
Dongkimchi (Winter Kimchi)




  1. Make a brine for the cabbage with 2 tbsp salt and 1 cup of water.  Combine and let stand, weighted down with a plate, for a couple of hours.
  2. Toss the radish pieces with a tbsp of salt and the sugar and set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain both cabbage and radish well, rinsing off excess salt if you like, though it should remain a bit salty.  Reserve the brine from cabbage and any liquid exuded by radishes. 
  4. Puree pear, garlic, ginger and shallot with ½ cup of water; strain this, if desired, then add to reserved brine.
  5. Toss cabbage and radish with chilis and scallions, pack into the jar(s) and pour seasoned brine over.  If you need more brine to cover, mix 2 tbsp of salt with an additional 4 cups of water, and use this to cover.
  6. Leave dongkimchi out at cool room temp for two days then put in refrigerator for another 2 weeks.  It is ready to eat any time after the initial 2 days but gets more complex with time.  This keeps for a couple of months.