For each month of the year.


MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, house lamb.

POULTRY.—Pheasants, partridges, turkies, pullets, capons, fowls and pigeons.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, whiting, smelts, turbot, plaice, flounders, perch, tench and carp.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers and asparagus. Mushrooms all the year.

F E B R U A R Y.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, house lamb.

POULTRY.—Chickens and ducklings.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, whiting, smelts, turbot, plaice, flounders, perch, tench and carp.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, asparagus and kidney beans.

FRUITS.—Pears, apples, nuts, grapes, forced strawberries, medlers and walnuts.

M A R C H.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, house lamb.

POULTRY.—Chickens and ducklings.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, whiting, smelts, turbot, plaice, flounders, perch, tench and carp.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, asparagus and kidney beans.

FRUITS.—Pears, apples, nuts, grapes, forced strawberries, medlers and walnuts.

A P R I L.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, ducklings and pigeons.

FISH.—Shad, rock, perch, smelts, white fish, carp, soles, tench, trout, turbot, salmon, herring, mackerel and halibut. White fish all the year.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, asparagus and kidney beans.

M A Y.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, ducklings and pigeons.

FISH.—Shad, rock, perch, smelts, white fish, carp, soles, tench, trout, turbot, salmon, herring, mackerel and halibut.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, parsnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, early potatoes, peas, radishes, French beans, carrots, turnips, cauliflowers, asparagus, artichokes and all kinds of salad from hot house.

J U N E.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, ducklings and pigeons.

FISH.—Shad, rock, perch, Spanish mackerel, smelts, white fish, carp, soles, tench, trout, turbot, salmon, herring, mackerel and halibut.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, parsnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, early potatoes, peas, radishes, French beans, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes and all kinds of salad from hot house.

FRUITS.—Strawberries, cherries, melons, green apricots, currants, and green gooseberries, fit for tarts only.

J U L Y.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, pigeons and green geese.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, Spanish mackerel, flounders, mullet, pike, carp and mackerel.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, parsnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, early potatoes, peas, radishes, French beans, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes and all kinds of salad from hot house.

FRUITS.—Strawberries, gooseberries, pine apples, plums of all kinds, cherries, apricots, raspberries, melons, damsons, white, black and red currants, pears, apples, nectarines, grapes, and peaches.

A U G U S T.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, pigeons and green geese.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, Spanish mackerel, flounders, mullet, pike, carp and mackerel.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, parsnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, early potatoes, peas, radishes, French beans, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes and all kinds of salad from hot house.

FRUITS.—Peaches, plums, filberts, figs, mulberries, cherries, apples, pears nectarines, grapes, pine apples, melons and strawberries.

S E P T E M B E R.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, pigeons, green geese, turkies and geese.

FISH.—Cod, haddock, rock, perch, Spanish mackerel, flounders, mullet, pike, carp and mackerel.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, parsnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers, potatoes, peas, radishes, French beans, carrots, turnips, cauliflower, asparagus, artichokes, and all kinds of salad from hot house.

FRUITS.—Peaches, plums, filberts, figs, mulberries, cherries, apples, pears, nectarines, grapes, pine apples, melons and strawberries.

O C T O B E R.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, pigeons, turkies, geese, pheasants and partridges.

FISH.—Dories, smelts, pike, perch, halibut, carp, salmon, trout and barbel.

VEGETABLES.—:Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers and asparagus.

FRUITS.—Peaches, pears, bullaces, grapes, apples, medlars, damsons, filberts, walnuts, nuts and quinces.

N O V E M B E R.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, house lamb.

POULTRY.—Pullets, fowls, chickens, pigeons, turkies, geese, pheasants and partridges.

FISH.—Dories, smelts, pike, perch, halibut, hills, carp, salmon, trout and barbel.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers and asparagus.

FRUITS.—Peaches, pears, bullaces, grapes, apples, medlars, filberts, walnuts, nuts and quinces.

D E C E M B E R.

MEATS.—Beef, mutton, veal, house lamb.

POULTRY.—Geese, turkies, pullets, pigeons, capons and fowls.

FISH.—Turbot, gurnets, soles, carp and codlings.

VEGETABLES.—Cabbage and sprouts, sorrel, endive, spinach, beet-root, celery, potatoes, parsnips, turnips, broccoli, shalots, lettuce, cress, salsify, cucumbers and asparagus.