Bibliography of Works Cited

Sūtras and tantras are listed alphabetically by English title in the first section; Indian and Tibetan works are arranged alphabetically by author in the second; works in English and French are listed alphabetically by author in the third section.

The words ārya, mahāyāna, and śrī have been deleted from the Sanskrit and Tibetan titles, and many of the English titles have been abbreviated. The fact that the titles of Sanskrit and Tibetan texts have been translated into English does not suggest that the works themselves have been translated. A published translation is noted for works that have been translated.

For modern editions of Indian Mādhyamika texts and their Tibetan translations, see David Seyfort Ruegg, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of India (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1981)


P: Tibetan Tripiṭaka (Tokyo-Kyoto: Tibetan Tripitaka Research Foundation, 1956)

Toh: A Complete Catalogue of the Tohuku University Collection of Tibetan Works on Buddhism, ed. Prof. Yensho Kanakura (Sendai, Japan, 1934 and 1953)


Advice to Kātyāyana Sutra


Ka tya ya na yi bdams ngag gi mdo

Included in P 1035

Brief Scriptures on Discipline


’Dul ba phran tshegs kyi gzhi

P 1035

Chapter on the Supramundane


’Jig rten las ’das pa’i le’u


Compendium of Doctrine Sutra


Chos yang dag par sdud pa’i mdo

P 904

Descent into Laṅkā Sutra


Lang kar gsheg pa’i mdo

P 775

Translation by D. T. Suzuki, The Lankavatara Sutra (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1932)

Diamond Cutter Sutra


rDo rje gcod pa

P 739

Translation by Edward Conze, Buddhist Wisdom Books (New York: Harper and Row, 1972).

Garland Sutra


Sangs rgyas phal po che zhes bya ba shin tu rgyas pa chen po’i mdo

P 761

Great Cloud Sutra


sPrin chen po’i mdo

P 898

Great Drum Sutra


rNga bo che chen po’i le’u’i mdo

P 888

Guhyasamāja Tantra


De bzhin gshegs pa tham cad kyi sku gsung thugs kyi gsang chen gsang ba ’dus pa zhes bya ba brtag pa’i rgyal po chen po

P 81; Sanskrit edition by S. Bagchi, Dharbanga India: Mithila Institute, 1965.

Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra


bCom ldan ’das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po’i mdo

P 160

Translation by Edward Conze in Buddhist Wisdom Books (New York: Harper and Row, 1972)

Kāśyapa Chapter Sutra


’Od srung gi le’u’i mdo

P 760.43

Kindred Sayings III

Saṃyutta-nikāya III

London: Pali Text Society, Luzac and Company, 1960

Translation by F. L. Woodward, The Book of Kindred Sayings III (London: PTS, 1954)

King of Meditative Stabilizations Sutra


Ting nge ’dzin rgyal po’i mdo

P 795

Partial translation by K. Regamey, Three Chapters of the Samādhirājasūtra (Warsaw, 1958)

Mañjuśrī Root Tantra


’Jam dpal gyi rtsa ba’i rgyud

P 162

Meeting of Father and Son Sutra


Yab dang sras mjal ba’i mdo

P 760.16

Ornament Illuminating the Wisdom Entering the Sphere of All Buddhas Sutra


Sangs rgyas thams cad kyi yul la ’jug pa’i ye shes snang ba’i rgyan gyi mdo

P 768

Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Stanzas Sutra


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa’i mdo

P 730

Perfection of Wisdom in Twenty-five Thousand Stanzas Sutra


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa

P 731

Translation by E. Conze, The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1975)

Purposeful Statements


Ched du brjod pa’i tshoms

P 39

Translation by W. Rockhill, Udānavarga (Amsterdam: Oriental Press, 1975)

Rice Seedling Sutra


Sā lu’i ljang pa’i mdo

P 876

Sūtra on the Heavily Adorned


rGyan stug po bkod pa’i mdo

P 778

Sutra on the Ten Grounds


mDo sde sa bcu pa

P 761.31

Translation by M. Honda in “An Annotated Translation of the ‘Daśabhumika’” in Studies in Southeast and Central Asia, ed. D. Sinor; Śatapiṭaka Series 74 (New Delhi, 1968), pp 115-276.

