Cooking Times

Some crock pots now have three heat settings but others have only two. I have cooked all the foods in this book on High or Low as they will be relevant to all. If you use Medium, it will take a time mid-way between the times I have given in the recipes

Some cookers also have Auto-cook. Follow your manufacturer's guidelines to use it. I recommend you use Low if you are going to be out all day. Cooking on High is great if you want quicker meals but don't cook small quantities or they will burn.

This chart also shows you the approximate conversion times from conventionally cooked dishes, should you want to try your own recipes (but remember to reduce the liquid by at least a third). Always check your manufacturer's instructions too as the times may vary slightly.

Please note, when cooking fish, rice and eggs you should always use Low for best results.

The more you use your slow cooker, the more you will become used to the correct times for your own model.