
Writing this book would have been no fun at all without the incredible support and unquenchable appetites of our menfolk, Scott Frank and Thomas Monroe. (Guys, we love you.) Their thoughtful input on nearly all of these recipes and wines was invaluable. Orly’s insightful commentary was much appreciated for many reasons. (And we love you, too.)

Lorena Jones, our editor and publisher, who believed in this before we’d even written the proposal, heard our ideas about what a book on modern wine and food pairing should be and let us run with it. We’re honored to have your name printed on the book’s spine.

Kara Plikaitis listened to our story, read the words, and made them come to life with her brilliant design. It’s been such a pleasure to work together.

Thanks, too, to Senior Production Editor Doug Ogan, Production Manager Jane Chinn, Senior Publicity and Marketing Manager Erin Welke, Associate Marketing Director Allison Renzulli, and everyone else at Ten Speed.

Our literary agent Alia Habib’s kindness and enthusiasm is matched only by her tenacity.

Camille Shu. We’ve been crushing on her illustrations for a long time and can’t believe we are so fortunate to have them in our book.

An all-star dream team of talented women helped us create the stunning images for this book. Eva Kolenko, whose energy for this project and creative genius on set made the photography perfectly match the passion we feel for the subject. She is an absolute delight and a friend for life. Soraya Matos painted her nails, unpainted her nails, went through countless wardrobe changes, held heavy lighting equipment in the rain, fanned the campfire smoke, placed her hands in innumerable compromising positions for an ungodly amount of time, and did it all with poise. We’re beyond grateful for Kira Corbin’s immense talent for arranging beautiful things and feel so fortunate to have her as a friend and collaborator. No one can put together two back-to-back parties with the humor, style, and effortlessness that Jenna Winkler does. She has been the captain of the Wine Food cheerleading squad since the beginning.

Betty and Tom Pickell were our recipe testers, dishwashers, prep cooks, and errand runners. Their help, enthusiasm, and fun-loving attitudes carried us through.

Thanks to Joan Childs for arranging that fateful lunch at Luce. And for the deadline Negronis!

We have mad respect for Talia Baiocchi, editor in chief of PUNCH, for being such an important voice in wine writing and for helping us get this book off the ground.

Thank you to all of our friends, family, and colleagues in the Portland food and wine world (and beyond) who ate and drank with us in the name of research. Those experiences were the inspiration for this book.

Lastly, our most heartfelt gratitude to all of the growers and winemakers mentioned in this book (and some who we surely forgot to include) for providing more people with the opportunity to drink good wine.