Abdülmecid, Sultan, 302

Abish, Walter: Alphabetical Africa, 403

abjad, 14

accents: cedilla, 43, 329; umlaut, 327–32; circumflex, 329–30; tilde, 329

acronyms, 96, 118, 188–90, 199, 302, 321, 392

acrostics, 190, 197–9, 403

Action on Smoking and Health, 189

‘adlaut’, 328–32

Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers, The (TV series), 118

African: peoples, 168, 224; languages, 205

Agüera y Arcas, Blaise, 84–5

Albany Centinel (periodical), 358

Alberti, Leon Battista, 55

Aldermaston, 299

Aldwych, 391

Alexander I, Tsar, 305

Alexandria (Minnesota), 338

Alexandria: great library, 396

Alfred, King, 10

Algonquian family, 169

Ali, Muhammad, 398

Allen, Woody, 398

alliteration, 36, 205, 213, 272–4, 278, 385

alpha: 2–3, 91, 113–14, 182, 396; ‘alpha-bravo’ lingo, 315

alphabet: square, 55; activities, 171; rhymes, 207; poems, 212; games, 403; elimination, 411

alphabetic cipher, 53, 57–9

alphabetic principle, 32–6, 77, 212

Alphabetical Africa, 403–4

alphabetical order, 255–6, 352, 356, 362, 393–9, 405

alphabets: Americanist Phonetic, 303; Arabic, 89; Athenian, 376; consonantal, 14; Deseret, 247; digital, 171; English, 5, 18–19, 142, 168; evolution of, 12, 17; fictional, 168; Futhark, 339, 342; Futhorc, 342; Goblin, 168; Greek, 115; Hebrew, 15; Icelandic, 19; International Phonetic (IPA), 303; Initial Teaching (ITA), 247; Ionian, 18; Korean, 164; Latin, 20, 130, 192, 340, 346, 396; memory-jogging, 407; New English, 168; Old English, 19, 70, 76, 142; Phoenician, 2, 13–17, 113; phonetic, 111, 231–2, 247, 315; Pitman, 235; Roman, 18–20, 72, 137, 303, 340, 382; Romic, 247; Shavian, 247; Tolkien, 168; Viking, 19, 71, 338–9

America, United States of, 57, 65, 94, 114, 127, 162–3, 169, 171, 177, 180, 184, 199, 219, 246, 316, 319, 337, 357, 368, 389, 391–2

American: Civil War, 55, 351; Army, 88, 355; National Education Association, 245; Philological Society, 245; spelling, 245, 357; Spelling Reform Association, 245; English, 246, 355

Americanist Phonetic Alphabet, 303

Andrews, Julie, 200, 398

Andyoqenya, 168

Angles, the, 19, 339, 342, 372

Anglo-Saxon language, 19, 67–9, 339–40, 391; see also Old English

Antony, Mark, 238

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 89, 279

Apple computers, 264

Arabic: language, 10, 14, 116, 253, 276, 295; manuscripts, 10; alphabet, 89

Archaea: city of, 91

Aristophanes, 140–2

Arrius, 132–3

art deco, 223

Arts and Crafts movement, 98, 143

Asia, 85

assonance, 36, 213, 272–4, 278

Athenian alphabet, 376

Athens, 140, 237

Auden, W. H., 184

Augustus, Emperor, 397

Aurebesh, 168

Austen, Jane, 357

Austin, Eric, 299

Australia, 232, 247, 392

A–Z Guide to London, 399

AZERTY keyboard, 258; see also typewriter

Babington, Anthony, 48–50

Bacall, Lauren, 313

Bath Spa University: Pitman Archive, 234

BBC: Schools Radio, 262; Radio 4, 320, 360, 409; Home Service, 350; Television, 394

Beacon Readers, 37–8, 103

Beatles, the, 67

Belgae, 340

Belle Absente, 404–5

Belle Présente, 404

Beowulf (poem), 67–76

Berlin, 317

Bernstein, Leonard, 313

beta, 22–3, 113, 396

Bible: 27, 84–7, 144, 169, 292, 356; Gutenberg, 86; Wycliffe, 279–80; King James, 292

