Vivian Faith Prescott is a fifth generation Alaskan, born and raised in Wrangell, Alaska. Vivian is of Sáami, Irish, Suomalainen, and Norwegian descent (among others). She lives in Sitka and part-time in Wrangell at her family’s fish camp. Vivian has an MFA from the University of Alaska and a PhD in Cross Cultural Studies. She’s the author of a full-length poetry collection The Hide of My Tongue and two chapbooks: Slick and Sludge. Her linked story collection is forthcoming from Boreal Books. Vivian’s poetry has appeared in the North American Review, Drunken Boat, Yellow Medicine Review, and Cirque as well as other journals. She was recently awarded a Rasmuson Fellow in poetry for 2015–2016. Vivian is a co–founding member of the Blue Canoe Writers, a multicultural writers’ group in Sitka, Alaska, and she co-facilitates a teen writers’ group at Mt. Edgecumbe High School.