Getting Started with Clean Eating
There are some basic principles for the Clean Eating plan, but it’s definitely not a rigid diet that forbids variations. The plan accommodates health, logistical, and everyday situations that might crop up. Clean Eating is meant to be a lifestyle that you’ll be delighted to follow for the rest of your life, one that can be tailored to fit your needs and routine. Nothing derails a change in eating patterns faster than inconvenience, complexity, or hard-to-find ingredients. Follow the essential rules as much as possible, but cut yourself some slack when you’re not perfect. Here are the fundamentals.
Choosing clean, wholesome foods is only one component of Clean Eating; you also should include exercise in your daily routine. Experts recommend that you do a minimum of thirty minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week, and work your way up to as much as sixty minutes five to six times per week. It’s especially important to train with weights at least three times a week.
There are good reasons why Clean Eating has been an element of bodybuilding culture for decades. When you move, your body undergoes a process called lipolysis, which frees fat from your fat cells (Goto et al. 2007). Exercise also releases testosterone, which breaks down fat for hours after your workout ends. Cardio exercise is important, but weight training is particularly beneficial, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Lifting weights can actually sculpt your body, and working your big muscle groups fires up your metabolism as all those muscle fibers contract hundreds of times. But be careful not to overtrain, which can cause injuries and destroy all your forward progress. Overtraining can cause fatigue, depression, and underperformance of your exercises. Slowly work up to intense, focused sessions for less than an hour a day and rest in between. The way you feel and look comes only 10 percent from exercise, while genetics counts for another 10 percent, and nutrition accounts for the remaining 80 percent (Reno 2006).
The benefits of regular exercise include:
Remember, it’s important to consult with your health care provider before starting any exercise program.
1. Make a commitment to yourself and find support.
Clean Eating is a lifestyle choice that requires a commitment to a healthier you. Your goals can be reached only if you commit to yourself. It can be very difficult to put yourself first and understand that doing so isn’t selfish. Your commitment to Clean Eating will actually take your relationships with your family, friends, and coworkers to a higher level. It’s also important to tell people your plans and to seek support with your goals. This is a wonderful way to stay on track . . . and you never know who might want to join you!
2. Write down your goals and keep a journal.
At the beginning of your Clean Eating journey it’s very important to document what you want to achieve, such as losing twenty pounds, lowering your cholesterol by a certain number of points, or taking your body mass index (BMI) down to a particular number. Be as specific as possible and set realistic milestones so that you have a clear focus and can create a game plan around those goals. Write down what you eat every day, along with your exercise schedule and anything else that gives you insight into your eating habits. For example, you might write down that you get really hungry or have flagging energy in the afternoon. This means you should eat something a little more substantial as a snack.
3. Start with a clean slate.
When you make the decision to eat cleanly, you need to clean all of the bad food out of your fridge, cupboards, pantry, car, and “secret places.” This might seem like a waste of money, but you need to remove all temptations. You can give the food to relatives or even donate it to a food bank if you don’t want to fill up garbage bags. Remember to toss condiments, cereals, and hidden stashes of old Halloween candy.
4. Have a plan when you shop for food.
Never go shopping without a meal plan and shopping list in hand, and stick to the list even if other items are on sale. And don’t go to the supermarket hungry! Eat something before hitting the supermarket: research has shown that hungry shoppers buy more food as well as more junk convenience foods. But the most important shopping tip is to read the label of every product you want to buy to find any ingredients that aren’t on the Clean Eating list.
5. Avoid foods with ingredients you don’t recognize.
If you’ve ever spent time studying labels on food products, you know that many of the ingredients of popular foods sound like the makings of a chemistry experiment. This isn’t too far from the truth. These unrecognizable ingredients are used as preservatives, to add color, to stop products from clumping, and for many other reasons. A good Clean Eating strategy is to either buy whole, single ingredients or to look for products that have few ingredients. Foods that contain lots of empty calories make up the bulk of the standard American diet (SAD), and many people aren’t aware of how much bad food they consume. Even foods that are advertised as healthful, such as frozen diet dinners and “light” foods, are packed with ingredients that can harm your health. A good Clean Eating rule of thumb is to purchase only fresh foods or those with the shortest list of ingredients—”real” ingredients, that is—on their labels. If you can’t spell or pronounce something, there’s a good chance that you shouldn’t eat it, either.
