I have a body and I learn from my body.
My body is very smart! God made it that way. It tells me many things.
When my tummy growls, my body is telling me that I’m hungry. I should eat.
When my eyes feel heavy, my body is telling me that I’m sleepy. I should sleep.
When I fall and my knee hurts, my body is telling me that something’s wrong. I can ask Grandpa to help.
When I cough and sneeze a lot, my body is telling me that I’m sick. I can ask Mom to help.
Sometimes, even when my body tells me something, I can choose to wait like a big girl.
When my body tells me that I want to run around but I’m at Mass, I can choose to wait to play like a big boy.
When my body tells me that I’m thirsty but there’s no more lemonade, I can choose to wait until it’s ready, like a big girl.
When my body tells me that I want to eat a cookie but it’s almost time for dinner, I can wait for dessert like a big boy.
My body is very smart! Every body is smart! God made all of us that way.
Thank you, God, for helping us learn from our bodies!