Cam was curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace when Michael walked in the door that night. She immediately walked over to Cam and planted a big kiss on her lips.
“Je t’aime, cherie,” she said. “How did your day go?”
“I did absolutely nothing today,” Cam said. “I figured last night was enough for a while.”
“What time did you get in?” she asked.
“Just before two, I think.”
“You should have woken me.”
“You looked too comfortable.”
They laughed at each other.
“How was your quickie?”
Cam’s eyes rose to the ceiling. “I knew I shouldn’t have gone there. She tried everything she could think of to get me into her bed. I finally had to tell her that I didn’t do vanilla sex and she wasn’t ready for the hard stuff.”
Michael laughed at her.
“But, at least I learned some things. They were talking about the three boys we discovered, but they didn’t know where they were found. I guess Carver’s keeping a tight lid on that, thank God.”
“That’s good to know.”
“And I found out that someone named Ken had meth ready as soon as the kids disappeared.”
“Wow,” Michael sighed. “That’s quite a coincidence.”
“That’s what I thought. I’ll have to find out who this Ken is. It might lead to a lot more.”
They both thought about that for a moment.
“Have you heard from your little bartender today?”
Cam shook her head. “I didn’t give her my number.” She grinned. “I figured if I want to see her again, I’ll know where she is.”
“Then, I am proud of you, cherie.”
Michael leaned down and gave her a big kiss.
“Have you eaten?”
Cam shook her head.
“Neither have I,” Michael said. “Let’s go to that pizza place in Magog. It’s open late. It’ll save us both having to cook and clean up.”
“It’ll save you from cooking and me from cleaning up,” Cam corrected her with a broad smile.
Michael grinned back at her. “That is what I meant. Pizza is the best alternative.”
“That’s the best suggestion I’ve heard today.”
“And afterwards, we can come back here and you can show me how well you learned what I taught you last week.” The look in her eyes told Cam everything. Cam and Michael always played with the fact that Michael had more experience with sex in the Leather Community.
“Is this a final?” Cam asked.
“Mais, non, cherie. There is so much more after that. Now, come. We’ll take your car.” She held her hand out to help Cam up.
* * * *
Two people were sitting in the car at the pizza place when they saw two women walk in.
“That’s the woman I told you about last week,” Ted told his girlfriend. “She’s the one who’s up here hiding from someone or something. Rosie gave her Preston’s address.”
“Then why is she hanging out with a Mountie?” Rhonda asked.
“A Mountie? Are you sure?” Ted asked.
“Look at her! There aren’t that many blonds that are that tall. Of course I’m sure. I’ve seen her every day for the past two weeks.”
“Shit. I wonder if she knows.”
“Or is she pulling something?”
“I doubt it, but I’ll have to check. I read all about her on the internet; she has quite record. I should probably check again.”
“Well, let’s get this pizza home before it gets cold.”
“Okay. I can check on her tomorrow.” He threw the car into gear.
* * * *
The Pizza Palace was almost empty when they got in there. There were six cars in the parking lot but only three tables were full.
What do you want on it?” Michael asked.
“Mushrooms and whatever else you want.”
Michael stepped up to the counter and ordered a large supreme with extra mushrooms.
“I worked hard today,” she said with a smile as she turned back to Cam. “I needed meat as well as mushrooms.”
“I worked hard, too,” Cam defended herself.
“Sleep is not a physical labor,” Michael threw back at her.
“I didn’t just sleep!”
“Then what did you do?”
“I thought. And I planned.”
“Ah, the hard part,” Michael said with a smirk. “You’re going to have to do more work in the near future if you want to have money in your pocket,”
“I have money. I’m not worried.”
“Good! Then you can pay for the pizza!”
“But you asked me to come with you. I didn’t suggest it.”
“You could have said no.”
“Then, I’ll go home.”
They looked at each other and laughed. It was good not to have to be serious for once.
Michael sat down across from Cam. “I can’t wait to get home,” she whispered.
Michael sat back, her eyes wide. “Why do you think?”
“Then we could have stayed there and not wasted all this time and gas.”
Michael shook her head. “No. I want you to have energy. You need protein and vitamins.”
“For what?” Cam asked, as if she didn’t know.