Sutra Unravelling the Thought


dGongs pa nges par ’grel pa’i mdo

P 774

Translation by È. Lamotte, Samdinirmocana-sūtra (Paris: Adrien Maisonneuve, 1935)

Teaching of Akṣayamati


bLo gros mi zad pas bstan pa’i mdo

P 842

Treasury of Tathāgathas Sutra


De bzhin gshegs pa’i mdzod kyi mdo




Moonbeams of Essentials


gNad kyi zla ’od


Advayavajra (gNyis med rdo rje)/ Maitrīpāda, 11th century

Jewel Garland of Principles


De kho na nyid rin chen phreng ba

P 3085

Akutobhayā (Ga-las-’jigs-med)1

Akutobhayā’ s Commentary on (Nāgārjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way


dbU ma rtsa ba’i ’grel pa ga las ’jigs med

P 5229

Amarasiṃha (’Chi-med-seng-ge), 6th century

Amarasiṃha’s Treasury


’Chi med mdzod

P 5787

Āryadeva (’Phags-pa-lha)

Compendium on the Essence of Exalted Wisdom


Ye shes snying po kun btus

P 5251

Establishment of the Reasoning and Logic Refuting Error


’Khrul pa bzlog pa’i rigs pa gtan tshigs grub pa

P 5247

Four Hundred/Treatise of Four Hundred Stanzas


bsTan bcos bzhi brgya pa zhes bya ba’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5246

Length of a Forearm


Rab tu byed pa lag pa’i tshad kyi tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5248

Āryavimuktisena (’Phags-pa-grol-sde)

Illumination of the Perfection of Wisdom in Twenty-Five Thousand Stanzas


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag nyi shu lnga pa’i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan gyi ’grel pa

P 5185

Asaṅga (Thogs-med), 4th century

Compendium of Knowledge


mNgon pa kun btus

P 5550

Translation by W. Rahula, Le Compendium de la Super-Doctrine Philosophie (Paris: École Française d’ Extrême Orient, 1971)

Atīśa, c. 982-1054

Commentary on the Difficult Points of Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment


Byang chub lam gyi sgron ma’i dka’ ’grel

P 5344

Translation by R. Sherburne, A Lamp for the Path and Commentary (London: Allen and Unwin, 1983)

Introduction to the Two Truths


bDen pa nyis la ’jug pa

P 5380

Translation by C. Lindtner in “Atisa’s Introduction to the Two Truths, and Its Sources.” Journal of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 9 (1981), pp. 161-214.

Avalokitavrata (sPyan-ras-gzigs-brtul-zhugs), 8th century

Commentary on (Bhāvaviveka’s) “Lamp for (Nāgārjuna’s) ‘Wisdom’”


Shes rab sgron ma’i rgya cher ’grel pa

P 5259

Ba-so Cho-gvi-gyel-tsen (Ba-so Chos-kyi-rgval-mtshan). See Jam-yang-shay-ba, et al.

Bel-den Drak-ba (dPal-ldan-grags-pa)

Beautiful Ornament of Faith, A Good Explanation

Legs bshad dad pa’i mdzes rgyan

Mundgod, India: Drepung Loseling Printing Press, 1979

Bhāvaviveka (Legs-ldan-’byed), c. 500-570

Blaze of Reasoning, Commentary on the “Heart of the Middle Way”


dbU ma’i snying po’i ’grel pa rtog ge ’bar ba

P 5256

Partial translation of Chapter III by S. Iida, in Reason and Emptiness (Tokyo: Hokuseido, 1980)

Heart of the Middle Way


dbU ma’i snying po’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5255

See Iida (above) for list of translated chapters.

Lamp for (Nāgārjuna’s) “ Wisdom ” Commentary on the “Treatise on the Middle Way”


dbU ma rtsa ba’i ’grel pa shes rab sgron ma

P 5253

Translation of Chapter I by Y. Kajiyama in Wiener Zeitschrift fur die Kunde Sud und Ostasiens, Vol 7, 1965

Bhāvaviveka the Lesser (Legs-ldan-chung-ba)

Precious Lamp for the Middle Way


dbU ma rin po che’i sgron ma

P 5254

Buddhapālita (Sangs-rgyas-bskyangs), c. 500

Buddhapālita’s Commentary on (Nāgārjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way”


dbU ma rtsa ba’i ’grel pa buddha pa li ta

P 5242

Candrakīrti (Zla-ba-grags-pa), c. 600-650

Brilliant Lamp Commentary


’Grel pa sgron gsal

p 2650

Clear Words, Commentary on (Nāgārjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way”


dbU ma rtsa ba’i ’grel pa tshig gsal ba

P 5260

Sanskrit edition: Mūlamadhyamakākārikas (Mādhyamika-sūtras) de Nāgārjuna avec la Prasannapadā Commentaire de Candrakīrti. Publiée par Louis de la Vallée Poussin (Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag, 1970). Partial translation by J. May, Candrakīrti Prasannapadā Madhyamakavṛtti (Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1959); also J. W. de Jong, Cing Chapitres de la Prasannapadā (Paris: Paul Geuthner, 1949); also M. Sprung, Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way (London: Routledge, 1979)

