Once more, I owe the inspiration of my latest novel to true accounts. Although the characters within these pages are fictitious, the astounding case of German saboteurs in America during WWII is not. I am indebted to Melissa Marsh for bringing this slice of history to my attention, without which this book would not exist.
Likewise, the tale of a young boy inflicted by night terrors and memories beyond logical explanation is also based on a true story (more details in the Author’s Note). For guiding me to this documented instance, as well as suggesting the two storylines were in fact the makings of a single book, I am enormously grateful to my dear friend and devoted champion Jennifer Schober.
Research for the writing of this novel would have proven overwhelming if not for the generosity of many diverse experts. For enduring countless questions and even reading sections of the book for accuracy, I owe my deep appreciation to Detective Mike Hall, veterinarian Tammy Tomschin, child psychologist Kevin Wright, hypnotherapist Jennifer Boose, and Afghanistan combat veteran Bryan Wood. I am truly in awe of the selfless service you all provide to others. Thank you for allowing me a glimpse into your inspiring worlds.
An equal amount of gratitude goes out to the following people for their insight regarding the very difficult topic of child abuse: Meta Carroll, Judith Ashley, Terrel Hoffman, Erica Strauss, and Anna Stiefvater. I also thank Sheri de Grom for invaluable information on traumatic brain injuries, John Meehan and David Davis for educating me on airline emergency protocols, David Noble for confirming details on River View Cemetery, and Steven Burke for tirelessly addressing questions on court procedures and legalities. The compilation of answers you all provided could easily amount to an entire book.
I am immensely grateful to Ursula and Les Stomsvik, who spent half a day at my kitchen table sharing stories about growing up in Germany and the tragic hardships of those caught in-between. You have not only broadened my mind but also embedded yourselves in my heart.
Additionally, I relied upon the historical expertise of archivists from the Women’s Army Museum, Francoise Bonnell and Amanda Strickland, as well as Carol Fletcher from the Telephone Museum Foundation of Gridley, who treated me to tales of working as an operator since childhood when she had to sit on books in order to reach the switchboard.
Forever I will be grateful to: Al and Karen Cagle for their unrelenting support and help in all areas of WWII that otherwise would have eluded me; WWII airman Kenneth Tucker for his information about cargo transports; Richard Cox for his hard-found historical facts regarding Fort Hamilton; and, of course, to the Multnomah County Research Librarians for once more assisting my hunts for obscure details.
I owe another serving of thanks to Brian and Janet Taylor and Helen Scott Taylor, who were all kind enough to read excerpts featuring 1940s London in an effort to ensure authenticity; to Joan Swan, my wonderful medical go-to person; and to Lynne Krywult for enlightening me on the ins and outs of farm life. The hayloft scene is for you!
Thank you to Heidi McDonough and Lisa Osnes for helping me find the perfect title (and not letting me settle on a simple THE). For trudging through the lengthy outline and assuring me I was on the right track, despite my propensity for fading to black, I thank Rachel Grant, Elisabeth Naughton, and Darcy Burke. My early readers of the manuscript are all super-bionic women whose encouragement and/or suggestions were invaluable: my beloved Sue McMorris, Kathy Huston, Molly Galassi, Sharon Shuman, and literary soul sisters Erika Robuck and Therese Walsh.
Of all the stories I have written thus far, this one undoubtedly presented the greatest challenges. My saving grace was the team of cheerleaders who kept me going, page after page, month after month. Everyone should be so blessed as to have Tracy Callan, Sunny Klever, Stephanie Stricklen, Jenna Blum, and my “twin-sie,” Alyson Richman, waiting at the finish line with pompoms and Gatorade cocktails in hand. I love and admire you all to no end.
Thanks, as always, to the amazing Kensington team for managing to bring stories from my imagination to pages in readers’ hands. I am especially indebted to my editor John Scognamiglio, who believed in my work from the beginning; Vida Engstrand, whose energy and efforts are utterly infectious; and Kristine Mills-Noble, who continues to gift me with covers which are truly works of art. I also extend my sincere thanks to all of the readers, book clubs, and reviewers who have enjoyed my novels and generously helped spread the word. For a writer, there is no greater compliment.
Finally, above all, I’m grateful to my husband, Danny, and our sons, Tristan and Kiernan. From marriage to motherhood, the lessons and memories I treasure more than any others have all come from you. You are the “pieces” that eternally fill my heart. Thank you for blessing my life in ways beyond measure. My love for you overflows.