Bibliographisches Institut AG, 353

‘Big Brother’, 322

Bildwörterbuch (picture-words book), 353

bilingualism, 248

Blake, William, 67

Bletchley Park: codebreakers, 45–6

Blue Back Speller, 357

Bonaparte, Napoleon, 297, 303

Boston, 196, 224–5, 319

Boy’s Own Paper, 46, 298,

brachygraphy, 237

Bradford: Commonwealth Collection, 300

Bradley, Charles, 196

Braille, Louis, 303–6

Bridges, Margaret, 98–100

Bridges, Robert, 98, 279

Bright, Timothie, 239; Characterie, 240

Bristol Gardens, 400

British Empire, 98, 161

British English, 140, 177–8, 195, 388

British Isles, 339, 342–3

British Museum, 9–13, 67

Broadmoor Hospital, 351

Brockton, Massachusetts, 355

Brontë, Emily 329

Bronx, 331, 364

Brooklyn, 331

Brooksville, 314

Buren, Martin Van, 224

Burma: language spoken in, 169

Bush, George W., 184

Byron, Lord, 357

cabal, 189

Caesar, Julius, 42, 53, 132, 181, 238, 397

Caine, Michael, 398

‘Calligrammes’, 89

Calliope, 197

Cameron, David, 320

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 300

Canterbury Tales, The, 74, 87

capital letters, 69, 83–7, 143, 146

Captain Midnight (radio show), 57–8

Carnegie, Andrew, 246

Carolingian minuscule (lettering), 2, 69, 87, 108, 160, 176, 204, 252, 268, 310, 364, 376, 388

Carpathia, SS, 314

Carroll, Lewis: 89, 141, 209, 408; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, 89, 209

Carthage, 13, 297

Catholics, 49, 124, 189; see also Roman: Catholicism

Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 131–3, 276

Cawdrey, Robert, 398

Caxton, William, 87, 290

cedilla, 43, 329; see also accents

Celto-Germanic peoples, 339–40

Césaire, Aimé, 168

Champollion, Jean-François, 10–12, 116–17

Chappe, Claude, 297–8

Characterie, 240

Chardin, Teilhard de, 381

Charlemagne: 2, 68, 180–1; scribes of, 108, 136, 150, 160, 176, 192, 204, 252, 268, 284, 310, 346, 376

Charles II, King, 189

Charles VII, King, 86

Chartley Hall, 48

Chaucer, Geoffrey: 73–4, 87, 109, 116; Canterbury Tales, The, 74, 87

Cherokee nation, 167

chi, 114

Chicago Tribune, 246

Child, Lauren, 147

China, 164, 169, 239

Chinese language, 12, 164, 205, 253, 276

‘chi-ro’ symbol, 91

Choctaw nation, 223

‘Choson’gul’, 164

Christian missionaries, 169

Christianity: 69, 74, 91, 168–70, 188, 340, 371; Irish form, 69

chromosomes, 367–71

Church, the, 74, 276, 299, 393

Churchill, Winston, 335

Cicero, 132, 237–8

ciphers, 45–62, 183; see also codes

circumflex, 329–30; see also accents

Cirth of Daeron, 168

Clay, Cassius, 398

Clio, 197

code: secret, 47, 49–56, 183, 187, 303; see also cipher; Ecriture Nocturne; encryption

Code-O-Graph, 57

code-breaking, 45, 51–3, 172; see also Bletchley Park; Enigma machine

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 396

Collins, Benjamin, 26

Commonwealth: Cromwell’s, 352

Commonwealth Collection, Bradford, 300

communication: long-distance, 301

Communist East, 354

Communist Party, 99, 186

computer: laptop, 236, 264, 265

computer-programming languages, 171

concrete poetry, 89–90, 279

consonants: sounds, 23, 43, 65, 96, 109, 162, 178, 193, 205, 229; silent, 112, 244; consistent, 151; Korean, 166; sympathetic, 204; non-percussive, 385

consonant-vowel formations, 81, 137

consonantal alphabet, 14

Constantine, Emperor, 91

Cook, Captain James, 168

Cooke, William, 301–2

Coulson, J., 349–51

Coupvray, 304

Cree language, 169

Cromwell, Oliver, 352, 359

crossword puzzles: 45–6; Boy’s Own, 46; Daily Telegraph, 45; Sunday Observer, 46; cryptic, 47

Crucifixion, the, 343, 371–2

Cruikshank, George, 145

Crusades, 223

Crystal, David, 243–4

cummings, e. e., 83, 87–8, 279

cuneiform script, 13

Czech language, 294, 330

da Spira brothers, 290

Daguerre, Louis, 301

Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle, 45; see also Bletchley Park: codebreakers

Danish language, 294

Dartmoor, 381

Dato, Leonardo, 55

David Copperfield, 242

Davis, Miles, 279

Debord, Guy, 394

Delmas’s method, 405–6

delta, 49, 64, 113–14, 316

Denmark, 331, 340

Densmore, James, 256–8

Derby, Earl of, 209

Deseret alphabet, 247

Dewey system, 396

Dhi Fonètik Tîcerz’ Asóciécon (FTA), 302

diacritics, 233, 303, 329–30; see also accents,

Dickens, Charles: 242, 247, 261, 389; David Copperfield, 242

dictaphones, 236

dictionaries: Oxford, 142, 303, 350–2, 357; Samuel Johnson’s, 142, 352; Nursery Rhymes, 207; Walker’s, 233; national, 243; American, 349; Shorter Oxford, 349; Webster’s Collegiate, 349, 355–8; Oxford English (OED), 351–2, 358–60; Der Grosse Duden, 353; spelling, 354; online, 360; Urban, 360–2; Wiktionary, 360; monolingual, 398