Commentary on (Āryadeva’s) “Four Hundred Stanzas on the Yogic Deeds of the Bodhisattvas”


Byang chub sems dpa’i rnal ’byor spyod pa bzhi bryga pa’i rgya cher ’grel pa

P 5266

Commentary on (Nāgārjuna’s) “Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning”


Rigs pa drug cu pa’i ’grel pa

P 5265

Commentary on the “Supplement to the Middle Way”


dbU ma la ’jug pa’i bsad pa

P 5263

Partial translation by L. de la Vallée Poussin, Museon 8 (1907) pp 249-317; 11 (1910) pp 271-358; and 12 (1911) pp 235-328.

Supplement to the Middle Way


dbU ma la ’jug pa

P 5261; P 5262

Also: Madhyamakāvatāra par Candrakīrti. Publiée par Louis de la Vallée Poussin

(Osnabrück: Biblio Verlag, 1970)

Partial translation by J. Hopkins in Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism (Valois, NY: Snow Lion, 1980)

Da-di-ge-shay Rin-chen-don-drup (Bra-sti-dge-bshes Rin-chen-don-grub). See Jam-yang-shay-ba, et al.

Dak-tsang (sTag-tsang-lo-tsa-ba Shes-rab-rin-chen), b. 1405

Ocean of Good Explanations, Explanation of “Freedom from Extremes Through Understanding All Tenets”

Grub mtha’ kun shes nas mtha’ bral grub pa zhes bya ba’i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa legs bshad kyi rgya mtsho

Thim-phu: Kun-gzang-stobs-rgyal, 1976

De-druk-ken-chen Nga-wang-rap-den (sDe-drug-mkhan-chen Ngag-dbang-rab-brtan). See Jam-yang-shay-ba, et al.

Den-dar-hla-ram-ba (bsTan-dar-lha-ram-pa), b. 1759

Presentation of the Lack of Being One or Many

gCig du bral gyi rnam gzhag legs bshad rgya mtsho las btus pa’i ’khrul spong bdud rtsi’i gzegs ma

Collected gzung ’bum of Bstan-dar Lha-ram of A-lag-sha Vol. 1

New Delhi: Lama Guru Deva, 1971

Dharmakīrti (Chos-kyi-grags-pa), 7th century

Commentary on (Dignāga’s) “Compendium on Valid Cognition


Tshad ma rnam ’grel gyi tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5709

Dignāga (Phyogs-glang), c. 480-540

Analysis of the Object of Observation


dMigs pa brtag pa

P 5703

Compendium on Valid Cognition


Tshad ma kun las btus pa

P 5700

Partial translation by M. Hattori, Dignāga, on Perception (Cambridge: Harvard, 1968)

Ga-wa-jam-ba (dGa’-ba’-byams-pa)

Commentary on (Tsong-kha-pa’s) “Praise of Dependent Arising” A Garland of White Light

rTen ’brel bstod pa’i dikka ’od kar ’phreng ba

no place, no date

Gen-dun-den-dzin-gya-tso (dGe-’dun-bstan-’dzin-rgya-tsho). See Sha-mar Gen-dun-den-zin-gya-tso.

Gen-dun-drup (dGe-’dun-grub, Dalai Lama I), 1391-1475

Ship Entering the Ocean of Tenets

Grub mtha’ rgva mtshor ’jug pa’i gru rdzings


Gon-chok-jik-may-wang-bo (dKon-mchog-’jigs-med-dbang-po), 1728-1791

Precious Garland of Tenets/Presentation of Tenets, A Precious Garland

Grub pa’i mtha’i rnam par bzhag pa rin po che’i phreng ba

Dharmsala, India: Shes rig par khang, 1969

Translation by Geshe Sopa and J. Hopkins, Practice and Theory of Tibetan Buddhism (New York: Grove Press, 1976)