“We’ll have to see as soon as we get the pizza.”
“Are we eating it here or taking it with us?”
“Well, if we eat it on the drive back, that would save us a lot of time and energy.”
Michael nodded. They looked at each other and chuckled.
* * * *
The pizza was completely finished by the time they got home. Michael tossed the box into the fireplace to be used as kindling for the next fire. Cam locked the back door and stood looking at her. Michael walked around to the back of the couch and held her hand out to Cam.
“I have been waiting for tonight all day,” she whispered.
“Me, too,” Cam replied. “It was hard today. I wanted you right beside me since I woke this morning. It was sad that you were asleep when I got in last night.”
“You really should have woken me.” Michael gave a small smile. “When I left this morning, I almost woke you.”
“You should have.”
Michael laughed. “And be an hour late for work?”
“Just an hour?” Cam grinned.
“Well…maybe two or three,” Michael decided. She wrapped her arms around Cam and drew her into a tight embrace. Her lips settled on Cam’s and in very few seconds fell into a deep kiss. Her tongue found its way between Cam’s teeth and started an exploration as if she’d never been there before. When they finally parted they were both out of breath.
“And you really didn’t fuck your little bartender?”
Cam shook her head.
“Then I believe you deserve a reward,” she whispered as she unzipped Cam’s fly, popped the button, and pushed her jeans and panties to the floor.
“Here?” Cam asked.
“Yes. I’m not sure I can wait to get you upstairs. I want you so damned badly.”
She drew Cam into her arms again and bent down to nibble on her neck.
Cam’s arms came around her as her hands reached up under Michael’s shirt.
Michael pushed her arms down. “Non, cherie. You must concentrate on what I’m doing to you. I want your focus to be on my hands, not what yours are doing.”
She brought her lips to Cam’s as her hands started rubbing up and down Cam’s body. They stopped at Cam’s nipples and twisted and turned them several times, then continued downward until she felt a ripple of pleasure going across Cam’s belly.
She turned Cam toward the couch and bent her over the back.
“I hope you’re ready,” she said as she felt between Cam’s legs.
“I’m always ready for you,” Cam replied,
“Good,” Michael said as her other hand started up under Cam’s shirt and massaged down her back. Both hands continued slowly, around Cam’s hips until they reached the edge of hair between Cam’s legs.
“Yes, this is what I want,” she said softly.
“Are you sure the bed wouldn’t be more comfortable?”
“Mais non, cherie. Standing on your feet, leaning over the back of the couch will be much better. Wait and see.” Her hands continued around Cam’s hips as she rubbed and rubbed her pelvis and bottom. Her hands came close to the one spot she wanted and around and around closely to it. The heat increased as the wetness grew. She held back until she could feel Cam’s body signaling her need.
“Lean a little more forward,” she said softly as Cam bent over the couch. Michael’s fingers entered her. “Yes, cherie, this is much better. I can reach much deeper.”
“Oh, God,” Cam moaned as Michael reached into and out of her. Michael started slowly at first and it wasn’t many minutes before Cam started pushing back into her. Michael tried to slow down as Cam tried to hold back, but it kept getting faster and faster. They were both frenzied. Michael’s other arm came around her as Michael held her tightly.
Michael entire hand slipped into Cam.
“Michael!” Cam wailed as Michael turned and twisted her hand around in the hot liquid.
As it got faster, Cam let out a cry of release, her body shaking violently. Michael finally withdrew and pulled Cam back into her arms.
“Je t’aime, cherie,” she whispered. “Don’t ever doubt that.” She kissed down Cam’s neck under her ear.
Cam sagged back into her as she tried to get her breath and clear her mind.
Several minutes later, Cam turned in her arms and brought Michael’s mouth to hers. Yes, this was what she’d wanted all day. Their tongues fought each other as the kiss got hotter and hotter. Cam at last pulled back.
“Now, let’s see how much I love you,” she said softly. She turned Michael around and, raising Michael’s thigh, forced her over the back of the couch. She ran around to where Michael had landed on the thick cushions and knelt down to bring her mouth to Michael’s stomach as her hands unbuttoned, unfastened, and unzipped the rest of Michael’s clothes.