To have footnoted every reference in this book might have given the reader a task akin to batting on the Sydney Cricket Ground wicket in the late 1880s: tough to get going, even tougher to stay in there. Sources are listed below, alphabetically by author. I want to thank three cricket bibliophiles in particular for their kind assistance: Ronald Cardwell, whose knowledge and library of this period is unparalleled; Mike Coward, as generous as ever; and Neil Robinson and the staff of the MCC Library at Lord’s.
Altham HS and Swanton EW, A History of Cricket(George Allen &Unwin, London, 1938)
Barker R, Ten Great Bowlers(Chatto & Windus, London, 1967)
Beeston RD, St Ivo & The Ashes: A Correct, True & Particular History ofthe Hon. Ivo Bligh’s Crusade in Australia(Australian Press Agency, Melbourne, 1883)
Beldam G and Fry C, Great Batsmen: Their Methods at a Glance(Macmillan & Co, London, 1905)
Beldam G and Fry C, Great Bowlers and Fielders: Their Methods at a Glance(Macmillan & Co, London, 1906)
Berry S and Peploe R, Cricket’s Burning Passion: Ivo Bligh and the Story of theAshes(Methuen, London, 2006)
Bonnell M, Currency Lads: The Life and Cricket of T.W. Garrett, R.C. Allen, S.P. Jones& R.J. Pope(The Cricket Publishing Company, Cherrybrook, 2001)
Bowen R, Cricket: A History of its Growth and Development Throughout the World, (Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1970)
Brookes C, English Cricket: The Game and its Players Throughout the Ages(Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1978)
Brown L, Victor Trumper and the 1902 Australians(Secker & Warburg, London, 1981)
Cardwell R, James Lillywhite’s XI in Goulburn 1876(The Cricket Publishing Company, Cherrybrook, 2007)
Carlaw D, W.L. Murdoch(ACS Famous Cricketers Series No 77, Nottingham, 2003)
Cashman R, The ‘Demon’ Spofforth(New South Wales University Press, Sydney, 1990)
Cashman R et al (eds), The Oxford Companion to Australian Cricket, (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1996)
Cotter G, The Ashes Captains(The Crowood Press, Marlborough, 1989)
Darling DK, Test Tussles On and Off the Field(Self-published, Hobart, 1970) de Moore G, Tom Wills: His Spectacular Rise and Tragic Fall(Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 2008)
Ferguson WH, Mr Cricket: The Autobiography of W.H. Ferguson, BEM(Nicholas Kaye, London, 1957)
Ford J, Cricket: A Social History 1700–1835(David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1972)
Frith D, Frith on Cricket: Half a Century of Writing by David Frith(Allen &Unwin, Sydney, 2010)
Frith D, The Golden Age of Cricket: 1890–1914(Omega Books, Hertfordshire, 1983)
Frith D, ‘My Dear Victorious Stod’: A Biography of A.E. Stoddart(Selfpublished limited edition, 1970)
Frith D, The Trailblazers: The First English Cricket Tour of Australia 1861–62(Boundary Books, Cheshire, 1999)
Fry CB, Life Worth Living: Some Phases of an Englishman(Eyre &Spottiswoode, London, 1939)
Gibson A, The Cricket Captains of England(Cassell, London, 1979)
Giffen G, With Bat & Ball: Twenty-five Years’ Reminiscences of Australian andAnglo-Australian Cricket(Ward, Lock & Co, London, 1898)
Guha R (ed), The Picador Book of Cricket(Picador, London, 2001)
Haigh G, The Big Ship: Warwick Armstrong and the Making of Modern Cricket(Text Publishing, Melbourne, 2001)
Haigh G and Frith D, Inside Story: Unlocking Australian Cricket’s Archives(News Custom Publishing, Melbourne, 2007)
Haigh G (ed), Endless Summer: 140 Years of Australian Cricket in Wisden(Hardie Grant Books, Melbourne, 2002)
Harris L, A Few Short Runs(John Murray, London, 1921)
Harte C, A History of Australian Cricket(Andre Deutsch, London, 1993)
Haygarth, Lillywhite, Ashley-Cooper, Scores and Biographies of CelebratedCricketers(London, 1862–)
Horan T, Cradle Days of Australian Cricket: An Anthology of the Writings of‘Felix’ (T.P. Horan), compiled and edited by Brian Mathew Crowley and PatMullins(Macmillan, Melbourne, 1989)
Horan T, Horan’s Diary: The Australian Touring Team 1877–1879(ACS Publications, Nottingham, 2001)
Knox M, The Captains: The Story Behind Australia’s Second Most Important Job(Hardie Grant Books, Melbourne, 2010)
Kynaston D, W.G.’s Birthday Party(Bloomsbury, London, 1990)
Laver F, An Australian Cricketer on Tour: Reminiscences, Impressions, andExperiences of Two Trips(Chapman and Hall, London, 1905)
Lillywhite J, John Lillywhite’s Cricketers’ Annual(London, 1876–)
Lillywhite J, John Lillywhite’s Cricketers’ Companion(London, 1870–)
Major J, More than a Game: The Story of Cricket’s Early Years(HarperPress, London, 2007)
Mahoney P, Mary Ann’s Australians: The Australian Tour of England 1909(Cricket Lore, London, 1992)