Presentation of the Grounds and Paths, Beautiful Ornament of the Three Vehicles

Sa lam gyi rnam bzhag theg gsum mdzes rgyan

Buxadour: Gomang College, 1965

Also: The Collected Works of dkon-mchog-’jigs-med-bang-po, Vol.7

New Delhi: Ngawang Gelek Demo, 1972

Guṇaprabha (Yon-tan-’od)

Discourse on Discipline


’Dul ba’i mdo

P 5619

Gyel-tsap (rGyal-tshab), 1364-1432

Great Purification of Forgetfulness Regarding Valid Cognition

Tshad ma’i brjed byang chen mo

Toh. 5438

Heart Ornament, An Explanation of the Root Text and Commentary of (Maitreya’s) “Ornament for Clear Realization”

mNgon rtogs pa’i rgyan gyi rtsa ba ’grel pa dang bcas pa’i rnam bshad snying po’i rgyan

Toh. 5433

Illumination of the Meaning of the Essence of (Nāgārjuna’s) “Precious Garland”

dbU ma rin chen ’phreng ba’i snying po’i don gsal par byed pa

Toh. 5427

Purification of Forgetfulness of (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way”

dbU ma rgyan gyi brjed byang

Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1976

Haribhadra (Seng-ge-bzang-po), late 8th century

Clear Meaning Commentary


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan ces bya ba’i grel pa

P 5191

Commentary for Easy Understanding of the Condensed (Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra


sDud pa tshigs su bead pa dka’ ’grel rtogs sla

P 5196

Illumination of (Maitreya’s) “Ornament for Clear Realization,” Explanation of the Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Stanzas


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa’i bshad pa mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan gyi snang ba

P 5192

Jam-bel-sam-pel, Ge-shay (’Jam-dpal-bsam-phel, dGe-gshes), d. 1975

Presentation of Awareness and Knowledge, Composite of All the Important Points, Opener of the Eye of New Intelligence

Blo rig gi rnam bzhag nyer mkho kun ’dus blo gsar mig ’byed

Modern blockprint, n.p., n.d.

Translation by E. Napper in Lati Rinbochay, Mind in Tibetan Buddhism (Valois, NY: Snow Lion, 1980)

Jam-yang-chok-hla-ö-ser (’Jam-dbyangs-phyogs-hla-od-zer), 15th century

Collected Topics of Ra-dö

Rva stod bsdus grva

Dharamsala, India: Damchoe Sangpo, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (Printed at Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi), 1980

Jam-yang-shay-ba (’Jam-dbyangs-bzhad-pa), 1648-1721

Analysis of the First Chapter (of Maitreya’s “Ornament for Clear Realization”)

sKabs dang po’i mtha’ dpyod

Sarnath, India: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1965

Analysis of the Third Chapter (of Maitreya’s “Ornament for Clear Realization”)

sKabs gsum pa’i mtha’ dpyod

Sarnath, India: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1965

Great Exposition of Tenets/Explanation of “Tenets,” Sun of the Land of Samantabhadra Brilliantly Illuminating All of Our Own and Others’ Tenets and the Meaning of the Profound (Emptiness), Ocean of Scripture and Reasoning Fulfilling All Hopes of All Beings

Grub mtha’i rnam bshad rang gzhan grub mtha’ kun dang zab don mchog tu gsal ba kun bzang zhing gi nyi ma lung rigs rgya mtsho skye dgu’i re ba kun skong

Musoorie: Dalama, 1962

Great Exposition of the Middle Way/Conclusions about (Candrakīrti’s) “Supplement to the Middle Way” Treasury of Scripture and Reasoning, Thoroughly Illuminating the Profound Meaning (of Emptiness), Entrance for the Fortunate

dbU ma ’jug pa’i mtha’ dpyod lung rigs gter mdzod zab don kun gsal skal bzang ’jug ngogs

Buxaduor: Gomang, 1967

Jam-yang-shay-ba, et al.

