Note: Index entries from the print edition of this book have been included for use as search terms. They can be located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.
Technical terms are listed in the index under their English translation. For the Sanskrit and Tibetan of these terms, see the Glossary. Tibetan personal names are listed in phonetic form. For the transliterated form, see the Bibliography.
Abhidharmasamuccaya, see Compendium of Knowledge
Abhisamayālamkāra, see Ornament for Clear Realization
Ability to perform function, see also Real and unreal conventionalities
Acintyastava, see Praise of the Inconceivable
Actual ultimate
Affirming negative, definition and example of
Afflictive Obstructions, Prāsaṅgika assertion concerning, Svātantrika antidote for, see also Obstructions to liberation
Akṣayamatinirddeśasūtra, see Teaching of Akṣayamati
Analysis, see Reason
Analysis of the First Chapter of (Maitreya’s) “Ornament for Clear Realization”
Analytical cessations
Appearance, existence in manner of, see also Direct cognizer, sense; Inherent existence in Svātantrika; Objective mode of subsistence; and Sense perception
Appearance, false, in Prāsaṅgika
Artificial conceptions of self of persons, see Self of persons, artificial
Āryadeva, citation of texts by
Asaṅga, citation of texts by
Atīśa, citation of texts by
Automomous syllogism, significance of its use, unsuitable for Prāsaṅgikas, see also Commonly appearing subject, Three modes, and Correct signs
Avalokitavrata, citation of texts by
Basis of designation, found in Svātantrika,; see also Appearance, existence in manner of; Inherent existence in Svātantrika; and Objective mode of subsistence
Bhāvanākrama, see Stages of Meditation
Bhāvaviveka, citation of texts by, criticism of Buddhapālita, example of reasoning, founder of Svātantrika school, refutation of Yogācāra
Blaze of Reasoning
Bodhicaryāvatāra, see Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds
Bodhisattva grounds
Brief Scriptures on Discipline
Buddha bodies, three
Buddha’s skillful means of teaching
Buddhapālita, citation of texts by
Candrakīrti, citation of texts by, criticism of Bhāvaviveka, defense of Buddhapālita, founder of Prāsaṅgika school, sevenfold reasoning
Catuḥśataka, see Four Hundred
Catuḥśatakaṭīkā, see Commentary to (Āryadeva’s) “Four Hundred”
Cause and effect of actions
mChan ’grel, see Annotations
Chariot, example of
Clear Words
Commentary on (Dignāga’s) “Compendium of Valid Cognition”
Commentary to (Āryadeva’s) “Four Hundred”
Commentary to (Jñānagarbha’s) “Two Truths’
Commentary to (Nāgārjuna’s) “Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning”
Commonly appearing subject, not accepted by Prāsaṅgika, see also Autonomous syllogism; and Consequences
Compendium of Knowledge
Compendium of Sutra
Compositional factors
Concordant ultimates
Consequences, use of in Prāsaṅgika
Consummate nature
Conventional Truth, see Truth, Conventional
Correct effect signs
Correct nature signs
Correct signs of non-observation, divisions and examples of
Correct signs, sixfold division, synonyms
Council of Lhasa
Daśabhūmikasūtra, see Sutra on the Ten Grounds
Dependent Arising, compatability with emptiness, synonyms, types of
Dependent nature
Descent into Laṅkā Sutra
Desire Realm
Dharmakīrti, citation of texts by
Diamond Cutter Sutra
Differentiation of the Two Truths
Difference Between the Views
Direct perceiver, definition
Direct perceiver, sense
Drop of Ambrosia
Dualistic appearance, three types
bDud rtsi’ thigs pa, see Drop of Ambrosia
Emic and Etic viewpoints
Emptiness, direct cognition of, of duality of subject and object, of inherent existence, see also Dependent arising; and Selflessness
Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds
Essence of the Good Explanations
Essence of the Middle Way
Extremes, as abandoned in Hīnayāna schools, as abandnoned in Mādhyamika, as abandoned in Prāsaṅgika, as abandoned in Svātantrika, as abandoned in Yogācāra, falling to, hierarchy of abandonment of, holding to one, synonyms
Feeling aggregate
Form Aggregate
Form Realm
Formless Realm
Four Hundred
Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way Called “Wisdom”, see Treatise on the Middle Way
Friendly Letter
Gam-bo-ba (sGam-po-pa)
