
Brined Pickles


TRULY, NOTHING COULD be simpler than traditional methods of Korean brined pickles.  Simply use a ratio of water to salt at 10:1 (so, 10 cups of water needs 1 cup of salt). Bring brine to boil for about 5 minutes, cool slightly, pour over 2 pounds of vegetables while still hot.  This won’t cook the vegetables but will allow the brine to penetrate the flesh while maintaining crispness.  Let stand at cool room temperature, weighted down, for 2 to 3 days, then pack into the jar(s), seal, and refrigerate for up to 1 month.

If a whitish film forms on the surface of brine, simply pour brine off, boil again for about 5 minutes before returning to the jar(s) and refrigerating.

Cucumbers are still the standard vegetable here but experiment with whatever is fresh and in season.  Parboil sturdy vegetables like carrots when using this method.