dieresis, 219, 327–9

digital alphabet, 171

Dionysius: Festival of, 140

disappeared letters, 19, 67, 70–2, 311, 339, 346

D’ni, 168

Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge see Carroll, Lewis

Donne, John, 205

Doolittle, Hilda, 184

Douglas County, Minnesota, 337

Dr Seuss, 39

Drake, Sir Francis, 240

‘Dream of the Rood’ (poem), 343

Duchamp, Marcel, 146, 154; Mona Lisa, 146, 154

Duden, Konrad, 353–4

Dudley Writing Cards, 98

Dutch language, 110, 294

Dyche, Thomas, 291

Dylan, Bob, 398

Eachard, John, 207

Early Versions (radio series), 67

East Germany, 353

EastEnders (TV show), 394

Ecole des Hautes Etudes, 303

Ecriture Nocturne (Night Writing), 303; see also cipher; code; encryption

Edinburgh Court of Session, 369

Egypt, 10, 91, 237

Egyptian hieroglyphs, 9–10, 22, 130, 160, 192, 204, 218, 252, 268

Egyptians: ancient, 11–13, 276

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 184

electromagnetism, 114, 301

elisions, 319

Elizabeth I, Queen, 48–9, 240, 398

Ellis, A. J., 234

Emil and the Detectives, 8; film, 171

Enigma machine, 45, 58–9, 172; see also Bletchley Park: codebreakers

Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mather III), 184–5, 194

encryption, 47–52; see also cipher; code; Ecriture Nocturne

Encylopaedia Britannica, 292

English Civil War, 169, 240–2, 395

English Monosyllabary, 28

English: Old, 19, 67, 70–7, 81, 109, 137, 142, 245, 274–5, 278–9, 334, 339, 343, 346, 376, 384

English speakers, 23, 131, 162, 167, 178, 205, 214, 234, 325, 328, 329, 346, 399

English spelling: debate about, 243

English Spelling Reform Association, 245

Ephesus, 396

epsilon, 113

Erato, 197

‘Estuary’ speakers, 129

eta, 114

eth, 19, 76, 339

ethel, 19, 77, 339

Etruscans, 3, 18, 23, 42, 80, 94, 108, 130, 161, 204, 252, 268, 284, 310, 324, 364, 388

etymology, 124, 223, 319, 352

Euripides, 275

Euterpe, 197

Exeter text, 406

eye-rhyme, 406

Facebook, 104, 147; see also social media websites

Fair of St Ovid, 304

Fanelli, Sara, 147

Festival of Dionysius, 140

fictional languages, 168

First World War, 88, 143, 222, 302, 315, 352

Flaten, Nils, 337

Follick, Dr Mont, 247

Fordyce, Bailie William, 369

Forster, Georg, 110

Fowler, H. W., 349, 351

France: adopts AZERTY keyboard, 258

Frankfurt am Main, 58

Franklin, Benjamin, 184, 247

Franks, the, 19, 340–2

Fraser script, 169

French language: 42–3, 74, 116, 181, 229, 268, 279, 330, 382; Norman French, 3, 7, 19, 23, 64, 73–4, 80, 137, 218, 268, 310, 340, 347, 388; Modern French, 42, 253, 268

French Revolution, 144, 297

Freud, Sigmund, 354, 382

Frisians, the, 19, 340–2

Frusen Glädjé, 331–2

Futhark (Viking alphabet), 339, 342; see also runes

Futhorc (Germanic alphabet), 342; see also runes

Futura (typeface), 103, 290–1

G: ‘insular’ or ‘Irish’, 76–7

Gaelic, 238, 245

Gale, Leonard, 301

gamma, 113

Gardiner, Alan, 12

Garfield, Simon, 291

Gauss, Carl, 301

Gawain and the Green Knight, 88

German dictionary: Duden, 353–4

Germanic: peoples, 7, 339, 342; alphabet (Futhorc), 342

Germany: East, 353; division of, 354; history, 354

Gifford, Gilbert, 48–9

Giss, George see Guess, George

Glover, Sarah, 200–1

Goblin Alphabet, 168

Gondolinic Runes, 168

Götalander people, 338

gothic lettering, 291, 328

Government Printing Office, 246

graffiti, 146–8, 188, 344

grammar, 35, 60–1, 68, 74, 248, 266, 295, 403

graphemes, 32, 196

Great Vowel Shift, 3, 23, 42, 64, 80, 108, 151, 228, 311

Greek: language, 9, 22, 91, 118, 279; culture, 18; letters, 49, 91, 108, 117–19, 140, 167, 303; alphabet, 115; prefixes, 237, 245

Greeks, ancient, 2, 17–18, 22, 42, 64, 80, 89, 94, 111–16, 136, 160, 176, 192, 204, 218, 228, 237, 252, 275, 284, 310, 324, 376, 388