Jam-yang-shay-ba, Ba-so Cho-gyi-gyel-tsen (Ba-so Chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan), De-druk-ken-chen Nga-wang-rap-den (sDe-drug-mkhan-chen Ngag-dbang-rab-brtan), and Da-di-ge-shay Rin-chen-don-drup (Bra-sti-dge-bshes Rin-chen-don-grub)

Four Interwoven Annotations to (Tsong-kha-pa’s) “Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path”

Lam rim mchan bzhi sbrags ma

New Delhi: Chophel Lekden, 1972

Jang-gya (lCang-skya), 1717-1786

Presentation of Tenets/Clear Exposition of the Presentations of Tenets, Beautiful Ornament for the Meru of the Subduer’s Teaching

Grub pa’i mtha’i rnam par bshag pa gsal bar bshad pa thub bstan lhun po’i mdzes rgyan

Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1970

Jay-dzun-ba (rJe-btsun-pa), 1469-1546

Good Explanation of the General Meaning, Clarifying the Difficult Points of (Tsong-kha-pa’s) “Illumination of the Thought, Explanation of the ‘Supplement to the Middle Way”’ A Necklace for the Fortunate

bsTan bcos dbu ma la ’jug pa’i rnam bshad dgongs pa rab bsal gyi dka’ gnad gsal bar byed pa’i spyi don legs bshad skal bzang mgul rgyan

Modern blockprint: no place, no date

Jetāri (dGra-las-rgyal-ba)

Sugata Treatise


bDer gzhegs gzhung gi rab byed

P 5296

Jñānagarbha (Ye-shes-snying-po), early 8th century

Commentary on the Differentiation of the Two Truths


bDen pa gnyis rnam par ’byed pa’i ’grel pa

[Not in P] Toh. 3882

Differentiation of the Two Truths


bDen gnyis rnam ’byed

[Not in P] Toh. 3881

Jñānamitra (Ye-shes-bshes-gnyen)

Explanation of the “Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom”


Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i snying po’i rnam par bshad pa

P 5218

Jñānaśrībhadra (Ye-shes-dpal-bzang-po)

Commentary on the “Descent into Laṅkā”


Langkar gshegs pa’i ’grel pa

P 5519

Jñānavajra (Ye-shes-rdo-rje)

Commentary on the “Descent into Laṅkā” Ornament of the Heart of the Tathāgata


Langkar gshegs pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po’i mdo’i ’grel pa de bzhin gshegs pa’i snying po’i rgyan

P 5520

Kamalaśīla, c. 740-795

Commentary on the Difficult Points of (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Compendium of Principles”


De kho na nyid bsdus pa’i dka’ ’grel

P 5765

Translation by G. Jha, The Tattvasaṃgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla, Gaekwad’s Oriental Series, Vol. lxxx-lxxxiii (Baroda: 1937-1939)

Commentary on the Difficult Points of (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way”


dbU ma rgyan gyi dka’ ’grel

P 5286

Illumination of the Middle Way


dbU ma snang ba

P 5287

Stages of Meditation


sGom pa’i rim pa

P 5310-12

Kay-drup (mKhas-grub), 1386-1438

Thousand Doses/Opening the Eye of the Fortunate, Treatise Brilliantly Clarifying the Profound Emptiness

sTong thun chen mo/Zab mo stong pa nyid rab tu gsal bar byed pa’i bstan bcos skal bzang mig ’byed

Toh. 5459

Long-chen-rap-jam (kLong-chen-rab-’byams), 1308-1363

Treasury of Tenets, Illuminating the Meaning of All Vehicles

Theg pa mtha’ dag gi don gsal bar byed pa grub pa’i mtha’ rin po che’i mdzod

Gangtok: Dodrup Chen Rinpoche, 1969

Lo-sang-gön-chok (bLo-bzang-dkon-mchog)

Word Commentary on the Root Text of (Jam-yang-shay-ba’s) “Tenets ” A Crystal Mirror

Grub mtha’ rtsa ba’i tshig tik shel dkar me long

In Three Commentaries on the Grub mtha’ rtsa ba gdoṅ lṅa’i sgra dbyaṅs of ’Jam-dbyaṅs-bzad-pai’-rdo-rje nga-dban-brtson-’grus

Delhi: Chophel Lekden, 1978


Bye brag rtogs byed chen po

ed. Ryozaburo Sakaki

Tokyo: Suzuki Research Foundation, 1962

Maitreya (Byams-pa)

Ornament for Clear Realization


mNgon par rtogs pa’i rgyan

P 5184

Translation by E. Conze, Abhisamayālaṃkārā, Serie Orientale Roma VI (Rome: Is.M.E.O., July 1954)

Ornament for the Mahāyāna Sutras


Theg pa chen po’i mdo sde’i rgyan gyi tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5521


Ten Stanzas on Suchness


De kho na nyid bcu pa

P 3080

Mi-pam-gya-tso (Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho), 1846-1912

