
Chapter Fifteen


AFTER HER TALK WITH Damond Janae felt much better and chopped the last chapter down into sections to tackle one at a time. It was nice to have someone who understood writing and how it could twist you up inside or bounce her concerns off of. The fact that he hadn’t dismissed her feelings as being dramatic was unexpected. He’d been able to comfort her and give her a kick in the pants at the same time. Janae was able to settle into work so well, that she lost track of time, and didn’t hear him until he was knocking on her door again.

“Come in.”

“I was waiting for you to come down for dinner but you never did.”

A quick glance at her phone showed it was already 6:45.

“Sorry, I completely lost track of time.” Janae apologized. “I hope you didn’t start cooking. I’ll whip up something for tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it. That’s not why I came up. I’m putting on some clothes so we can go out. I’d tell you to do the same but you look fine.”

“Out? Where to?”

“I’m taking you to dinner. And don’t ask too many questions before I change my mind. Give me about thirty minutes and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

“Okay....” But she was already speaking to his back as he left.

Looking down at her clothes, Janae rushed down the steps to her bedroom. He was taking her out on a date and she couldn’t stop smiling. Damond was often gruff and at times could be even cynical, but she’d learned over the last few weeks that he could be downright sweet as well. Jumping out of a quick shower, she took her hair down. Smoothing the waves and curls with some leave-in conditioner before turning her attention on what to wear.

She wanted to look pretty for him tonight, to do something special, just as he was going out of his way to cheer her up. She hadn’t foreseen having a hot affair with a man while she was up here and had only brought basic underwear with her. Not that he had complained as he preferred her completely naked. But Janae wanted to look more feminine for him, sexy.

Not long after they’d started sleeping together she had bugged him until he’d taken her to the closest mall. True she could have driven herself, but she had grown accustomed to being chauffeured. As a modern woman Janae told herself she should be ashamed, but it could be tiring doing everything on your own, 24/7. Having someone to do half the meals, drive and an ear to talk to, felt wonderful. Just knowing there was another “option” besides do it yourself took a lot of pressure off.

After he’d grumbled for show they’d headed out to Station Mall which wasn’t that far from the center of town, but did happen to be on the other side of the St. Mary’s River on the Canadian side. It had felt good to get out the cabin and also have a little slice of city. They’d agreed to meet back up in forty-five minutes and parted ways. She hadn’t wanted him to see what she was buying because where was the surprise in that. Hitting the first women’s clothing store she ran across, Janae wasn’t impressed. Luckily the next place had a better selection. A red and black satin and lace underwear set, and a slinky long sleeve dress shirt had caught her eye and walked out the door with her.

Tonight she would get to wear both purchases. As Janae got dressed she remembered the rest of that day. Once they’d met back up he’d surprised her by asking if she wanted to catch a movie, at the mall theatre. She’d easily agreed not even minding the action packed one he picked. Even laughing when he convinced her to sneak some food from New York Fires inside her purse for them to eat. They’d had fun, eventually checking out a few more stores together before leaving for home. If she really thought about it, that could count as their first date. Either way, she was excited that he had initiated dinner out tonight.

*  *  *


DAMOND DIDN’T KNOW what the hell he’d been thinking organizing this dinner. But leaving her earlier today he’d been disturbed by the encounter. Crying didn’t suit the Professor at all, and he hadn’t liked it. Seeing that vulnerable raw side to her made him both uncomfortable and cranky for no reason, and all he could think about was putting a smile on her face. He’d take that lofty bored expression she sometimes used to ignore his antics, over that sad and defeated look in her eyes any day.  So he’d hopped on the internet and started looking for places to eat until he found something she might like. Now he was downstairs, waiting for her to come out, and the wait was well worth it.

She had on a pair of jeans that he was sure he’d never seen before, because who could forget something that molded hips and ass to perfection. The red shimmery top she had on, hung off one shoulder making him instantly think of licking the exposed skin. But it was her hair that stole the show. Left loose and pinned up on one side, only to cascade down the other. It made her look young and sexy. He was sure she could rival the students she taught.

“You look great.”

“Thank you. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”

“It wouldn’t matter.” Damond ran his eyes slowly over her so she could see the appreciation in them. “It was worth it. Let me help with your coat.”

Janae was touched and surprised how his simple solicitous behavior had butterflies flitting around in her stomach. Like she’d told him after their first time together, he could be charming when he wanted to. In the car Damond kept the conversation light, keeping her laughing with jokes and crazy stories. They both steered away from work and just enjoyed the serene nights drive into town.

“So where are we eating?” Janae finally asked. “I’m just now realizing that I’m very hungry.”