Green, Jonathon, 360–1

Grimm, Brothers, 112, 328

Grosse Duden, Der, 353

Guess, George, 167

Gutenberg, Johannes: 83–6, 105, 290–2; Bible, 86

Häagen-Dazs, 327, 330–2

Hadrian, Emperor, 239

Hadrian’s Wall, 94, 239

Hale, William Gardner, 132

Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von, 10

Handbook of Simplified Spelling, 246

handwriting: standard, 69

‘Hangul’, 164–6

Hardy, Thomas, 385

Harris, Robert, 237

Harrow Road, 400

Harvey, P. J., 184

Harvey Road Junior School, 353

hashtag, 293

Hastings, Battle of, 74

Haüy, Valentin, 304–5

Hawaiian language, 168

Heaney, Seamus, 279

Hebrew: ancient, 13–15, 410; vowels, 14–15; alphabet, 15; language, 22, 27, 182, 253, 279; names, 218

Hegley, John, 273

Henry VIII, King, 197

Herbert, George, 89

Hercules, 275

Hess, Rudolf, 291

hieroglyphs, 9–10, 22, 117, 130, 160, 192, 204, 218, 252, 268

Hill, Rowland, 128, 392–3

Holland, 340

Holtom, Gerald, 299–300

Holy Roman Empire, 181

Home Service, 261, 409; see also BBC

Homer: 275–6, 396; The Iliad, 275; The Odyssey, 275–6

homoconsonantism, 406

homonyms, 46

Hooke, Robert, 297

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 278–9; ‘The Windhover’, 279

Horace, 276

Howell, James, 245

Hughes, Ted, 279

Hugo, Victor, 285

Hungarian language, 294

Hussein, Saddam, 287

Huxley, Aldous, 114

ibn Wahshiyah: 10–12; Kitab Shawq al-Mustaham, 10

‘ibn Wahshiyah–Champollion’ principle of decoding, 12

Icelandic alphabet, 19

idioms, 46, 395, 405

Iliad, The, 275; see also Homer

illuminated manuscripts, 83, 144, 182

indefinite article, 3

India: Lisu spoken in, 169

Indian: speakers, 65; pronunciation, 335

Initial Teaching Alphabet (ITA), 247

inscriptions: Roman, 160, 228, 252, 284, 324

Institute for Blind Youth, 304

‘insular G’ (‘Irish G’), 76–7

interculturalism, 225

International Air Transport Association, 316

International Convention for the Amendment of English Orthography, 245

International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 168, 302

International Radiotelegraphic Convention, 317

internet, 47, 50–1, 56, 147, 170, 250, 300, 319–21, 399

Interspel, 247

Ionian: alphabet, 18; philosophers, 197–9

iota, 113–14, 136, 188

Ipswich, 240

Iraq, 11–13, 163, 171

Ireland: 69, 124, 233, 341; Northern, 124

Irish: speech, 23; ‘Irish G’, 76; language, 77; spelling, 96; names, 219; Old, 275; verse, 276; writing, 290, 329

Isis (student magazine), 262

Isle of Man: runic inscriptions found, 340–3

Ismay, Bruce, 314

isopangram, 404

Italy: Etruscan, 18; Roman, 137; northern, 343

Jackson, Charles Thomas, 301

Jae-Sang, Park (‘Psy’), 163

Jagger, Mick, 58

jargon, 321, 360; see also slang

Jeffers, Oliver, 147

Jefferson, Thomas, 241

Jenson, Nicolas, 86

Jesus Christ, 110, 114, 182, 188, 231–2, 371–2

Jews: treatment in Denmark, 331

Johns, Ted, 127

Johnson, Samuel, 142, 150, 247, 352

jokes, 32, 95, 140, 153, 157, 174, 183–4, 214, 294, 320–1, 335, 349, 358

Judaic texts, 189

Julius Caesar, 42–3, 53–6, 61, 132, 181, 238, 397

Jutes, the, 19, 340–2

Kabbalah, 189

Kante, Solomana, 167–8

kappa, 114, 160

Kelly, Obadiah, 223

Kenosha Telegraph, 256

Kensington runestone, 338, 341, 344

Kiernan, Kevin, 68

King, Martin Luther, 343

King James Bible, 292

Klingon, 168

Knott, Lady Veronica, 400

Kodak, 234

Korea: 163–6, 294; language, 163–6, 294; alphabet, 164–5

Kpo the Leopard, 229

L’Association Phonétique Internationale (API), 302

Lafayette, Marquis de, 301

lambda, 114, 118, 176

language: evolution of, 23, 384; fictional, 168

Language in the National Curriculum Project (LINC), 187

laptop computer, 236, 264, 265

Latin: language, 13–20, 27, 74, 77, 80, 85, 102, 108–9, 124, 130–2, 137, 144, 150, 180–2, 192, 200, 233, 238, 244–5, 252, 268, 279, 284, 295–6, 302, 334, 340, 346, 396; manuscripts, 252, 268, 284, 334; alphabet, 340, 396