Golden Rosary of Good Explanations
Great Commentary to (Candrakīrti’s) Supplement
Great Exposition of Special Insight
Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path
Great Exposition of Tenets
Grub mtha’ chen mo, see Great Exposition of Tenets
lHag mthong chen mo, see Great Exposition of Special Insight
Heart Sutra
Hidden phenomena, see Phenomena, hidden and manifest
Horns of a Rabbit
Illumination of the Middle Way
Imaginary nature
Imputed existence, see also Appearance, false in Prāsaṅgika and Mere I
Inference, see also Reason
Inferential valid cognizer, basis of, definition
Inherent existence, four absurd consequences of, in Prāsaṅgika, in Svātantrika, synonyms, see also Appearance, false in Prāsaṅgika; and Objective mode of subsistence in Svātantrika
Innate conception of self of persons, see Self of persons, innate conception
Instructions on Name and Gender
Introduction to the Two Truths
Jang-gya, biography, summary of Svātantrika chapter
Jñānagarbha, citation of texts by, doctrinal affiliation
’Jug dik chen mo, see Great Commentary on (Candrakīrti’s) “Supplement”
Kamalaśīla, citation of texts by
Kāśyapa Chapter Sutra
Kāśyapaparivarta, see Kāśyapa Chapter Sutra
Kindred Sayings
King of Meditative Stabilizations Sutra
Lack of being one or many, see Reasoning of lack of being one or many
Laṅkāvatārasūtra, see Descent into Lanka Sutra
Lam rim chen mo, see Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path
Lamp for (Nāgārjuna’s) “Wisdom”
Legs bshad gser phreng, see Golden Rosary of Good Explanations
Legs bshad snying po, see Essence of Good Explanations
Logic, see Correct signs; Reason; Subject, basal and mere; and Three Modes
Lokātītastave, see Praise of the ramundane
Madhyamakahṛdaya, see Essence of the Middle Way
Madhyamakālaṃkāra, see Ornament for the Middle Way
Mādhyamakāloka, see Illumination of the Middle Way
Madhyamakāvatāra, see Supplement to (Nāgārjuna’s Treatise on) the Middle Way’’
Mādhyamika, definition, divisions of, identification of schools retrospectively, refutation of charge of having no view, refutation of charge of nihilism
Mādhyamikas of the Model Texts
Magician’s Illusion, example of
Mahāyāna, distinguishing feature, according to Prāsaṅgika, according to Svātantrika
Mahāyānasūtralamkāra, see Ornament for the Mahāyāna Sutras
Manifest phenomena, see Phenomena, hidden and manifest
Meaning generality
Meeting of the Father and Son Sutra
Mental factors
Mere I
Minds, see Consciousnesses
Nāgārjuna, citation of texts by
Nāmaliṅgānuśāsana, see Instructions on Name and Gender
Negative and positive phenomena, see also Affirming negative and Non-affirming negative
Nihilism, refutation of Mādhyamika as
Non-affirming negative; definition and example of, two types
Notes to (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way’
Object of negation, in Prāsaṅgika, in Svātantrika
Objective mode of subsistence in Svātantrika
Obstructions to liberation, see also Afflictive obstructions
Obstructions to omniscience, antidote for
Ornament for Clear Realization
Ornament for the Mahāyāna Sutras
Ornament for the Middle Way
Pañcaviṃśatisahāsrikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra, see Perfection of Wisdom in Twenty-Five Thousand Stanzas
Pan-chen So-nam-drak-ba
Partisan Mādhyamikas
Partless Particles
Path, structure of
Path of seeing
Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Stanzas
Perfection of Wisdom in Twenty-Five Thousand Stanzas
Perfection of Wisdom Sutras
Perfections, six
Permanent phenomena
Phar phyin mtha’ dpyod skabs dang po, see Analysis of the First Chapter of (Maitreya’s) “Ornament for Clear Realization”
Phenomena, divisions of, hidden and manifest, pure and impure class of, qualities of conditioned phenomena, three attributes of
Pitāputrasamāgamasūtra, see Meeting of the Father and Son Sutra
Praise of Dependent Arising
Praise of the Inconceivable
Praise of the Supramundane
Prajñānāmamūlamadhyamakakārikā, see Treatise on the Middle Way
Prajñāpradīpa, see Lamp for (Nāgārjuna’s) “Wisdom”
Prajñāpāramitāhṛdayasūtra, see Heart Sutra
Prajñāpāramitāsūtra, see Perfection of Wisdom Sutras
Pramāṇavarttika, see Commentary on (Dignāga’s) “Compendium on Valid Cognition”
Prasannapadā, see Clear Words
Precious Garland
