Appendix G
Adapted Storytime

Cuyahoga County Public Library

North Royalton Branch; In-Branch: May 2018

Theme: Ocean/Sea

Announcements and Schedule
Welcome Song: “New Way to Say Hello” from Exercise Party: Stretchin’ and Jumpin' Songs for Young Children
Mirror Activity—greet each child and sing a hello song that uses each child’s name
Book/Flannel: Commotion in the Ocean by Giles Andrae, illustrated by David Wojtowycz (pass out finger puppets)
Song: “Roll with the Waves” from Rockin' Red using scarves to create movement Book: I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry (double visual)
Book: Breathe by Scott Magoon (interactive)
Balance Beam Activity with “Balance Beam Song” from Rocketship Run
Goodbye Book: Wave Goodbye by Rob Reid
Goodbye Song: “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” from Catch the Moon with Gymboree bubbles
Coloring/Play/Social Time—ocean coloring pages and toys from the toy library

Reprinted with permission from Angie Bradley, Cuyahoga County Public Library.