Lawrence, D. H., 277

Lear, Edward, 208–10, 365

Lebanon, 13

Lee, Christopher, 372

Leeu, Gheraert, 86

Leipzig, 353–4

Lethe, River, 197

Letraset, 103–5, 145, 262

lettering: Carolingian minuscule, 2, 69–70, 77, 108, 150, 160, 176, 204, 252, 268, 310, 346, 364, 376; serif, 2, 22, 42, 64, 80, 103, 108, 136, 144, 160, 176, 192, 228, 264, 284, 310, 388; Gothic, 27, 71, 219, 279, 291–2, 328; non-Roman, 73; graffiti, 147; Roman ‘minuscule’, 290

letters: disappeared, 19, 67, 70–7, 186, 262, 311, 330, 339, 346; inverted, 303

Lewis, C. S., 184

lexicographers, 110, 161, 193, 334

Lilburne, John, 242

Lindgren, Harry, 247

Lisu language, 169

Little, William, 349, 368

Londinium, 391

London: accent, 5; vowels, 5, 112, 325; cipher school in, 49; old schools in, 90; School Board for (SBL), 90; speakers, 129; Zoo, 208; A–Z Guide to, 399–401; street atlas, 400–1

Londoners, 95, 129, 233, 365, 395

Lords, House of, 185, 247, 392

Louis XVI, 304

Lower Saxony, 340

lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 180

McCaffary, John, 256

Maeshowe, Orkneys, 344; see also Vikings

Maida Vale, 400

Mainz, 84–6

Manding languages, 167

Mann, Thomas, 291

manuscripts: Latin, 80, 132, 252, 268, 284, 334; illuminated, 83, 144, 182; ancient, 295

Mao Tse-tung, 186

Marvell, Andrew, 272–3

Marx, Karl, 186

Mary Queen of Scots, 48–50, 239

Masefield, John, 253

Massachusetts, 300, 355

Mattus, Reuben, 330–2

Maxwell, Robert, 262

medieval: period, 18, 118, 132, 136, 177, 182, 237, 284, 334, 364; society, 75; scribes, 94, 218, 376; manuscripts, 228, 296; monks, 238, 295; Europe, 364

Mediterranean, 13

Melpomene, 197

Michael, Kirk, 343

Micklewhite, Maurice see Caine, Michael

micro-visual appliances, 321

Middle East, 223, 341

Middle English, 19, 73, 339

mikron, 218

Milton, John, 247

Mind Your Own Business, 262

Mini A-Z of London, 401

Minor, William Chester, 351; see also Oxford English Dictionary

Mississippi Delta, 277

mnemonics, 15, 70, 190, 193, 197, 201, 211

Mnemosyne, 197

Mona Lisa (painting), 146, 154

monoalphabetic code, 53

Monroe, James, 301

Moon, Robert Aurand, 392

Morgan, Edwin, 90

morphology, 29, 61, 74

Morris, William, 98, 186

Morristown: Speedwell Ironworks, 301

Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 300

Morse code, 298–302, 317

mu, 114, 118

Muir, Frank, 350, 409

Mulcaster, Richard, 243–4

Munich, 58

Murray, John, 357

Muses, 197

Mussolini, Benito, 291

Myst computer game, 168

N’Ko language, 167

Napoleon I, 297, 303

Nash, Ogden, 273

National Biscuit Company (Nabisco), 189

National Football League, 338

National Institute for the Blind (Paris), 304–5

National Phonographic Society, 235–6

Nazi Party, 186, 291

Needham, Paul, 84–5

New English Alphabet, 168; see also Tolkien, J. R. R.

New York City, 314

New York University, 301

New Zealand: shifting vowels, 3, 81

Newton, Isaac, 241

Night Writing, 303–5

Nineveh: library, 13, 253

Nobel Peace Prize, 302

nonsense: 207–15; words, 36, 40; writers, 207–9

Norden, Denis, 350, 409

Norfolk, 187, 240, 300

Norman French, 3, 7, 19, 23, 64, 73–4, 80, 137, 218, 268, 310, 340, 347, 388

Normans, the, 3, 42, 124, 136–7, 151, 161, 228, 253, 334, 340

Norse religion, 69

North America: settlers in, 169, 338, 341, 368; continent, 338, 341; see also Vinland

Northern Ireland, 124

Northmen, 338; see also Vikings

Norwegian language, 151, 294

nu, 113, 204

Nuffield Theatre, Southampton, 262

nursery rhymes, 31

Observer, 47

Odyssey, The, 275–6, 328; see also Homer

Óengus II, 372

Ohman, Olof, 337

OK: origins of, 223–4

Old English, 19, 67, 70–7, 81, 109, 137, 142, 245, 274–5, 278–9, 334, 339, 343, 346, 376, 384