Explanation of (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way,” Sacred Word of the Smiling Lama Mañjuśrī

dbU ma rgyan gyi rnam bshad ’jam dbyangs bla ma dgyes pa’i zhal lung

In Collected Works of Jam-mgon ’Ju Mi-pham rgya-mtsho, Vol. 12

Gangtok, 1971

Nāgabodhi (kLu-byang-chub)

Ordered Stages of the Means of Achieving Guhyasamāja


’Dus pa’i sgrub pa’i thabs rnam par gzhag pa’i rim pa

P 2764

Nāgārjuna (kLu-sgrub)

Commentary on the “Refutation of Objections”


rTsod pa bzlog pa’i ’grel pa

P 5232

Commentary on “Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness”


sTong pa nyid bdun cu pa’i ’grel pa

P 5231

Commentary on the “Treatise Called ‘The Finely Woven’”


Zhib mo rnam par ’thag pa’i ’grel pa


Compendium of Sutra


mDo kun las bdus pa

P 5330

Drop for Supporting the People


Lugs kyi bstan bcos skye bo gso ba’i thigs

P 5822

Essay on the Mind of Enlightenment


Byang chub sems kyi ’grel pa

P 2665; P 2666

Translation by C. Lindtner in Nagarjuniana (Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982)

Five Stages


Rim pa lnga pa

P 2667

Friendly Letter


bShes pa’i spring yig

P 5682

Translation by Jamspal, et. al., Nāgārjuna’s Letter to King Gautamīputra (Delhi: Motilal, 1978)

Hundred Applications


sByor pa brgya

P 5795

Hundred Wisdoms


Shes rab brgya

p 5414

Praise of the Inconceivable


bSam gyis mi khyab par bstod pa

P 2019

Translation by C. Lindtner in Nāgārjuniana (Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982)

Praise of the Sphere of Reality


Chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa

P 2010

Praise of the Supramundane


’Jig rten las ’das par bstod pa

P 2012

Translation by C. Lindtner in Nāgārjuniana (Copenhagen: Akademish Forlag, 1982)

Precious Garland of Advice for the King


rGyal po la gtam bya ba rin po che’i phreng ba

P 5658

Translation by J. Hopkins and Lati Rimpoche in The Precious Garland and the Song of the Four Mindfulnesses (London: Allen and Unwin, 1975)

Refutation of Objections


rTsod pa bzlog pa’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5228

Translation by K. Bhattacharya, The Dialectical Method of Nāgārjuna (Delhi: Motilal, 1978)

Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness


sTong pa nyid bdun cu pa’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5227

Translation by C. Lindtner in Nāgārjuniana (Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982)

Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning


Rigs pa drug cu pa’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5225

Translation by C. Lindtner in Nāgārjuniana (Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1982)

Treatise called “The Finely Woven”


Zhib mo rnam par ’thag pa zhes bya ba’i mdo

P 5226

Treatise on the Middle Way/Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way Called “Wisdom”


dbU ma rtsa ba’i tshig le’ur byas pa shes rab ces bya ba

P 5224

Translation by F. J. Streng in Emptiness: A Study in Religious Meaning (Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1967); etc.

Nga-wang-bel-den (Ngag-dbang-dpal-ldan) b. 1797

Annotations for (Jam-yang-shay-ba’s) “Great Exposition of Tenets,” Freeing the Knots of the Difficult Points, Precious Jewel of Clear Thought

Grub mtha’ chen mo’i mchan ’grel dka’ gnad mdud grol blo gsal gces nor

Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1964

Explanation of the Conventional and the Ultimate in the Four Systems of Tenets

Grub mtha’ bzhi’i lugs kyi kun rdzob dang don dam pa’i don rnam par bshad pa legs bshad dpyid kyi dpal mo’i glu dbyangs

New Delhi: Guru Deva, 1972

Nga-wang-dra-shi (Ngag-dbang-bkra-shis), 1648-1721

The Collected Topics by a Spiritual Son of Jam-yang-shay-ba

Sras bsdus grva

n.p., n.d.

Nyen-don-bel-jor-hlun-drup (gNyen-ston-dpal-’byor lhun-grub)

Commentary on the Difficult Points of (Tsong-kha-pa’s) “Essence of the Good Explanations,” A Lamp for the Teaching

Legs bshad snying po’i bka’ ’grel bstan pa’i sgron me

Modern blockprint: no place, no date

Pa-bong-ka (Pha-bong-kha), 1878-1941

Lecturers on the Stages of the Path, compiled by Trijang Rinpochay

Lam rim zin bris/rNam grol lag bcangs su gtog pa’i man ngag zab mo tshang la ma nor ba mtshungs med chos kyi rgyal po’i thugs bcud byang chub lam gyi rim pa’i nyams khrid kyi zin bris gsung rab kun gyi bcud bsdus gdams ngag bdud rtsi’i snying po

Mundgod, India: Gan-den Shar-dzay, n.d.

Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba (Pan-chen bSod-nams-grags-pa), 1478-1554

General Meaning of (Maitreya’s) “Ornament for Clear Realization”

Phar phyin spyi don/Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan ’grel pa dang bcas pa’i rnam bshad snying po rgyan gyi don legs par bshad pa yum don gsal ba’i sgron me

Buxadour, India: Nang bstan shes rig ’dzin skyong slob gnyer khang, 1963

Parahitabhadra (gZhan-la-phan-pa-bzang-po)

Commentary on (Nāgārjuna’s) “Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness”


sTong pa nyid bdun cu pa’i ’grel pa

P 5269

Pur-bu-jok (Phur-bu-lcog Byams-pa rgya-mtsho), 1825-1901

Explanation of the Lesser Path of Reasoning in Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treaties on Valid Cognition

Rigs lam chung ngu’i rnam bshad pa in Tshad ma’i gzhung don ’byed pa’i bsdus grva’i rnam bzhag rigs lam ’phrul gyi sde mig

Buxa, India: n.p., 1965

Explanation of the Presentation of Objects and Object Possessors as well as Awareness and Knowledge in Magical Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Treatises on Valid Cognition

Yul yul can dang blo rig gi rnam par bshad pa in Tshad ma’i gzhung don ’byed pa’i bsdus grva’i rnam bzhag rigs lam ’phrul gyi sde mig

Buxa, India: n.p., 1965

The Topic of Signs and Reasonings from “Great Path of Reasoning”

in The Magic Key to the Path of Reasoning, Presentation of the Collected Topics Revealing the Meaning of the Texts on Valid Cognition

Tshad ma’i gzhung don ’byed ba’i bsdus grva’i rnam gzhag gyi lde mig

Buxa, India: n.d., 1965

Ratnākāraśānti (Shanti-pa/Rin-chen-’byung-gnas-zhi-ba) c. 1000

Presentation of the Three Vehicles


Theg pa gsum rnam par bzhag pa

P 4535

Sahajavajra (lHan-skyes-rdo-rje)

Commentary on (Maitrīpāda’s) “Ten Stanzas on Suchness”


De kho na nyid bcu pa’i rgya cher ’grel pa

P 3099

Śāntarakṣita (Zhi-ba-’tsho), 8th century

Commentary on the “Ornament to the Middle Way


dbU ma’i rgyan gyi ’grel pa

P 5285

Compendium of Principles


De kho na nyid bsdus pa’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5764

Translation by G. Jha, The Tattvasaṃgraha of Śāntarakṣita with the Commentary of Kamalaśīla, Gaekwad’s Oriental Series Vol. lxxx and lxxxiii (Baroda: 1937-1939)

Ornament to the Middle Way


dbU ma’i rgyan gyi tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5284


Commentary on (Jñānagarbha’s) “Differentiation of the Two Truths”


bDen pa gnyis rnam par ’byed pa’i ’grel ba

P 5283

Śāntideva (Zhi-ba-lha) c. 700

Compendium of Instructions


bsLab pa kun las btus pa’i tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5336; Sanskrit edition by Cecil Bendall, Çkshāsamuccaya, Indo-Iranian Reprints 1 (The Hague: Mouton and Co., 1957)

Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds


Byang chub sems dpa’i spyod pa la ’jug pa

P 5272; Sanskrit edition by P. L. Vaidya (Dharbanga: Mithila Institute, 1960).

Translation from the Tibetan by Stephen Batchelor, A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life (Dharmsala: LTWA, 1979)

Sha-mar Gen-dun-den-zin-gya-tso (Zhwa-dmar dGe-’dun-bstan-’dzin-rgya mtsho), 1852-1910

Lamp Illuminating the Profound Thought, Set Forth to Purify Forgetfulness of the Difficult Points of (Tsong-kha-pa’s) “Great Exposition of Special Insight”

lHag mthong chen mo’i dka’ gnad rnams brjed byang du bkod pa dgongs zab snang ba’i sgron me

Delhi: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1972

Śūra (dPa’-bo)