“You’ll see when we get there, which should be any minute now. I think you’ll like it.”

“As long as they have food, I’ll be good.”

Janae rethought that comment as they pulled into what seemed like a plaza parking lot. The outside of Fuji Japanese Steak House & Sushi was not impressive, but she plastered a smile on her face as he came to let her out. She did like sushi, and she was famished, so taste was her main concern right now. Inside was much better. The bright colors at the bar area, contrasted with the rest of the dimly lit restaurant giving it a nice ambiance.

As she looked around spying on what people had on their plates, Damond had a brief conversation with a server, before they were led to a two-person table in a corner. It was the most privacy they would get in this casual dining setting and it was perfect in her mind. Settling down with menus, Damond quickly ordered some miso soup and a spicy salmon roll as starters. Only turning to her once the waiter was gone.

“Damn, sorry I didn’t mean to order for you, I should have asked.”

“It’s okay this time. I happen to love both those things.” Seeing his shoulders relax, Janae reached across the table to briefly squeeze his hand.

“Plus I’m starving. So thanks for making sure I’ll be putting food in my stomach sooner than later.”

“You’re welcome...I’m definitely ready to eat myself.”

Janae’s face heated because he wasn’t looking at the menu but at her. She had been keenly aware of missing his loving once her period started. At the same time appreciating him not making a fuss about it. Damond had come to her room every night to rub her back. Though she’d felt fine, the hardheaded man had insisted. After feeling slightly put out, she’d felt taken care of, just like she did today. When their drinks arrived and they put in their main meals—the Hibachi steak and shrimp for him and the chicken and salmon for her—she turned to thank him again.

“This was a nice surprise Damond. But you didn’t have to go out your way because I had a meltdown.”

“Don’t flatter yourself Professor, I wanted some steak. Plus, I didn’t want to chance you throwing something and putting a hole in my wall. Remember, I’m invested in the upkeep of that place.”

“Whatever you say.” She let him play it off. “By the way, thanks to your counsel I got a decent amount done after you left, so I’m feeling good about my progress and finishing before I leave.”

“Yeah? Well good, that’s only six days away.”

Janae laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re counting the days until I’m out your hair.”

“Not quite.” His tone was somber, before he changed the subject. “So what’s next for you once you get back?”

“Well...” She cleared her throat from the brief, but heavy moment. “When I leave here I’ll have couple of months to review and edit, then send it off to a professional set of eyes. I’ll be teaching one spring and summer class to make up for lost time. Classes start in May. Once my book is as good as it’s going to get, I send it off for the peer review, they have up to six weeks to look at it. Then my hope is to make it available for my fall classes.”

Damond’s eyebrows rose. “In other words no rest for the weary.”

“Exactly.” Janae played with her chopsticks, the reminder that their time was ending making her appetite wane. “How about you, aren’t you almost done?”

“Yeah I am, should be done before this week is out with book one. Then I’ll immediately start work on the next. I’d like to have both done if possible before I hit the road. Then much like you, I’ll start the revision process. I’m hoping to have the first one published however by early August. Then release the second by December.”

“You will. Don’t hope, just claim it.”

Damond smirked. “Now you sound like my grandmother. She used to always say that.”

“Didn’t all our grandmothers say that? But I have found that mind over matter does actually work and there is science behind visualization techniques. You know seeing yourself in a situation and succeeding ahead of time. Did you know they often teach this to athletes, as a way to psych them up and win?”

“No, I didn’t. Tell me more, actually don’t. It might ruin sports for me.”

“How would it?” Chuckling she rolled her eyes at him. “Help me understand your logic.”

That steered them into one of their friendly debates, and away from talk about serious things like work and leaving their secluded cabin. When the main dishes came she asked to taste his shrimp and steak. And after chastising her on ordering the healthy option but wanting to eat real food, they ended up swapping half their meal with the other. Damond scowling the entire time, while she hummed happily eating slices of his beef. It was an enjoyable night and she was actually sad to leave their small romantic corner when they left.

Taking control of the radio she found some old school R&B and let it play as they rode home, mostly in silence. She had no clue what he was thinking, but her mind was wishing it didn’t have to end so soon. Looking up at the open sky helped quiet her unhappy thoughts. Here, there were no buildings or lights, to block or outshine the stars, and it was beautiful. Peaceful, simple and relaxing.

Janae still couldn’t see herself ever living out here permanently. But she had a renewed appreciation for nature and the serenity of it all. She knew life worked in cycles. That anything with a start had an end, but she was determined to enjoy every bit of it while she could.