Old French, 109–10, 340

Old Germanic, 285

Old Irish, 275

Old Norse, 162, 294, 341

Old Testament, 13, 389

Olivetti typewriter, 261–2; see also typewriter

Olympic Games: 1912, 294

Olympic Park, 394

omega, 113–14, 182, 218, 396

omicron, 113

Onions, C. T., 349

onomatopoeia, 60, 162, 383

Opie, Iona and Peter, 207

Orkneys, the, 341, 344

‘Oulipo’ (‘Ouvroir de Littérature Potentielle’), 403–11

Ovid, 276

Owen, Wilfred, 67

Oxford dictionaries, 142, 207, 303, 357

Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, 207

Oxford English Dictionary (OED), 351, 358–60

Oxford English Dictionary, Shorter, 349–51

Oxford-Duden, Pictorial English Dictionary, The, 353

Page, R. I., 344

palindromes, 409

pangram, 403–4

Paris, 88, 239, 297, 301, 304–5, 394

Parliament, 137, 240–2, 249, 395

Parthenon, 237

Passy, Paul, 302–3

Pearl Harbor, 314

Pearsall, Phyllis, 399–400

Pennsylvania Gazette, 368

Penny Post, 232–4

Pepys, Samuel, 241

Perec, Georges, 406

Peter Piper’s Practical Principles of Plain and Perfect Pronunciation, 385

Phelippes, Thomas, 49–50, 183

Phi Beta Kappa Society, 114

phi, 114

Phoenician alphabet, 2, 13–17, 113, 130, 136, 160, 176, 204, 218, 228, 252, 268, 284, 310, 376, 388, 396

phonemes, 32, 232, 236, 242–3

phonetic: principles, 9–13; alphabet, 111, 168, 231–2, 247, 303, 315; shorthand, 231–4, 242

phonics: 32–6, 40, 129, 196, 205, 229, 399; synthetic, 32, 36, 196; ‘Screening Check’, 40

Phonographic Festival, 235

phonographic shorthand, 236

Phonography (Pitman), 234–6

pi, 113–14, 228

pictograms, 11, 64, 165–6, 382, 396

Picts, the, 372

Pinner Wood Primary School, 253

Pitman: Sir Isaac, 170, 232, 236; shorthand, 213–50; Phonography, 236

Pitman, Jacob, 231; Archive, 234–5; alphabet, 235

Pitman, James, 247; Initial Teaching Alphabet, 247

poetry: convention of starting each line with a capital, 87; e. e. cummings, 87–8, 279; ‘concrete’, 89–90, 279; Catullus, 132–3; epic, 197; Muses, 197; pulse, 273; rhyme, 273–6; rhythm, 273–8; Old English, 274, 343; troubadour, 276; jazz, 278; workshops, 305; alliterative, 385

Poland, 33

Pollard script, 169

Polybius, 298, 303

Polyhymnia, 168

Polynesian dialects, Porta, Giovanni, 55

Portugal, 131

postal service, 392–4

postcodes, 391–5, 400; see also ZIP codes

post-modernism, 359

Potter, Beatrix, 37, 276, 353

Powell, General Colin, 171

prefixes, 29, 197, 205, 229, 237, 241, 245, 365

Presley, Elvis, 277

Princeton University, 84

printing ‘punch matrix’ system, 84–5

‘Prisoner’s constraint’, 407

Protestant missionaries: American, 168–9

Protestants, 124, 168, 189, 239

Proust, Marcel, 382

proverbs, 405–9

Psalms, 242, 279

psi, 114

‘Psy’ (Park Jae-Sang), 163

Ptolemy III, 91

puns, 46

‘punch matrix’ printing system, 84–5

Punic War, First, 297

Puritanism, 172, 183, 240–1, 343, 398

puzzle books, 408

psychogeography, 394

Qabala, 189, 253

Qenyatic, 168

Queneau, Raymond, 403

Quikscript, 247

quizzes, 199, 359, 389, 408

QWERTY keyboard, 255–66, 271, 293; see also typewriter

Ransome, Arthur, 298

Read, Allen Walker, 225, 318

Reading Made Easy (booklet), 30

reading skills, 38

Reed, Lou, 146–8

Reinhardt, Django, 65

Renaissance, 173, 238, 324

Renner, Paul, 290–1

rho, 113, 268

rhymes, 30–1, 36, 136, 151, 271–81, 326, 406; see also poetry

Rich, Jeremiah, 242

Richard, Cliff, 398

Richardson, Marion, 97–102

Ritter, Nate, 293

Roman: alphabet, 18–20, 72, 137, 340; Republic, 131; Italy, 137; inscriptions, 160, 228, 252, 284, 324; Empire, Holy, 181; Catholicism, 189

Romans, the, 3, 13–23, 42, 53, 72, 86, 94, 108, 118, 124, 133, 176, 252, 268, 310, 324, 339–40, 364, 376, 388

