218
Christian Broadcasting Network, 67
Christian Coalition, 14, 57–58, 67, 79, 179
Christian Coalition convention, 59–62
Christian Coalition's “Road to Victory” Conference, 67–73
Christian Fellowships, Intervarsity, 18
Christian Legal Society, 17–18
Christian Legal Society v. Martinez, 17–18
Christian Science Monitor, 104
Christmas, “war on,” 64, 131–32, 173
Church and State magazine, 10, 67, 233, 236
Church at Pierce Creek, 229, 240–41
Citizens United, 155, 214, 246
Civil Rights Act of l964, 47, 222
Civil Rights Project at Harvard University, 45
Cleaver, Emmanuel, 258
Clinton, Bill
and the “charitable choice” bill, 191
as newly elected President, 10–11
and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 213
Collins, Susan, 297
Colmes, Alan, 168
Columbine High School, 20
Committee for Public Education v. Nyquist, 87
comparative religion, 29
Compassion and Choices Conference, 182
Compassion Capital Fund, 60, 194
Concerned Women for America, 161, 176, 215
Conference of Catholic Bishops, 100, 154, 171, 225, 256
Congressional Quarterly, 235
conscientious objectors, 151
and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 100, 211–13
availability of, 161
and Catholic business owners, 221
and coverage by employers, 155
and coverage by religious facilities, 157
Coral Ridge Ministries, 240
Corbin, Beth, 167
corporate conscience, 101
Coulter, Ann, 174, 274, 279–80
“covenant marriages,” 224
Coverdell, Paul, 235
Cox, John, 237
Coyote, Peter, 268
creation science, 32
creationism, teaching of, 32, 38
“Creationism and the Law,” 31
Crowe, Russell, 291
Culture Shocks, 115
Curtis, Catie, 272
Dartmouth College, 8
Darwin's theory of evolution, 35
Daughters of Bilitis, 175
Davey, P. Kevin, 46
Davis, Guy, 271
de Blasio, Bill, 287
“Death Book for Veterans, The,” 186
“death panels,” 186
death penalty, the, 68
Defense Department policy on religion, 93–94
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), 177, 180–82, 295
Department of Homeland Security, 168
Department of Housing and Urban Development, 84
Department of Justice (DOJ), 203
Department of Veterans Affairs, 142–44
Dershowitz, Alan, 294
DeWine, Mike, 248
Dickey, Jay, 57
disabilities, children with, 47
Dobson, James, 61, 74–75, 117, 178, 283
Donaldson, Sam, 127
Donohue, Bill, 225
Drake, Wiley, 57, 168, 173, 274, 277–79
Dreyfuss, Richard, 270
Drudge Report, The, 255
DuBois, Joshua, 191, 202, 208, 254
Duke University Law School, 128
durable powers of attorney for healthcare, 188
Echols, Damien, 114
Education Week, 49
Educational Facilities Authority, 87
Edwards v. Aguillard, 32
Ehrenreich, Barbara, 288
Eliasberg, Peter, 134
embryonic stem cell research, 166
Employment Division v. Smith, 213
“end-of-life consultations,” voluntary, 187
End of Life Option act, 189
Ensign, John, 121
Epperson v. Arkansas, 31
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 223
Esquire magazine, 187
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Separation of Church and State…But Were Afraid To Ask, 267
Faith-Based Initiative, 83, 158, 191
Falwell, Jerry
death of, 275
Falwell, Jonathan, 244
Family Research Council, 7, 21, 63, 73, 96, 98, 175, 179, 183, 283
Farah, Joseph, 196
Faulkner, William, 29
Fauntroy, Walter, 240
federal disaster loans, 91
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 91, 283
federal judiciary, 99
Federal Marriage Amendment, 177
feminist agenda, the, 59
Feminist Majority Foundation, 99, 169
fetal awareness, 165
Finnin, William, 283
