
This book represents the creativity of many individuals who are not only talented recipe developers, editors, and art directors, but also passionate home cooks themselves. Thank you to editor at large Sarah Carey for overseeing the content creation of this book, and to the rest of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s food team, past and present, led by Lucinda Scala Quinn and Jennifer Aaronson.

Thank you to editorial director Ellen Morrissey for her ideas and leadership, and to editors Amy Conway, Evelyn Battaglia, and Susanne Ruppert for curating a collection of excellent recipes and turning them into this indispensable book. Deputy art director Gillian MacLeod, with the guidance of design director Jennifer Wagner, created a design for the book that is as simple and elegant as the recipes within, as well as the charming illustrations throughout. Samantha Seneviratne and Jessie Damuck brought their culinary talents to the project. Elizabeth Eakin and John Myers provided considerable assistance in producing the pages, along with Denise Clappi, Alison Vanek Devine, Kiyomi Marsh, and Ryan Monaghan. Katie Holdefehr cheerfully supported the team along the way. As always, chief content director Eric A. Pike’s input was invaluable. Thank you as well to Meg Lappe, Josefa Palacio, Gertrude Porter, Kirsten Rodgers, and Erin Rouse.

Photographer Christina Holmes did a beautiful job of producing the bulk of the new images. A complete list of contributing photographers appears in the Photo Credits. Prop stylists Megan Hedgpeth and Pam Morris and art director James Dunlinson brought their finely honed sensibilities to the pages as well.

Our colleagues in Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia’s merchandising department provided the beautiful Martha Stewart Collection for Macy’s pots, pans, and other kitchenware seen in many of the photographs.

We are proud to work hand-in-hand with our longtime partners at Clarkson Potter, especially publisher Pam Krauss, associate publisher Doris Cooper, creative director Marysarah Quinn, art director Jane Treuhaft, production director Linnea Knollmueller, production editorial director Mark McCauslin, and associate editor Jessica Freeman-Slade. And special thanks to our former editors, Emily Takoudes and Angelin Borsics, for their help along the way.