Rome: Imperial, 204, 228, 268; public library, 397

Romic alphabet, 247

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 184

Roosevelt, Theodore, 246–7

Rosen, Connie (author’s mother), 349, 353

Rosen, Harold (author’s father), 349

Rosen, Michael: Mind Your Own Business, 262

Rosetta Stone, 9–10, 12, 116–17

Ross, Nelson E., 314–15

Rowling, J. K., 184

Royal Academy of Arts, London, 300

Royal Air Force (RAF), 316

Royal Navy, 315

Royal Society, 297

runes: 19, 71, 77, 338–44; inscriptions, 340

Runestone Museum, 338

Runo-Dynamics: First Law of, 342

runologists, 338, 342–4

Russell, George William, 184

Russian language, 125, 129, 161, 205, 294, 354

Ruthwell Cross, 343

Sacy, Silvestre de, 10

St Andrew: cross of, 372

St Bartholomew’s Day massacre, 239

St Ovid, Fair of, 304

St Petersburg, 305

Salinger, J. D., 188

saltire, 372

Sandburg, Carl, 277

Sanskrit, 299, 302

São Paolo, 329

Sarati, 168

Saxons, the, 9, 69, 339–42

Saxony, Lower, 340

Scandinavian: 74, 329–30, 337–42; alphabet, 329–30

Scherbius, Arthur, 58, 61

Schleswig-Holstein, 339

Schoeffer, Peter, 84

Scotland, 233, 341–3, 347, 369, 372

Scots: Mary Queen of, 48, 50, 239, 261; language, 90, 178, 224

Scottish islands, 341

scripts: ancient, 12; fictional, 168

Second World War, 45, 143, 300, 317, 331, 354

Sejong, King, 164

Self, Will, 394

semaphore, 296–303

Semites: ancient, 12–13, 160, 204, 218, 284, 376

Semitic: language, 2, 130, 136, 176, 192, 268, 310; writing, 14; inscriptions, 176, 192, 268, 310; sounds, 218

Senghor, Léopold, 168

Seoul, 163

Se-quo-ya see Guess, George

serifs, 2, 22, 42, 64, 80, 103, 108, 136, 144, 160, 176, 192, 228, 264, 284, 310, 388

Serre, Charles Barbier de la, 303

Seville, 295

sex chromosomes, 370–1

Shakespeare, William: 5, 48, 183, 194, 219, 240, 243, 261, 276, 286, 292, 334, 361, 388–9; Twelfth Night, 183; Henry V, 219; The Tempest, 292; Hamlet, 352

Shavian alphabet, 246–7

Shaw, George Bernard, 141, 246

Shelton, Thomas, 240–1

Sholes, Charles Latham, 256–8

Shoreditch Church, 395

Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, The, 349–51

shorthand: 231–50; phonetic alphabets, 231–5; Pitman’s ‘New Church’, 231; textbook, 232; reformed spelling alphabet, 235; brachygraphy, 237; stenography, 237; used by ancient Greeks, 237; used by medieval monks, 238; used by Charles Dickens, 242; used in court proceedings, 242; Psalms published by Jeremiah Rich, 342

Sicily, 297

sigma, 113, 117–19, 188, 284

sign systems, 9, 78, 286–9, 303, 306

signalling systems, 296–8

signs and symbols: study of, 288

Simplified Spelling Board (SSB), 245–6

Simpson, N. F., 184

Sinai, 12

Sinclair, Iain, 394

Singh, Simon, 55

slang, 70, 85, 96, 173, 179–80, 316, 335, 352, 360–2, 383, 389

Slavic language, 303

Slavonia (Cunard liner), 317

Slovak language, 294

Smith, George, 13

Snorri (Viking ship), 338

Snowden, Edward, 47–52

social media websites: Facebook, 104, 147; Twitter, 104, 147, 293–4; forums, 146; blogs, 147; chatrooms, 293, 319

Socrates, 306

Soho, 391

Solem, 337

‘Song of Songs’ (biblical), 392

Song of the South (film), 392

SOS, 302, 314, 317

Spain: Arab presence, 276

speech: evolution of, 75

Speedwell Ironworks, Morristown, 301

speedwriting, 237

spelling reform, 73, 81, 177, 236, 243–50

Spelling Reform 1 (SR1), 247

Spot the Ball competition, 369

Ssiquoya see Guess, George

Star Trek, 118, 168

Star Wars, 168

stenographic characters, 242

Stenographic Sound Hand (Pitman), 234

stenography, 237, 242

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 277, 369–70

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 189

Stratford-upon-Avon, 240

Suetonius, 53

suffixes, 29, 219, 241, 285, 294, 377, 389

Sumerians, Ancient, 11–13, 77

Sunday School, 209

Swift, Jonathan, 318

Sydney, 231–2

syllabiary, 77

symbols: used to represent syllables, 11, 77, 167; Phoenician, 17; visual, 32; as phonemes, 236; systems of, 288

