Appendix C:
Field Investigation Tips

Throughout this book, we have documented firsthand accounts and photographic evidence while also discussing theoretical possibilities pertaining to paranormal phenomena experienced in and around Gettysburg and its historic battlefield. We hope you have learned a thing or two about this mysterious and beautiful place, and we also encourage you to get out there and go to haunted locations to perform well-executed investigations that will yield viable results for the good of the entire research community.

Having said this, paranormal field investigators should remain cognizant of the following when investigating haunted locations such as Gettysburg:

In the end, all we can do as paranormal field researchers is use our in-vestigative skills, our intuition, and the proper equipment to best obtain and document a body of evidence that may someday assist physicists, psychologists and other scientists as they attempt to answer life’s most profound questions. Gettysburg provides the perfect “outdoor laboratory” in which to do this.

The Civil War-era American poet Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote, “Our Creator would never have made such lovely days and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal.”

We believe, as did Hawthorne, that human beings are innately aware of something metaphysical, something highly abstract that exists beyond the physical world (in which we only exist temporarily). Humanity’s quest for knowledge underscores this awareness. As it applies to paranormal research on battlefields, we owe it to ourselves and the millions of ghost soldiers around the world to optimize the knowledge that can be gleaned from
the etchings of their heroic sacrifices, respect those sacrifices, and enjoy the journey of exploration along the way.