First Freedom Project, The, 144–45
flat tax, 68
Focus on the Family, 74, 118, 179
forced-abortion policy in China, 218
Ford, James, 123
Fortas, Abe, 32
Franken, Al, 270
Franz, Fabiano, 204
“free speech” bill, 16
Freedom From Religion Foundation, 246, 292
Freedom of Worship Award from the Roosevelt Institute, 290
Freiler v. Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education, 34
fuel-subsidy program, 195
Gaddy, C. Welton, 266
Gagnon, Robert, 176
Galloway, Susan, 106
Galloway v. Town of Greece (NY), 106–11
Gandy, Kim, 99
Garne, Darlene, 119
Gauthier, Mary, 272
“Gay Agenda,” 158
Gay and Lesbian Rights Project, 178
“gay-straight student alliance” clubs, 17–18
gender identity, 119
gender identity and discrimination, 210
General Board of Church and Society, 204
Gibson, Mel, 105
Giles, John, 263
Ginsberg, Ruth Bader, 129
Glee, 273
Global Post, 203
global warming, 197
Gohmert, Louis B. “Louie,” 289
Goldsmith, Stephen, 194
Goldwater, Barry, 10
Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas, 64
Goodhue, Bertram, 90
Goodman, Steve, 139
Government Accountability Office, 202
Government Affairs Committee, 232
Graham, Fred, 103
Graham, Lindsey, 26
Gramm, Phil, 68
Green, Steve, 231
Griffis, Dale W., 115
Hagerty, Barbara Bradley, 84
Halverson, Richard C., 123
Hamilton, Marci, 223
Hand, Learned, 287
Hannity, Sean, 288
Hardball with Chris Matthews, 251, 271
Harding High School, 21
Hastings College of the Law, 17–18
hate crimes legislation, 174
hate industry, 179
Hatfield, Mark, 187
Helms, Jesse, 138, 144, 231, 233
Henderson, Jim, 17
Hentoff, Nat, 18
Heston, Charlton, 60
Hills, Anne, 272
Hitchens, Christopher, 164, 275
Holocaust Memorial Museum, 168–69
Holt, Jim, 31
“homosexual lifestyle,” 158
homosexuality and “reparative therapy,” 176
Hood, Zachary, 18
Hostettler, John, 248
House chaplain, 123
House Judiciary Committee, 255
House of Worship Political Speech Protection Act, 239–40
House Ways and Means Committee, 239
Huckabee, Mike, 173, 254, 278–79
Huffington Post, 244
Human Rights Campaign, 180, 204
Hunt v. McNair, 87
Hurricane Gloria, 138
Hurricane Sandy, 91
Hurwitz, Andrew, 101
Hyde, Henry, 58
“imprecatory prayers,” 95, 168, 173, 277–78
Inherit the Wind, 31
injunctions, 236
“intelligent design” (ID), 34–36, 294
Interfaith Alliance Foundation, 249, 266
Internal Revenue Service, 238
Istook, Ernest “Jim,” 11–15, 62, 71
Jackson, Peter, 114
James, Fob, 71
“Jane Lynch and Jordan Peele: Epic Church-State Breakup,” 273
Jefferson, Thomas, 88, 118–19, 148, 250, 283
Jeffress, Robert, 58
Jim Crow laws, 147
Jindal, Bobby, 38
John Danforth Center at Washington University, 252
Johns Hopkins, 49
Johnson, Ellen, 129
Johnson, Russell, 248
Jones, Sarah, 292
Jones, Thomas, 141
Jones, Van, 99
Journal of the American Medical Association, 165
Judiciary Committee, 103
Kagan, Elena, 134
Kaku, Michio, 157
Kameny, Frank, 175
Kansas City Atheist Coalition, 65
Kansas City Rescue Mission, 65
Kansas City Star, 65
Keeney, John C., 236
Kennedy, Anthony, 113
Kennedy, James, 240
Kentucky Baptist Home for Children, 178
Kentucky Creation Museum, 36–37
Keyes, Alan, 128
Keynes, John Maynard, 40
Khan, Ayesha, 126
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 8, 69, 180, 239
Kingston, Jack, 21
Kirk, Mark, 297
Klingenschmidt, Gordon, 93, 95
Klugman, Jack, 267
Knight, Bob, 176
Knox, Harry, 119
Kopplin, Zack, 38
Kuo, David, 187
Kushner, Tony, 288
Laarman, Peter, 263
Lababara, Peter, 176
Laboratory for Success, 49
Ladies Home Journal, 285