sympathetic consonants, 204

synonyms, 46

syntax, 61

Ta Hwa Miao people, 169

Table Alphabeticall (monolingual dictionary), 398

tachygraphy, 237, 240

tau, 114, 310

teaching aids, 98

Tengwar of Feanor, 168

Tengwar of Rumil, 168

Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 247

Terpsichore, 197

text: left-handed, 407; right-handed, 407

Thailand: Lisu spoken in, 169

Thalia, 197

Thermodynamics: First Law of, 342

theta, 48, 114, 118, 188

Third Reich, 291

Thomas, David, 98

Thomas, Dylan, 279

thorn (disappeared letter), 8, 19, 71, 76, 95, 311, 339

Thorpe, Jim, 294

Tibeto-Burman language, 169

tilde, 329; see also accents

Times, The, 127, 146

Tiro, Marcus Tullius, 237–9; see also Cicero

Tironian notes, 237–8

Titanic, RMS, 314

Tolkien, J. R. R., 168

Tolstoy, Leo, 335

Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book, 31

tongue-twisters, 214, 385

Toxic Club (TV programme), 180

Trafalgar, Battle of, 298

Trajan’s Column, 2

Treasure Island, 369

trigraphs, 109

Tristram Shandy, 262

Trithemius, Johannes, 55

Trowbridge, 231–2

Tschichold, Jan, 291

Tudor England, 49

Tunis, 13

Turkey, 140, 341

Turkish, 116, 330

Twain, Mark, 188

Twitter, 104, 147, 293–4; see also social media websites

typefaces: 8, 22, 67, 102–3, 108, 146–8, 176, 262, 290–3, 296; psychology of, 102–3; Garamond, 108; medieval French, 108; Futura, 290

typewriters: QWERTY keyboard, 255–7, 261–6, 271, 293; keyboard layout, 257; AZERTY keyboard, 258; Olivetti, 261–2

umlaut, 327–8, 331; see also accents

Uncial handwriting, 69–70, 290

Unifon, 247

Union Jack, 372

upsilon, 113–14, 188, 324, 376

Uralic, 303

Urania, 197

Urban Dictionary, 360–2

US Army, 88, 355

US Congress, 246

Vail, Alfred, 301

Valmaric, 168

Varro, Marcus Terentius, 397–8

Vatican, 55, 132

Venetian printers, 292

Venice, 86, 290–1

Vercelli, 343

vernacular speech, 144

Vesel, Rose, 331

Victoria, Queen 392

Victorian era, 143, 209, 278

video conferencing, 170

Vienna, Siege of, 297

Vietnamese language, 330

Vigenère, Blaise de, 55

Viking alphabet, 19, 71, 338–9

Vikings, the 71–8, 337–42

Vindolanda, 239

Vinland, 338

Virgil, 276

voice recognition, 7, 170

Voltaire, 116, 276

vowels: Great Vowel Shift, 3, 23, 42, 64, 80, 108, 151, 228, 311; shifting, 3, 81, 324; London, 5, 112, 325; alphabets without, 14; Hebrew, 14; sounds, 15–17, 81, 95, 111–13, 130, 165, 177, 193, 241, 269, 274, 325; short, 65; English, 81; long, 82; separating, 327; see also dieresis

Voynich manuscript, 172–4

Wahshiyah, Ahmad Bakr ibn, 10–12

Wales, 178, 381

Walford, 394

Walker’s Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language, 233

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 49–50, 239

Ward, Jamie, 382

Wayne, John, 398

Webb, Harry see Richard, Cliff

Webster, Noah, Jr, 247, 349–62, 388

Webster’s Collegiate (dictionary), 349, 355

Wells, H. G., 184, 247

Wells, Julia see Andrews, Julie

Welsh language, 73, 178, 330, 368

Wenceslas Square, 343

West Africa, 167, 224

West African peoples, 224

West Side Story (musical), 313

Western Europe, 20, 238

Western languages, 238

Wheatstone, Charles, 301–2

Wikoff, Viola, 314

Wiktionary (online dictionary), 360

Williams, William Carlos, 277

Williamson, Peter, 368–9

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 392

Willis, John, 241

Wilshaw, Francis, 298

Wilson, Colin, 88

Wilson, D. M., 342; First Rule of Runo-Dynamics, 342

Wiltshire, 232, 236

Wisconsin Assembly, 256

Wonder, Stevie, 398

Woodford, 394

Woolworth, F. W. & Co. Ltd, 296

word ladder stories, 408

Word of Mouth (BBC radio programme), 320, 360, 384

Writing Scholar’s Companion, 244

Wycliffe Bible, 279–80

Wyld, Henry, 351

Wynn, 19, 71–2, 339

X chromosome, 367, 370

xi, 113

XX chromosome, 370–1

XY chromosome, 370–1

Y chromosome, 370

Yale University, 300

Yiddish: 161, 205, 276, 285, 331; comedy, 276

yogh, 19, 73–7, 339

Yorkshire, 5, 240, 325

Young, Thomas, 10, 116

Young Communist League (YCL), 380

Younger Futhark, 342

Youth Hostels Association (YHA), 380–1

YouTube, 163, 171, 196, 399

Yunnan province, 169

Zenodotus, 396–7

Zephaniah, Benjamin, 389

zeta, 108, 113, 388

Zimmerman, Robert see Dylan, Bob

ZIP codes, 392; see also postcodes