New Moon and Feasts.

First month, Nissan.—1st one day (Rosh Hodesh) 13th, Eve of Passover; 14th and 15th, Passover kept in commemoration of the departure of the Israelites from Egypt and bondage. The Homer commences the 2d night of Passover and lasts 50 days; 33d day of Homer is called Lag Beomar. The middle days of Passover are 16, 17, 18, 19 of Nissan, allowed to work. The second days of the Passover are 20th and 21st of Nissan. There are 30 days in Nissan called the Lunar month ; the 30th day is (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Second month, Iyar.—1st, 2d day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 19th Lag Beomar. There are 29 days of lunar month.

Third month, Sivan.—1st, (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 5th Eve of Shebout; 6th and 7th days of Shebout, the celebration of the giving of the Commandments. There are 30 days in Sivan; the 30th day is (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Fourth month, Tamuz.—1st, 2d day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 17th is the Fast for the taking Jerusalem and the beginning of the three weeks of lamentation for Jerusalem. There are 29 days of lunar month.

Fifth month, Abb.— 1st, (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. The beginning of days of abstinence of animal food; we are commanded to fast and mourn. 9th of Abb is the Fast for the destruction of the Temple. 30th of Abb is (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. There are 30 days in that month.

Sixth month, Elul.—1st, (2d Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 29 days in that month.

Seventh month, Tishri.—1st and 2d, the commencement of the New Year (Rosh Hosana) and solemn feasts. There are two days, 1st and 2d; the 3d, Tishri, is the Fast of Guedaliah; the 9th is the Eve of Kippur; 10th is Kippur, or day of Atonement; 14th is the Eve of Succoth; 15th and 16th are the days of Succoth or Feast of Tabernacles. There are middle days; 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st is Hosana Raba; and the Eve of Shemence Ahzeratz ; 22d and 23d are called Shemence Ahzeratz, and Sencibus Tobra, kept for celebrating the law of Moses. There are 30 days in the month of Tishri. 30th is the first day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Eighth month, Marchesvan.—1st is the 2d day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. There are 30 days in that month. 30th is 1st day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Ninth month, Kislev.—1st is the 2d day of (Rosh Rodesh) New Moon. 25th celebrated for the consecration of the Temple, or dedication of lights in the Temple. There are 30 days in Kislev lunar month. 30th of Kislev is the 1st day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Tenth month, Thebet.—1st is the 2d day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 10th is the fast for the siege of Jerusalem. There are 29 days in that month.

Eleventh month, Shebat.—1st (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. There are 30 days in that month; the 30th is the first day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

Twelfth month, Adar.—1st, 2d day of (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon. 13th is the Fast of Esther; 14th is called Purem, commemorated for the destruction of Haman, who was hanged on the gibbet he had erected for the destruction of the Jews, who were saved by the interposition of Providence, by Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther. There are 29 days in Adar lunar month.

Ve Adar is the 13th month in leap year, which occurs every 3d year.—1st is (Rosh Hodesh) New Moon.

A lunar year consists of 12 lunation (or months,) containing 354 days, and is 11 days shorter than the solar year, which has 365 days.

Hours for the commencement of the Sabbath.

From January 22, to February 22, at o'clock, P. M.
" February 22, " March 15, " 5 "
" March 15, " April 8, " "
" April 8, " May 1, " 6 "
" May 1, " May 22, " "
" May 22, " July 22, " 7 "
" July 22, " August 22, " "
" August, 22, " September 15, " 6 "
" September 15, " October 8, " "
" October, 8, " November 1, " 5 "
" November 1, " November, 22,  " "
" November 22, " January 22, " 4 "