“In a brilliant integration of science, spirituality and consciousness . . . physicist and author Dr. Amit Goswami uses quantum physics to describe mystical concepts such as the immortality of the soul, reincarnation, and the afterlife. Dr. Goswami describes consciousness as more than an abstract concept—as a reality primary and fundamental to science, and is his starting point for all scientific conduct. In Physics of the Soul, he integrates descriptions from The Tibetan Book of the Dead with his knowledge of quantum physics and concludes that reincarnational memory—past lives and our access to them—is an absolute, scientifically provable truth.”

The Light Connection

“In recent years the science of quantum physics has been shedding new light on metaphysical theories of reincarnation and immortality. However, the number of those who are able to intelligently discuss metaphysics such as communicating with those on the other side through dreams is very small. At the same time the number of those who can talk about the innermost nature of matter as it is now being described in quantum physics is infinitely small. Amit Goswami is one of the few individuals today who has the skills to communicate between these two esoteric studies and suggest ways how their insights might enlighten each other.”

—George W. Fisk, Spiritual Frontiers