Execute Your Marketing Plan Effectively
Adopting the Right Policies That Get Your Company Results
Congratulations! You’ve come a long way. Creating and assembling a marketing plan is an impressive feat of which you should be extremely proud—but don’t get too comfortable just yet.
In the words of Ralph S. Larsen, CEO of Johnson & Johnson: The best-thought-out plans in the world aren’t worth the paper they’re written on if you can’t pull them off.
This brings us to an extremely important stage in the marketing process known as execution, which is the art of getting things done. In general terms, execution involves adopting the right policies to help you close the gap between what you want to achieve and what your organization delivers.
Adopting the right set of execution policies can also help you to:
• Follow through flawlessly with everything you say.
• Make things that are supposed to happen, happen. And . . .
• Correct your company’s shortcomings and stay on track.
This chapter emphasizes a number of important execution policies, including everything from collecting the necessary funds to delegating the workload appropriately. There is no particular order in which these policies must be carried out, so feel free to skip through them as you’d like.
Make Sure Your Plan Passes the Bullshit Test
Proper planning and strategy methods should already be drilled into your head, but it’s important to take another quick look at them just to be sure. Bottom line, if your plan is a bunch of “hyped bullshit,” you don’t stand a chance of effectively executing it. Consider the following:
1. Do you have a business vision for the future that is clear and realistic? Or is it overly fantasized, with language like “I want to rule the universe” and “I want achieve world domination”?
2. Have you conducted research thoroughly, found a void or need in the marketplace, and found a uniquely profitable way to fill that need better than anyone else, even through the most difficult times? Or are you just copying what everybody else has already done before?
3. Is your plan truly based on legitimate strengths (skills, resources, and people power)? Or are you just fooling yourself and living in some “fake it, hope ya’ make it” world?
4. Are your goals truly attainable, with clear systems for monitoring and measuring your progress? Or are they overreaching and ultimately setting you up for failure? And . . .
5. Have you put into place an integrated mix of marketing strategies and allocated your available funds accordingly? Or is your plan based on nothing more than the misguided expectation that Internet promotion alone will propel you to superstardom?
If you have a few changes you’d like to make to your plan, remember it’s never too late for improvements; a marketing plan is a living, breathing document. I know the above questions are tough, but your response to them can mean the difference between successful execution and failure.
Before even attempting to execute your Marketing Plan of Attack™, be sure to secure the necessary funds long in advance, or you could easily get delayed and/or left permanently stranded.
I have seen countless indie artists start a project they couldn’t finish because they either ran out of money, or they naïvely expected that someone would appear magically to offer them help.
So whether the funds are in the form of currency or a legally binding agreement that states the resources will be there for you when needed, secure the needed funds now! You’ll be so glad you did.
AFTERTHOUGHT: REINVEST IN YOURSELF Should you be fortunate enough to secure the necessary funds for your project, and actually have a few bucks at the end of the day in profits, don’t be afraid to reinvest back into your company. These funds can help you buy better and more efficient equipment, which can be used to produce even greater profits, which can be reinvested (and so on and so forth), until eventually you become a sustainable business. Remember, it takes money to make money. Or as Samuel Johnson once said, “The future is purchased by the present.”
Remember Not to Wait Around for Others to Help You: Do-It-Yourself (DIY) or Die
Even after reading this book and writing a plan based on a proactive approach, some of you may still be less than enthusiastic about rolling up your sleeves and getting things done. So, let me remind you, you better get pumped up on doing-it-yourself, because it’s unlikely that anyone is going to do it for you just yet.
Remember that doing-it-yourself (DIY), which is also called self-leadership by Richard Leider in the book The Leader of the Future, is a proactive approach to marketing your company, firmly based on the idea that until you stimulate excitement on your own, no one will care about your success more than you—not A&R reps, not managers, and not agents. These professionals, especially the ones who have clout, are motivated by money, and the last time I checked, a percentage point of zero was still zero (i.e., zero incentive). Thus, you better get excited about attracting the attention of those who can help you by first helping yourself.
