Hi there, dear, lovely reader!

So… You may have picked up THE FORESTS OF DRU thinking that it would be the last in the series.

(Hey—maybe it’s the first book in the series that you’re reading, in which case, it should work fine as a jump-in point. But, this explanation is for you, too.)

Long-time readers of mine know that I’m not very good at pre-plotting my books and series. Read “not very good” as “really can’t do it at all.” Stories tend to unwind organically for me. And often go on much longer than I think they will.

When I first conceived of the Sorcerous Moons books, I thought it would be a trilogy. I really did! Then the story deepened and became more complex than I expected. (You’d think I’d learn to expect this, as it seems to happen with all of my series.)

When everyone read book three, THE TIDES OF BÀRA, they quickly and cleverly discerned that Lonen and Oria’s story didn’t end there. I saw a fair amount of conversation online about how book four would end the series.

Not so much, it turns out!

But a lot of really interesting stuff happened in this book, so it should be totally worth it.

At this point, I’m thinking there will be six total. I’m pretty sure I can wind up the tale in two more books.

Thank you all for sticking with this series and spreading the word about it. This has been so much fun to do!