To my readers who have fallen in love with the Keysha’s Drama series. It is my hope that you will find an equally meaningful relationship with Maya, Keysha’s best friend, whom you’ve previously met in my prior book, Myself and I. This is the first installment of the Keysha and Friends series, and it holds a proud position in my heart.
I want to say thank you to the following people for all of their help with my endless questions about Mexican culture: Maria Velasquez of Orozco Community Academy, Esperanza Gonzalez and Adrianna Galvin. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to provide me with invaluable insight.
To Glenda Howard, who has stood with me and been a champion of my career and this new series from the beginning. Thank you so much for your belief in my work and talent.
To Linda Wilson, who has been my right arm during the production phase of my last several novels. Thank you for always being available and for never complaining, even when I come to you with my hair on fire.
To my family, Annette and Candice, as always. Thanks for putting up with me and my madness during the production of this novel.
I have to send out an extra-special thank-you to Kim Boyd, Kimberly Cox, Lisa Walsh, Renee Simms, Andrea Nixon, Antoinette McClellan-Brown, Michelle Van Allen and Joy Lewis. All of you have been champions of my teen titles. Without your help and support I know my series would not have become as popular as it has.
To all who have discovered my teen titles and have either shared or recommended them to young readers, thank you so much for helping me spread the word.
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