Bands like Clap Your Hands Say Yeah had record companies throwing deals at them after they built a strong buzz by themselves. The artist Owl City went on to sign a major recording deal with Universal Republic after getting hundreds of thousands of plays from a song recorded at his mom’s house. And Linkin Park impressed Warner Bros. Records after playing sold-out shows with legions of fans who were already singing their lyrics as if the band were already a platinum act.
So to be sure: Don’t rely on luck or the fantasy that you’re God’s gift to music and you’re soon to be miraculously discovered. No one is going to save you and whisk you from your garage to superstardom. Adopt a healthy attitude about work. It’s not a “four-letter word.” It’s a necessity. The motto you should confidently employ is DIY or die!
Be Ready and Willing to Go the Distance with Persistence
Proactivity and hard work are extremely important, but being able to hang in there for as long as it takes, in spite of the many challenges you’ll face, is crucial. As business consultant Brian Tracy states, “You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile.”
Yet, it still amazes me how many young musicians approach me at music business conferences and complain about how long they’ve been working and how frustrated they are that they haven’t yet arrived. The crazy thing is that most of these artists have only been at it for a few short years. This behavior reeks of immaturity and “weekend warrior” syndrome.
Malcolm Gladwell writes in Outliers that you have to put in your “ten thousand hours” before getting what you truly want. He points out that the Beatles played in clubs for years while honing their performance and songwriting skills. They didn’t make it; they earned it.
Look, there are no guarantees for any of you who are pursuing your goals and long-term visions. But one thing is certain: success won’t come to you overnight. So get ready to push forward for the long haul and remain determined that you’re going to achieve the success you desire. As Kevin Spacey says in the movie Swimming with Sharks: “Be willing to earn it, take it, and make it yours.”
AFTERTHOUGHT: FINISH EVERYTHING YOU START Successful execution requires that you work long and hard, but also that you follow up and follow through with everything you do. It took me seven months just to get a review of my book in Modern Drummer magazine. This is par for the course. Stay organized, don’t give up, and get the job done.
Burn, but Don’t Burn Out: Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise, and More
While we’ve already established that hard work and long hours are par for the course in the music industry, we must not forget to mention the importance of getting adequate rest, nourishment, and exercise (things that are typically overlooked in most business books, but nonetheless, things that are crucial to your success).
Without good health and a balanced lifestyle, your ability to execute efficiently can be reduced dramatically, and may even cause you to make critical mistakes that cost you a lot of time and money. (Heck, it can even cost you your life—I fell asleep once while driving. Yikes. Close call!) And don’t overlook the effects of neglect on your appearance. If you look tired, drag your feet, and put on excess pounds, you can negatively affect how people respond to you and to your career.
I know. I know. You don’t need a lecture, but this stuff is important. So, just be sure to take the little I’ve written here very seriously and read the books Psychology by Douglas Bernstein and Health and the Domino Effect by Sharon Price. Your ability to execute really does depend on staying healthy.
Choose Employees and Band Members Wisely
Moving on to one of the most important factors in the successful execution of your Marketing Plan of Attack™, let’s look at the relationships you’ll have with other musicians. If you haven’t hired or partnered with anyone just yet, and you plan on doing it, be sure to pay close attention. Your ability to get things done will be determined largely by the people you bring into your organization.
Choosing employees and members is one area where musicians tend to make big mistakes. Somehow they’re likely to choose their employees, band members, and partners based on whether they live in the same area and/or have the right hair color and tattoos.
While location and looks can be important, here are other more serious considerations:
1. Does the candidate share a passion for your long-term vision and overall values?
2. Does the candidate possess important internal strengths (skills, equipment, resources, etc.) that can make up for your weaknesses?
3. Does the candidate have the ethic and tenacity needed to work harder and longer (if necessary) than anyone else, even through the most difficult time?
4. Does the candidate show a desire to commit to the organization, or does he or she have other obligations (school, relationship, career) that might distract him or her?
