


“IS EVERYTHING OK?” Leo said, noticing the look on Paige’s face.

“It’s my ex, he’s coming to Oxford to try and see me,” Paige said, beginning to regret agreeing to the drink. So much had changed in the last week that she hadn’t really realised how quickly it had all happened. She hadn’t even gotten her stuff from Rufus’ flat yet. What am I dragging Leo into?

“Does he know where your mum lives?”

“Yes, he visited her with me a few months ago...” Paige realised that Rufus could turn up at her mum’s house at any point.

“It’s okay if you have to get home,” Leo said.

“No, I want to stay,” Paige said. Her phone vibrated again, this time with a text from Rufus.

Paige unlocked the phone and read it aloud to Leo:



I gave you space, but I want to talk. I’ve packed up your stuff and I’m coming to Oxford to see you. I’ve just stopped at Chieveley services, see you soon.

Leo blew out his breath in disbelief. “I’m really sorry,” Paige said, “I think I have to go and deal with this. He’s only half an hour away.”

“I understand. Next time, it’s your round,” he added cheekily, standing up and downing his drink.

“Definitely, next time,” Paige said, “Please stay, you don’t have to see me out.”

“That’s okay, I make a point of never drinking alone if I can help it.”

“Very sensible.”

Paige rang Tom, who picked her up outside the pub.

“I’ll walk you out,” Leo said, coming to stand with Paige at the front of the building. Tom’s car pulled up, a familiar and comforting sight that reminded Paige of her childhood years with her dad. Tom and her dad had been friends for so long they were always intertwined in her mind. They felt like home.

“Good evening, you two,” Tom said, rolling down the passenger side window and leaning so that they could hear him.

“Thanks for picking me up,” Paige said, “Leo, this is my step-dad, Tom,” she turned back to Leo and was surprised to see his face had fallen, “Are you okay?” she asked.

“What?” He seemed to jump out of his thought chain to make eye contact with her again, returning to his light-hearted smile like flicking a switch, “Sorry, I was away with the fairies for a second. Lovely to meet you, Tom” he said, leaning in for a rather awkward handshake.

“Sure, pal, you too!” Tom said, also clearly somewhat confused by Leo’s change in attitude, “Come on, P, we better get going, your mum is frantic.”

Tom took her home, as arranged. That car was filled with so many memories that it almost made Paige forget what was to come. Her life had become so complicated over the last few years, she yearned to return to that childhood feeling of freedom.

As they got out of the car, Paige noticed a blue Audi parked up the curb outside of their house and her heart jumped. Rufus got out of the driver’s side and walked over.

“Paige, please, just talk to me,” he said, approaching her with arms open wide.

“Keep your distance, pal, she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Tom said, putting himself between Rufus and Paige.

“Paige?” Her mum came out of the house.

“It’s okay Sarah, Rufus is just leaving,” Tom said firmly.

“I need to talk to Paige,” Rufus said, “And I’m not leaving until I have.”

“Look, you’ve had a long drive, and Paige has had a tough week as it is. Just put Paige’s things on the pavement, get back in your car, leave, and she’ll ring you when she’s ready,” Tom said, “Sarah, get Paige’s things out of the car, I can see them right there.”

Tiptoeing out of the house in her slippers, Paige’s mum started to unload the car. Rufus didn’t seem to notice, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on Paige’s in a wild stare.

Normally, Paige would have asked Tom to stop speaking for her, but at that moment she was glad of his help.

Rufus came closer, hands held up in peace, but looking past Tom at Paige. “Those girls, it wasn’t what you think.”

“Okay, that’s enough now,” Tom said, anger rising in his voice as he walked towards Rufus.

“Rufus, I’m not interested, Marie told me what she saw,” Paige said.

“Yes, I entered the hotel room with her, but-”

“We’ve heard enough - Paige said she doesn’t want to talk to you, please leave,” Tom said, coming to stand a foot or so away from Rufus.

“Paige, please, I only kissed the first one because-” Rufus started, but was cut off by Tom grabbing his jacket and forcing him backwards towards the car, “Hey, get off me!” Rufus shouted, pushing Tom hard in the chest.

Tom lunged forward, pushing Rufus in the chest and shouting, “That’s enough now, get in your car!”

Rufus’ face darkened with frustration as he too began to lose his temper, “Fine!” he yelled, backing away to his car, “I’ll call you, Paige,” he added, getting into his car.

“You better fucking not!” Tom called after him as Rufus sped away.