1 Wounded Canadians after Paardeberg

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: Reinhold Thiele/C-006097

2 Soldiers leave for War, 1915

Source: City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1244, Item 727

3 B Company, Newfoundland Regiment, in front line, Suvla Bay, 1915

Source: The Rooms Archives, St. John’s

4 The enthusiasm of the early days was long gone.…

Source: City of Toronto Archives, Fonds 1244, Item 816

5 Talbot M. Papineau, April 1916.

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Talbot Mercer Papineau fonds/C-013222

6 Sir Robert Borden chats with a wounded man …

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Department of National Defence fonds/PA-000880

7 How did people in the West feel about conscription?

Source: Library and Archives Canada/ The Toronto world [microform] – June 6, 1917– AMICUS 8693733 – page 6.

8 Lester B. Pearson, spring 1918

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Duncan Cameron fonds/PA-110824

9 Members of 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles …

Source: CWM 19930012-528; George Metcalf Archival Collection © Canadian War Museum

10 Mackenzie King was a dumpy, fussy bachelor …

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Laurier House collection/C-080345

11 Sutherland Brown, Special Reconnaissance

Source: Department of National Defence, PMR 85 151

12 Mackenzie King inspecting guard of honour …

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: Capt. Laurie A. Audrain/Dept. of National Defence fonds/PA-152440

13 The Malton aircraft factory in Toronto

Source: Avro Lancaster 11736-6 McDonnell Douglas Canada, Neg MDCAN 11736-6

14 “I’ve been in a permanent state of exhilaration since March 8 …”

Source: Public Archives: C 130882

15 Survivors of the H.M.C.S. Clayoquot

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: Ernest Campbell/Dept. of National Defence fonds/PA-141316

16 Carriers in soft, flooded ground, Breskens Pocket

Source: Lt. Grant/DND, Public Archives Canada PA 131252

17 HMCS Summerside in heavy seas

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: Gilbert Alexander Milne/Dept. of National Defence fonds/PA-115481

18 Sherman tanks of Lord Strathcona’s Horse …

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Credit: Paul E. Tomelin/Dept. of National Defence fonds/PA-115496

19 CF-101 Starfighter in 1977 …

Source: Public Archives of Canada PCN77-510, photographer M/Cpl Knox

20 President Dwight Eisenhower meets Prime Minister Diefenbaker and Minister of Foreign Affairs Howard Green, 1960.

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Department of External Affairs fonds/PA-122743 © Government of Canada. Reproduced with the permission of Library and Archives Canada (2014).

21 By the end of 1962 the Bomarcs were all fully operational …

Source: DND/John Sherman

22 Canadian soldiers on NATO manoeuvres, 1984

Source: Kent Nason