5. Does the candidate have a problem with any serious addictions such as drugs and alcohol? And . . .
6. Is the candidate a good follower, as well as a good leader?
If the thought of raising these questions makes you feel a little uncomfortable, remember that they can save you a great deal of time and hassles in the long run. Trust me on this, gang. I’m speaking from years of experience. Bottom line: if you don’t have the right people in place, you don’t have a fighting chance!
AFTERTHOUGHT: GOT MUSICIANS? Note that the best method for finding musicians is through personal recommendations from trusted sources, such as other musicians, producers, managers, music teachers, club promoters, and even music store clerks. You can also attend local jam sessions and open mics, check out the hottest bands in your area, place ads in your local music paper, post announcements in social networks and blogs, and call your local musicians’ union.
Delegate the Workload Within Your Organization
One of the advantages of working with other people, whether you are in a band with three other partners or you are a solo artist who hires ambitious musicians, is that you can delegate the workload within the entire organization.
One musician can be the website guy, another the club booker, and you can be the spokesperson. Even the fans of your organization can be delegated certain tasks, such as helping with street promotion or working in your merch booth.
As long as you can get everyone excited about the long-term vision of the company, to feel empowered to take on certain tasks that match their strengths, and to hold themselves accountable for both the successes and failures of their responsibilities, delegating the workload is a productive step toward executing your marketing plan effectively. It can also save you a great deal of time and money. By the way, successful delegation is the hallmark of great leadership and is what makes teams succeed.
For more on this, see The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork by John C. Maxwell, The Leader of the Future by the Peter Drucker Foundation, and Lead by Example by John Baldoni.
Link Rewards to Performance Execution
While on the topic of motivation and getting people to act, let’s talk about money. Money is a tremendously motivating force. Yet so many musical organizations fail to discuss their reward system and instead treat the issue like it’s taboo and something that should not be mentioned in the same sentence as the word art. But in the long run, this attitude can drain people of their willingness to get things done. That’s why considering the following tips is so important:
• If you’re in a band, write out a clear and simple band membership agreement that defines how things like copyright ownership for songwriting collaborations will be split and what percentage of income will be reinvested back into the band. Sample agreements can be found on the Web.
• If you are a solo artist and employer, explain to your musicians precisely how and when they’ll get paid, and give them incentives for helping you with things like promotion.
• If you have people who are helping you with sales at your merch booth, explain how they’ll be rewarded for their efforts with special perks like a small commission of the merchandising sales if a certain gross amount is reached.
Note: If you are having trouble viewing the above table in your e-reader, please visit http://www.halleonardbooks.com/ebookmedia/124611 to download a PDF version.
Overall, the idea is to create an appreciative culture that boosts your entire organization’s morale and gives them an incentive to come together as a team. In the long run, you’ll improve your ability to execute efficiently and increase your chances of achieving your goals. So take this point seriously!
Communicate the Sense of Urgency to Get Things Done Now, Before It’s Too Late!
Moving on to yet another thought that deals with the important topic of motivation, communicating a sense of urgency that certain tasks must be done by certain times is a great way to get others, as well as yourself, to act right now!
Take age and time for instance. The fact is this: we’re all getting older each day. And in this fast-paced music industry, which is largely based on youth, freedom, sacrifice, and risk, failure to act right now can mean the failure to capitalize on your golden window of opportunity. That’s right! Think about that for a moment. Surely there are exceptions to this rule depending on the genre of music you are pursuing and other factors, but the point is that urgency and time can get you fired up and cause you to get the most out of every single day of your life.
Another factor to consider is competition. The longer you wait around to get your idea to the marketplace, the greater the chance that someone will get there first and make you look like a copycat. It wouldn’t be the first time that something like this happened, would it? Surely you’ve said before: “I thought of that idea first”? Are you going to let that happen again? I didn’t think so!
I always say, why wait for tomorrow for something you can do today. If you want to read more on the subject of urgency and the various methods you can think about to get motivated, see John P. Kotter’s A Sense of Urgency. Hurry up, before it’s too late!