Marshall M, Gentlemen and Players: Conversations with Cricketers(Grafton Books, London, 1987)
Martin-Jenkins C, The Complete Who’s Who of Test Cricketers(Orbis Publishing, London, 1980)
Martineau GD, They Made Cricket(Museum Press, London, 1956)
Montefiore D, Cricket in the Doldrums: The Struggle Between Private and PublicControl of Australian Cricket in the 1880s(Australian Society for Sports History, University of Western Sydney, 1992)
Noble MA, The Game’s the Thing(Cassell & Co, London, 1926)
‘Old Ebor’ (AW Pullin), Chats on the Cricket Field(Bettesworth, London, 1910)
‘Old Ebor’ (AW Pullin), Talks with Old Yorkshire Cricketers(The Yorkshire Post, Leeds, 1898)
Pollard J, The Turbulent Years of Australian Cricket 1893–1917(Angus &Robertson, Sydney, 1987)
Pollard J, Australian Cricket: The Game and the Players(Hodder & Stoughton, Sydney, 1982)
Rae S, It’s Not Cricket Skullduggery, Sharp Practice and Downright Cheating in theNoble Game(Faber & Faber, London, 2002)
Rae S, W.G. Grace: A Life(Faber & Faber, London, 1998)
Sandiford K, Cricket and the Victorians(Scolar Press, Aldershot, 1994)
Sewell EHD, Triangular Cricket: Being a Record of the Greatest Contest in theHistory of the Game(J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1912)
Sharpham P, Trumper: The Definitive Biography(Hodder & Stoughton, Sydney, 1985)
Shaw A, Alfred Shaw, Cricketer: His Career and Reminiscences(Cassell and Company, London, 1902)
Shaw A and Shrewsbury A, Shaw and Shrewsbury’s Team in Australia1884–85(Shaw & Shrewsbury, Nottingham, 1885)
Smith R, Australian Test Cricketers(ABC Books, Sydney, 2000)
Smith R and Williams R, W.G. Down Under: Grace in Australia 1873–74and 1891–92(Apple Books, Tasmania, 1994)
Thomson AA, Odd Men In: A Gallery of Cricket Eccentrics(The Pavilion Library, London, 1958)
Trumble R, The Golden Age of Cricket: A Memorial Book of Hugh Trumble(Selfpublished limited edition, Melbourne, 1968)
Tyson F, The Century-Makers: The Men Behind the Ashes 1877–1977(Hutchinson, Melbourne, 1980)
Warner P, How We Recovered the Ashes(Chapman and Hall, London, 1904)
Warner P (ed), Imperial Cricket(The London & Counties Press Association, London, 1912)
Webster R and Miller A, First-class Cricket in Australia, Vol 1, 1850–51 to1941–42(Self-published, Melbourne, 1991)
West, G. Derek, The Elevens of England(Darf Publishers Limited, London, 1988)
Whitington RS, Australians Abroad: Australia’s Overseas Test Tours(The Five Mile Press, Canterbury, 1983)
Whitington RS, The Courage Book of Australian Test Cricket 1877–1974(Wren Publishing, Melbourne, 1974)
Wisden Cricketer, Story of the Ashes: Cricket’s Greatest Rivalry as Told by theWriters Who Were There(Wisden Cricketer Publishing, London, 2009)
Wisden Cricketers’ Almanack, (John Wisden & Co, London, 1864–) 200 Seasons of Australian Cricket(Ironbark Press, Sydney, 1997)
Tour records:
Tour of Australian Cricketers through Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain, Compiled from Authentic Press Reports (Argus, Melbourne, 1878)
The 2nd Australian XI’s Tour of Australia, Britain and New Zealand in 1880/81 with Appendices (including Scorecards of Supplementary Matches and the Canadian Tour of Britain in 1880), by Alfred James (A. James, Sydney, 1881)
The Australians in England: A Complete Record of the Tour of 1882, by Charles Pardon (Bell’s Life, London, 1882)
The Third Australian Team in England: A Complete Record (Cricket, London, 1882)
The Fourth Australian Team in England (Boyle & Scott, Melbourne, 1884)
The Australians in England 1896 (Athletic News, London, 1896)
The 1899 Australians in England, by Peter Sharpham (J.W. McKenzie, Epsom, 1997)
The Eleventh Australian Tour, 1902 (Cricket, London, 1902)
Annuals and Guides:
Australian Cricket Annual(George Robertson & Co, Sydney, 1895–)
Australian Cricket & Cricketers(R.A. Thompson & Co, Melbourne, 1856–)
Australian Cricket Record(Gordon & Gotch, Sydney, 1894–)
Boyle & Scott’s Australian Cricketers’ Guide(Boyle & Scott, Melbourne, 1880–)
The Cricketers’ Guide for Australasia(W. Fairfax & Co, Melbourne, 1858–)
The Cricketers’ Register(Sands & McDougall, Melbourne, 1863–)
Conway’s Australian Cricketers’ Annual(F.F. Bailliere, Melbourne, 1876–)
Ironside’s Australasian Cricketers’ Handbook(W. Bullard, Sydney, 1880–)
Ironside’s World of Cricket(W. Dymock, Sydney, 1894)
NSW Cricket Annual(NSW Bookstall Company, Sydney, 1907–)
South Australian Cricketers’ Guide(E.S. Wigg & Son, Adelaide, 1876–)
Wills’s Australian Cricketers’ Guide(J. & A. McKinley, Melbourne, 1870–)
Davis Sporting Collection, State Library of New South Wales
E.S. Marks Sporting Collection, State Library of New South Wales