6. Accept that you’ll probably be eating more food rather than less.
Don’t panic when you look at the amount of food you’ll be carrying around and enjoying when eating cleanly. Eating more to lose weight might seem like a strange concept, but it makes sense when you consider how unstable blood sugar and binge eating affect your body. It’s also infinitely better to fill up on healthful whole foods rather than indulge in junk food. So follow your meal plans without skipping meals or counting calories, and trust your body to use all those nutrients effectively.
7. Remember that your body is unique.
On the Clean Eating plan, strive to be the best you rather than trying to look like anyone else. Every single person in the world has different needs when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and health. This is a lifestyle choice, not a diet, and for the best results you need to tailor it to your situation and body. If you have a health condition such as diabetes, you’ll need to take that into account when planning your meals, even though Clean Eating is very beneficial for people with diabetes.
8. Drink lots of water.
Water is often not the first choice for people when they’re thirsty. But on the Clean Eating plan it’s important to drink as much water as you can. This is probably one of the simpler steps to take, and if you really don’t like water, you can jazz it up with a fresh squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange juice. If you haven’t been a big water drinker, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that your headaches, fatigue, and dull skin disappear when you start hydrating more. Hydrating your body properly will make you feel better immediately.
9. Stop eating sugar, saturated fats, refined foods, and junk foods.
Cutting out all the foods that are bad for you will create monumental positive changes in your body almost immediately. On the Clean Eating plan, you should completely avoid sugar because it can sabotage your health goals. Clean Eating isn’t really about forbidden foods; it’s about foods that don’t contain refined sugar in their natural states, even sweet fruit. Sugar causes catastrophic effects in your body, such as soaring blood sugar, deep energy and mental crashes, and intense food cravings. Too much sugar in your diet can cause high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity (Hyman 2012). Read your labels closely to look for hidden sugar, such as in spaghetti sauce or bread, and satisfy your sweet tooth with a natural treat like pineapple raisins. When you avoid sugar, refined foods, and junk foods, you might lose weight, experience fewer mood swings, and have sharper mental focus. However, in some cases, this type of food purge results in withdrawal symptoms such as headaches or fatigue, especially if sugar is a major component of your diet. Don’t give up if this occurs: the backlash is temporary, and it means you’re on the right track. Just keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and stick with it.
10. Eat more fresh produce, lean protein, and whole grains.
Instead of packaged convenience items, fill your grocery cart with a plethora of fresh, vibrant produce in as many colors as possible. Add lean protein sources (the most healthful are organic and free-range, but if you can’t find or afford those, at least try to find hormone-, steroid-, and antibiotic-free protein), and round out your list with whole-grain products. Shoot for a cart that contains very few boxes, jars, or cans. Since switching to whole, nutritious foods is what Clean Eating is all about, this is the most important step to take in order to get started on your new lifestyle. “Whole” doesn’t refer to an entire apple or carrot (although these are whole foods!), but rather to foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Such foods are whole because nothing has been removed from them through processing or refining. When they’re refined, grains and other carbohydrates are stripped of vitamins, minerals, and fiber; they still contain calories, but they’ve lost their nutrients. Beyond whole wheat, you can buy all kinds of whole grains, from barley and oats to quinoa and wild rice. Look for the word “whole” before the ingredients on products such as bread, flour, breakfast cereal, and tortillas. These healthful grains reduce the risk of heart disease and help keep your blood sugar stable (Worden 2011). Think of natural, whole foods this way: a bowl of blueberries and steel-cut oatmeal makes a much more healthful breakfast than an oatmeal-blueberry muffin (which is most likely filled with sugar and other harmful ingredients). Whenever possible, prepare and cook your own whole foods rather than eating processed foods.