Get Rid of Complacency, Negativity, and Flakiness, and Do It Quickly
Even after reading books on how to effectively execute your plan and motivate people, you may still find that certain partners (employees, etc.) are not on the same page as you. They display continuous complacency, negativity, and flakiness that suggest they don’t believe in the vision and values of the organization.
If you find yourself in this predicament, it is extremely important to rid yourself of this problem immediately before it does any long-term damage to your organization. Does this sound harsh? Well, be assured there is nothing more harmful to your cause than the toxic fumes of complacency, negativity, and flakiness.
In The Prince, a classic book read by many top business executives, Niccolò Machiavelli puts it bluntly: “Unless a disease has been diagnosed and treated at the outset, it will become easy to diagnose but difficult to cure.” Unfortunately for me, I know this all too well from my own experiences with certain ex-partners. Referring to these folks as a disease is putting it nicely.
Bottom line: Attack problematic people head-on, and part ways if needed. Don’t prolong the inevitable and jeopardize your ability to execute effectively. Move out the old, and move in the new!
Embrace Industry Types, Movers and Shakers, and Company Deals Carefully
After doing-it-yourself and building up a strong buzz in your marketplace, there may come a time when you’ll be approached by some industry professionals (managers, producers, agents, investors, etc.) who express an interest in offering you some help. Awesome! But just be careful. Getting stuck in the wrong situation could easily derail your career and ability to execute at your own free will. Thus, be sure to assess all potential team players carefully by doing the following:
1. Listen to the ideas this person has for you, and determine whether they are truly in line with your vision and values.
2. Assess the track record or experience of this person by checking references and speaking with people you trust.
3. Assess the person’s ethical code and whether he or she has any potential ulterior motives, such as wanting to sleep with you, instead of wanting to help you (hey, I’m being real!).
4. Weigh what you’re giving up (a fee, percentage, creative and business control) for what you’re going to get. And finally . . .
5. Assess all legally binding agreements that you’re asked to sign (which might mean that you have to hire a music business attorney).
I’m not going to get into the details of your professional team here, since that is beyond the scope of this book. But the point is that you must be careful to get into the right relationships with industry folks, and not simply any relationship. This goes for relationships with record companies, music libraries and publishing companies too.
If you want to read more about the business of music, be sure to check out Don Passman’s All You Need to Know About the Music Business and/or The Musician’s Handbook by yours truly. Both of these books are being used at major educational institutions across the country and can be found easily online.
Always Give Thanks to Those Who Help by Practicing the Attitude of Gratitude
Getting close to the end of our discussion on execution, let’s take a look at a quote by James Allen, the British philosopher and author of the pioneering self-help book As a Man Thinketh, who once said, “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.” If that wasn’t clear enough: nurturing healthy relationships and making people feel appreciated is a big part of effective execution and getting things done.
When someone offers you assistance and/or gives you a break in this crazy business, it’s your karmic responsibility to go out of your way to show that person thanks and appreciation. Send a card, thank him or her on your recording, pay homage to him or her in interviews, and always remember this person helped you when you needed help the most. Remember that by doing this, you’ll increase the likelihood he or she will help you again. And in this business, folks, you need all the help you can get.
“And don’t just reach out to your contacts when you need something or after they’ve helped,” says Keith Ferrazzi in the book Never Eat Alone, “reach out to those in your circle of contacts all the time.” Heck, if applicable, you might even return the favor and hook them up with some work or hire them yourself.
Showing gratitude is not only good business and marketing sense, it’s a good way to live a full life! Okay? So just do it!
Remember That Life Is Not Just a Box of Chocolates
And finally, my last thought about effective execution is really one that sums up this whole chapter and book—it deals with being fully aware of every business decision you make, and the ones that you do not make. This brings to mind a famous quote from the classic movie Forrest Gump.
Forest compares life to a box full of chocolates because, in his words, “You never know what you’re going to get.”
Well, for a slightly different take on this, I compare life to a jar of jalapeños, because everything you do [or don’t do] today can burn your ass tomorrow! Be wise. Think ahead! And make every day count. And that, folks, is all I have to say!