Lambda Legal Defense Fund, 193
Larry King Live, 262
Leaming, Jeremy, 278
Lee v. Weisman, 11
Legislating Immorality, 59–60, 179
Leonard Rose Award, 285
Letsome, Allendra, 299
Lewis, C. S., 284
Lewis, John, 240
Lewis, Michael, 158
Liberty Legal Institute, 128
Lightfoot, Jim, 71
Limbaugh, Rush, 212
Lindbo, Jenna, 272
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The, 284
Lion King, The, 56
Lipper, Greg, 271
living wills, 188
Living Word Christian Center, 245
Livingston, Bob, 58
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 82
Lord, Georgia K., 149
Louisiana Educational Assessment Program (LEAP), 50
Lynch, Jane, 273
Lynn, Joanne, 181
Lynn, William, 225
Lyon, Phyllis, 175
MacFarlane, Bai, 224
Macklemore, 274
Madison, James, 88, 90, 118–19, 123, 250
Mahoney, Patrick, 185
Marbury v. Madison, 260
March for Women's Lives, 162, 264
Marsh v. Chambers, 106
Martin, Del, 175
Martinez, Mel, 148
McConnell, Mitch, 101
McKenna and Cuneo law firm, 233
McMillon, Bill, 149
Mears, Bill, 103
Medicare and end-of-life consultations, 187
Melton, David, 69
Memorial and Remonstrance Against Religious Assessments, 88
Michael Medved Show, The, 132
Miers, Harriet, 283
Milbank, Dana, 134
military memorial plaques, 142–44
Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), 93
Military Selective Service Act, 151
ministerial exception, 222
Miracle, The, 66
Misskelley, Jessie, Jr., 114
Mohler, R. Albert, Jr., 162
moral inertia, 158
Morgan, Piers, 271
Moses, Robert, 288
Moshenberg, Sammie, 99
Mosteller, Cyndi, 237
Mount Soledad Memorial Association, 135
Murkowski, Lisa, 297
Murray, Patty, 297
Museveni, Yoweri, 119
Muslim community (Islam), 150–52
Nancy Grace, 185
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 204
National Association of Biology Teachers, 31
National Center for Ethics in Health Care, 186
National Clergy Council, 129
National Council of Jewish Women, 23, 99
National Day of Prayer (NDP), 117–18
National Day of Prayer Task Force, 75
National Defense Authorization Bill, 135
National Historic Preservation Act, 85
National Lawyers Guild, 8
National Organization for Women (NOW), 99, 299
National Prayer Breakfast, 119, 200
National Press Club, 70, 78, 146
National Public Radio, 77, 84, 146, 200
Nevada military memorial, 142–44
Never Surrender: A Soldier's Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom, 98
New World Order, The, 59
New York Times, 91, 103, 121, 124, 184, 239, 249
Newdow v. Rio Linda Union School District, 105–106
Nickles, Don, 237
Noah, 291
nondiscrimination policies, 18
Northup, Anne, 248
Norton, Gale, 82
“Not My Boss's Business” bill, 218
Novak, Robert, 235
Nussle, Jim, 124
Obama, Barak
and the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 100
and elimination of hiring discrimination due to religion, 191
legacy of, 7
re-election of, 260
and return to old principles, 209
and sex education in public schools, 24
on Ugandan “Anti-Homosexuality Bill,” 119
and William Boykin, 97
O'Brien, Soledad, 249
O'Brien, Tim, 103
Odom, Thomas J., 149
O'Donnell, Christine, 77
Of Pandas and People, 35
Office of Faith-Based Initiatives, 140
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) for the Department of Justice, 199
Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 207
O'Hare, Madelyn Murray, 160
Old-Time Gospel Hour (OTGH), 238
Olsen, Torrey, 204
One Generation Away, 292
“one-bite rule,” 230
“Operation Inclusion,” 113
“Opportunity Scholarship” program, 51
O'Reilly, Bill, 154, 160, 173, 274
