Our thanks are again due to Doreen Valiente for her help in preparing this book; for making available to us the unpublished authentic texts of Gerald Gardner’s Book of Shadows, for amplifying these with her personal knowledge of his views and practices, for writing Appendix A which is a real contribution to Wiccan history — and always for her constructive advice.
We are also grateful to the Society of the Inner Light for permission to use passages from Dion Fortune’s The Sea Priestess in our Seashore ritual.
We would also like to thank the Dorset County Library for their help in locating and supplying the photographs of the Rosicrucian Theatre from the now-defunct Christchurch Times, reproduced here as Plates 15 and 16.
Our thanks also to Penelope Shuttle and Peter Redgrove for permission to quote extensively from their book The Wise Wound: Menstruation and Everywoman.
And to Geoffrey Ashe for permission to quote a passage from his book The Finger and the Moon, © Geoffrey Ashe 1973.