


This Horse Translator relates to the contents and text in the White Cloud Station books. If there are any terms that you require to know about, or would like to add, please go to

Agistment ~ Livery; Horse boarding; Pasture boarding

B.H.S.I. ~ British Horse Society Instructor

Barefoot ~ Unshod; Does not wear shoes

Barn ~ A large building where horses live indoors (in loose boxes)

Chestnut ~ Sorrel

Colt ~ A young male horse under 4 years old

Cross-country course ~ A jumping course of around 1-2 miles long, comprising of fixed and solid obstacles for horses to jump, more often is set up in open fields and forest

Cross-country fences (jumps) ~ Obstacles, that horses jump over, mostly built out of natural materials

D, C, B, and A Certificates ~ Certificates run under the New Zealand Pony Club curriculum

Doona rug ~ Indoor stable rug/blanket

Eventing ~ An event run over 1-3 days, consisting of dressage, cross-country, and show-jumping phases. Also known as horse trials. A combination (horse and rider) competes in the 3 disciplines

Filly ~ A young female horse normally under 4 years old

Foal ~ Male or female horse under one year old

Gelding ~ Castrated adult male horse

Gumboots ~ Rubber boots; Wellingtons; Rain boots; Mud boots

Halter ~ Head collar

Hand gallop ~ A controlled fast canter or gallop; A ground covering stride in a show horse/hunter competition

Hands high ~ A measurement of a horse’s height. A hand equals 4 inches

High country station ~ A large ranch near the mountains, where there are cattle, sheep, and sometimes has wild animals roaming

Horse coach ~ A purpose built (luxury) truck, with living accommodation, used for transporting horses (normally to horse shows)

Horse cover ~ Horse rug; Stable rug; Outdoor blanket with waterproof outer for protection from the weather

Horse float ~ Horse trailer

Horse rug ~ Stable rug; blanket

Horse Trials ~ An event run over 1-3 days, consisting of dressage, cross-country, and show-jumping phases. Also known as eventing. A combination (of horse and rider) competes in the 3 disciplines

Horse truck ~ Horse lorry; Horse transporter

Hunter ~ A heavier type of horse often of Irish decent

Lead-rein class ~ A pony with a young rider who is lead by a handler at a horse show

Loose box ~ Stable; Stall in a barn where a horse can move around and sleep comfortably

Mare ~ Female adult horse

Musterer ~ Stockman

O.D.E. ~ A one-day event, consisting of dressage, cross-country and show-jumping. Also known as eventing.

One-day event ~ A day’s competition consisting of dressage, cross- country and show-jumping

Paddock ~ Pasture; Field

Pen ~ Corral; Yard

Saddle Hunter ~ A show competition where horses are shown on the flat, and are not required to jump. A Hunter has more bone and substance than a Show Hack

Show Hack ~ A particular type of ridden horse exhibited at a horse show. Normally over 148 cm (or over 14.3 hands) and judged on conformation, manners and movement

Show Horse ~ A horse shown in the ring and judged on its conformation, manners and movement. A show hack may sometimes be known as a show horse

Stable block/Stables ~ A barn with loose boxes; Equestrian building where horses live in separate areas

Standardbred ~ A breed of horse for harness racing

Starting ~ A gentle method of breaking in a horse; Training a horse to wear a bridle, saddle and carry a rider

Station ~ Ranch

Stationbred horse ~ A horse bred on a station, of high quality

Stockman ~ Wrangler; Cowboy; Ranch hand

Tack room ~ Saddle room

Thoroughbred ~ A breed of horse for racing (at a gallop)

Warmblood ~ Middle weight horses primarily originating in Europe

White Cloud Stationbred ~ A horse born at White Cloud Station of high quality

Wild horses ~ Mustangs

Yard ~ Corral; Pen

Yearling ~ Male or female horse that is one year old and under two