Cultivation of the Ultimate Mind of Enlightenment/Essay on the Stages of Cultivating the Ultimate Mind of Enlightenment


Don dam pa byang chub kyi sems bsgom pa’i rim pa yi ger bris pa

P 5431

Tsong-kha-pa, 1357-1419

Explanation of the Eight Great Difficult Points in (Nāgārjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way”

rTsa ba shes rab kyi dka’ gnas chen po brgyad kyi bshad pa

Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1970

Essence of the Good Explanations, Treatise Discriminating the Interpretable and the Definitive

Drang ba dang nges pa’i don rnam par phye ba’i bstan bcos legs bshad snying po

P 6142

Also: Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1973

Translation by R. Thurman, Tsong-kha-pa’s Speech of Gold in the “Essence of True Eloquence” (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984)

Golden Rosary of Eloquence/Extensive Explanation of (Maitreya’s) “Treatise of Quintessential Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom, Ornament for Clear Realization,” As Well As Its Commentaries

Legs bshad gser gyi phreng ba/Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa’i man ngag gi bstan bcos mngon par rtogs pa’i rgyan ’grel pa dang bcas pa’i rgya cher bshad pa

P 6150

Also: Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1970

Great Exposition of Special Insight

lHag mthong chen mo

In Tsong-kha-pa’s Statements on the Mādhyamika View, Vol. 1

rJe tsong kha pa’i gsung dbu ma’i lta ba’i skor

Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1975

Translation by A. Wayman, Calming the Mind and Discerning the Real (New York: Columbia, 1978)

Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path

Lam rim chen mo

P 6001

Also: Dharmsala, India: Shes rig par khang, 1964

Illumination of the Thought, Extensive Explanation of (Candrakīrti’s) “Supplement to the Middle Way”

dbU ma la ’jug pa’i rgya cher bshad pa dgongs pa rab gsal

P 6143

Also: Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1973

Partial translation by J. Hopkins in Compassion in Tibetan Buddhism (Valois, NY: Snow Lion, 1980)

Middling Exposition of the Stages of the Path

Lam rim ’bring

P 6002

Also: Dharmsala: Shes rig par khang, 1968

Partial translation by R. Thurman in Life and Teachings of Tsong-Khapa (Dharmsala: LTWA, 1982)

Notes on (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way”

dbU ma rgyan gyi zin bris

P 6141

Also: Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1976

Ocean of Reasoning, Explanation of (Nāgārjuna’s) “Treatise on the Middle Way”

dbU ma rtsa ba’i tshig le’ur byas pa shes rab ces bya ba’i rnam bshad rigs pa’i rgya mtsho

P 6153

Also: Sarnath, India: Pleasure of Elegant Sayings Press, 1973

Translation of Chapter II by J. Hopkins, “Ocean of Reasoning” (Dharmsala: LTWA, 1977)

Praise of Dependent Arising/Praise of the Supramundane and Victorious Buddha for his Teaching the Profound Dependent Arising, Essence of Good Explanations

Sangs rgyas bcom ldan ’das la zab mo rten cing ’brel bar ’byung ba gsung ba’i sgo nas bstod pa legs par bshad pa’i snying po

P 6016

Vasubandhu (dbYig-gnyen), 4th century

Explanation of theTreasury of Knowledge


Chos mngon pa’i mdzod kyi bshad pa

P 5591; Sanskrit edition by Swami Dwarikadas Shastri (Varanasi: Buddha Bharati, 1972)

Translation by L. de la Vallée Poussin, L’Abhidharmakośa de Vasubandhu (Paris: Geuthner, 1923-1931)

Reasonings for Explanation


rNam bshad rigs pa

P 5562

Treasury of Knowledge


Chos mngon pa’i mdzod kyi tshig le’ur byas pa

P 5590

For translation, see previous entry

Ye-shay-day (Ye-shes-sde), c. 800

Differences Between the Views

lTa ba’i khyad par

P 5847

Ye-shay-gyel-tsen (Ye-shes-rgyal-mtshan), 1713-1793

Clear Exposition of the Modes of Minds and Mental Factors, Necklace for Those of Clear Mind

Sems dang sems byung gi tshul gsal bar ston pa blo gsal mgul rgyan

The Collected Works of Tshe-mchog-glin-yongs-’dzin ye-ses-rgyal-mtshan, Vol. 16

New Delhi: Tibet House, 1974

Translation by H. Guenther and L. Kawamura, Mind in Buddhist Psychology (Emeryville: Dharma Press, 1975)


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