Proponents of True Existence
Purposeful Statements
Ratnavālī, see Precious Garland
Real and unreal conventionalities
Reason, use of in path
Reasoning of lack of being one or many, as a consequence, as a syllogism
Reasonings, examples of, see Bhāvaviveka, example of reasoning; Reasoning of lack of being one or many
Reasons, facsimile, three types and examples, of
Referent object
Refutation of Objections
Sa-gya Pandita
Samādhirājasūtra, see King of Meditative Stabilizations Sutra
Saṃdhinirmocana, see Sutra Unravelling the Thought
Saṃyutta Nikāya, see Kindred Sayings
Śāntarakṣita, citation of texts, founder of Yogācāra-Svātantrika Mādhyamika, integration of Yogācāra, question of authorship of Satyadvayavibhaṅgaṭīkā, see also Reasoning of lack of being one or many
Śāntideva, citation of texts by
Śatasahāsrikāpra jñāpāramitāsūtra, see Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Stanzas
Satyadvayāvatāra, see Introduction to the Two Truths
Satyadvayavibhaṅga, see Differentiation of the Two Truths
Sautrāntika-Svātantrika, etymology
Scriptural interpretation
Self, interpretation of term
Self-knowing consciousness
Self of persons, conception of, artificial, innate, subtle, in Svatantrika, subtle, in Prāsaṅgika, see also Selflessness of persons
Self of Persons, conventionally existent, chart, see also Mere I
Self of phenomena, see Objective mode of subsistence
Selflessness, as distinguished in Prāsaṅgika and Svātantrika
Selflessness of persons, as antidote to afflictive obstructions in Svātantrika, as ultimate truth
Selflessness of phenomena, antidote to the obstructions to omniscience in Svātantrika, as more subtle than that of persons in Svātantrika, contention of not being taught in Hīnayāna
Sense perception, causes of error in, non-mistaken, progression of view of in schools, see also Direct perceivers, sense
Sense powers
Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
Similar and dissimilar class
Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning
Stages of Meditation
Subject, basal and mere
Substantial existence, types
Suffering, three types
Suhṛllekha, see Friendly Letter
Śūnyatāsaptati, see Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
Supplement to (Nāgārjuna’s “Treatise on) the Middle Way”
Sutra on the Ten Grounds
Sutra Unravelling the Thought
Sūtrasamuccaya, see Compendium of Sutra
Svātantrika, definition, why they are Mādhyamikas
lTa ba khyad par, see Difference Between the Views
Tarkajvālā, see Blaze of Reasoning
Tathāgatakośasūtra, see Treasury of Tatthāgatas Sutra
Tattvadaśaka, see Ten Stanzas on Suchness
Teaching of Akṣayamati
Ten Stanzas on Suchness
Three modes
Three natures, see also Imaginary nature, Dependent nature; and Consummate nature
Treatise on the Middle Way, Indian commentaries
Treasury of Tathāgatas Sutra
True cessations
True existence, conception of, antidote for, synonyms, refutation of, see Reasoning of lack of being one or many
Truths, conventional, real and unreal, see also Real and unreal conventionalities
Truths, four
Truths, ultimate, definition, divisions and types
Truths, two, basis of division, relationship between
Tsong-kha-pa, citation of texts by
Two truths, see Truths, two
dbU ma rgyan zin bris, see Notes on (Śāntarakṣita’s) “Ornament for the Middle Way”
Udānavarga, see Verses of Uplift
Ultimate, interpretation of term
Ultimate analysis, see Reason, use of in path
Ultimate consciousnesses, see also Actual ultimate; Concordant ultimate; and Wisdom of subsequent attainment
Ultimate existence, types, absurd implications of, refutation of
Ultimate truth, see Truth, ultimate
Udānavarga, see Purposeful Statements
Vajracchedika, see Diamond Cutter Sutra
Valid Cognizers, significance in autonomous syllogism, types, see also Direct perceivers; and Inferential valid cognizers
Verses of Uplife
Vigrahavyavārtinīkārikā, see Refutation of Objections
Vinayakṣudravastu, see Brief Scriptures on Discipline
Wisdom of subsequent attainment
Yogācāra-Svātantrika, etymology
Yuktiṣaṣṭikākārikā, see Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning
Yuktiṣaṣṭikāvṛtti, see Commentary to (Nagarjuna’s) “Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning”
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