Pacheco, Tom, 272
Pagan Pride groups, 140
Palin, Sarah, 64, 154, 186, 249
Parshall, Craig, 69
“partial birth abortions,” 165
Passion of the Christ, The, 105
Pat Buchanan and Company, 13
Paul, Ron, 254
PEARL v. Nyquist, 84
Peele, Jordan, 273
Peloza, John E., 33
Pence, Mike, 219
Pentagon Papers, 75
Pepper Hamilton LLP, 35
Perkins, Chuck, 272
Perkins, Tony, 63, 73, 78, 154, 251, 283
persistent vegetative state, 183
Pew Forum, 192
peyote, 213
Philadelphia Folk Festival, 268
physician assistance in dying, 188
physician assisted suicide, 188
Picarello, Anthony, 171
Piety and Politics, 126, 247–48, 274, 276
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 176
Plan B contraceptives, 171, 254
Planned Parenthood, 288
Pledge of Allegiance, the, 28, 105–106
Politics According to the Bible, 154
and American's belief that God answers, 121
and coaches, 65
imprecatory, 95, 168, 173, 277–78
nonproselytizing, 65
nonsectarian, 61
pregnancy, forced, 166
Prison Fellowship, 194
pro-choice movement, 162
“pro-family” issues, 74
Project Fair Play, 229, 231, 233
Pryor, Mark, 297
Public Education v. Nyquist, 87
Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division of the Justice Department, 236
Pulpit Freedom Sunday, 241–43, 246
pulpit politicking, 78, 158, 285
“Quality Counts” report, 49
racial insensitivity, 60
Rankin, John, 161
Ravitch, Dianne, 40
Reader's Digest, 11
Rebuild the Dream conference, 99
Rehnquist, William H., 104, 129, 259
Reid, Harry, 297
religion, comparative, 29
Religion Freedom Restoration Act, 296
Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism, 91, 270
religious bigotry, 59
Religious Freedom Amendment, 71
Religious Freedom Restoration Act, 199, 213, 215
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, 92, 151
Religious Liberty Award, 168
religious liberty, protection of, 63
reproductive justice events, 161
respect industry, 179
Revere, Paul, 82
Revolutionary Road, 166
Rice University, 38
Richards, Cecile, 288
right to choose states, 188
right to deny services, 215
Right to Religious Liberty, The, 92
Ringgold story, the, 149
Robert O. Cooper Peace and Justice Fellowship Award, 282
Robertson, Dede, 62
Robertson, Pat, 17, 59–60, 67, 72, 194–95
Robinson, Gene, 119
Roe v. Wade, 7–8, 61, 67, 162–64, 264
Roeder, Scott, 167
Roll Call newspaper, 124
Roman Catholic Church, 8
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 209, 290
Roosevelt Medal of Freedom award, 285
Rose, Charlie, 281
Rosin, Hanna, 237
Roth, David, 272
Rowling, J. K., 56
Rumsfeld, Donald, 97
Rutgers's Law School, 106
Salazar v. Buono, 134
Salvation Army, the, 158, 198, 258
Samaritan Project, 60
Samaritan's Purse, 283
same-sex weddings, cakes for, 155–56
Sanford, Mark, 121
Santorum, Rick, 35, 157, 248, 254
Saperstein, David, 270
“Save America's Treasures” program, 89
Save Our Schools: The People's Education Convention, 24
Scalia, Antonin, 18, 44, 110, 128–29, 213–14
Scarborough, Rick, 78
Schiltz, Patrick, 225
“Scholarship for Pupils with Disabilities” program, 51
scholarships, 49
“school choice” advocates, 50
Schuham, Aaron, 200
Scopes “Monkey Trial,” 31
Scott, Bobby, 201
Scott, Peggy Lee, 105
Sears, Alan, 74
Secular Student Association Convention, 25
secularism, 293
segregation, racial, 44–45, 49
Sekulow, Jay, 93–96, 104, 117, 128, 134
Senate chaplain, 123
Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, 233
sex education
teaching abstinence only before marriage, 196, 240
