
As always, thanks to the cool folks at Tor who are taking this voyage with me: Kathleen Doherty, Tom Doherty, Susan Chang, and countless others behind the scenes.

I owe a debt of gratitude to Judith Briles and Jacques de Spoelbergh for getting Galahad out of Colorado and onto the big stage.

Also thanks to the many schools around the country who have climbed aboard the Galahad mission, and taken the adventure—and their students—to a new level.

I’m especially grateful to my son, Dominic III, for his continuous help, his visionary ideas and writing, and his diligence in making this book series accessible to so many. No father could be more proud.

And last, but certainly not least, thanks to everyone, both young and old, who believe in the books and their message. Smart is indeed cool. Spread the word.