We All Want to See a Mammal

We all want to see a mammal.

Squirrels & snowshoe hares don’t count.

Voles don’t count. Something, preferably,

that could do us harm. There’s a long list:

bear, moose, wolf, wolverine. Even porcupine

would do. The quills. The yellowed

teeth & long claws.

                                       Beautiful here: Peaks, avens,

meltwater running its braided course. But we want

to see a mammal. Our day our lives incomplete

without a mammal. The gaze of something

unafraid, that we’re afraid of, meeting ours

before it runs off.

                                       Linnaeus was called

indecent when he named them. Plenty

of other commonalities (hair, live young,

a proclivity to plot). But no. Mammal.

Maman. Breasted & nippled

& warm, warm, warm.