sex trafficking victims, helping, 257
sexual abuse by priests, 220–26
sexual orientation and discrimination, 210
Shackleford, Kelly, 128
Shah, Ankur, 19
Shapiro, Ari, 77
“sharia,” Islamic holy law, 150–51, 227
Sibelius, Kathleen, 254
Sidwell Friends, 41
Silverman, Herb, 160
Silverman, Sarah, 272
Simpson, Cynthia, 141
Smeal, Ellie, 99
Social Security, privatizing, 197
“social welfare” organizations, 229
“solemnization” of ceremonies in the military, 94–95
Soloway, Faith, 273
Soloway, Jill, 273
South Carolina Educational Facilities Authority Act, 87
Southern Baptist Convention, 21, 255
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 162
Southern Poverty Law Center, 126, 271
special-needs children, 47
Specter, Arlen, 68
Sprigg, Peter, 175
Springsteen, Bruce, 91
St. Mark's Church in Philadelphia, 90
Stanley, Erik, 278
“state initiative” process, 79
“states’ rights,” 259
statutes of limitations, 225
Stephens, Linda, 106
Stern, Carl, 103
Stevens, John Paul, 164
Stevenson, Sarah, 273
Stiefel, Todd, 273
Stiefel Freethought Foundation, 273
Stone v. Graham, 21
Strickland, Ted, 248
“Success for All” program, 49
suicide, assisted, 188
Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), 220
Swaggart, Jimmy, 293
symbols approved by VA for grave markers, 142–44
Tanner, Michael, 192
Tate, Randy, 70
“tax credit scholarship” program, 52
tax-exempt status, 233
Teepen, Tom, 83
Temple University, 49
Ten Commandments, the, 20, 28–29
Ten Commandments Defense Act, The, 125
terrorism, domestic and foreign, 168
Terry, Randall, 167
Texas Tea Party, 229
Things That Matter Most, The, 22
Thomas, Marlo, 271
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, 19
Thompson, Myron, 126
Thompson, Tommy, 194
Thurmond, Strom, 101
“Thurmond Rule,” 101
Tiller, George, 167
Tilton v. Richardson, 86
Time magazine, 19
Totenberg, Nina, 103
Towey, James, 82, 140, 186, 196
Traditional Values Coalition, 57–58, 179
Triangle Foundation, 172–73, 175
Trinity Church in Buffalo, 90
Trunk, Steve, 135
Twelve Angry Men, 267
Udall, Mark, 297
Ugandan “Anti-Homosexuality Bill,” 119
Uniform Code of Military Justice, 97
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, 203
Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly, 20
United Church of Christ, 215
United Methodist Church, the, 204
University of Richmond, 161
University of Virginia Law School, 111
US Air Force Academy's Honor Oath, 63
US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 203
US Department of the Interior, 89–90
Values Voter Summit, 7, 64, 73–76, 78
Vanderslice, Mara, 249
Veterans of Foreign Wars, 134
Vietnam War, 8
viewpoint neutral policy, 18
Violence Against Women Act, 207
Vision America, 78
“voluntary prayer” in public schools, 12
Wall Street Journal, 186
War on Religion, The, 254
Washington Journal, 128
Washington National Cathedral, 89
Washington Post, 72, 98, 110, 134, 140, 215, 237
Washington Times, 186
Watergate, 75
Waxman, Henry, 24
Weddington, Sarah, 67
Weekly World News, 176
Weicker, Lowell, 62
Welsh, Elliot A., II, 151
Westboro Baptist Church, 93, 175
Westside School District v. Mergens, 16
Why Does the World Exist?, 31
Wiccan widows, 144
Wildmon, Don, 75
Williams, Dar, 139
Williams, Pete, 103
Williams, Polly, 48
Wisconsin Faith Works, 197
Wishner, Jane, 270
Witte, James, 46
women, equal rights for, 59
Women's Reproductive Rights Assistance Project, 285
World Vision, 191, 200, 203–204, 258, 287
Yorker, Alan, 193
“Young Earth Creationism,” 36
Your Life, Your Choices, 186