Chapter 28

Michael suddenly appeared in the doorway to the den where Cam was sitting reading the news on Teresa’s computer. Cam hadn’t heard them drive up.

Cherie,” Michael said softly as Cam immediately stood to greet her. Michael’s arms closed around her as their lips met.”

“I can’t tell you how worried I was when you didn’t come home that night. It made me realize how very, very much I really love you.”

“I missed you so much,” Cam responded. “Being without you one day a week is hard but sleeping without you for three days was torture.”

Michael took her hand and sat her down on the sofa.

“Then let’s not torture ourselves again. I know you have to be away for weeks at a time, but I suddenly realized I needed some link with you. Cam, I know we’ve talked about it but never actually took the step. I was thinking…” She bit into her lower lip. “Maggie and Pauly are here and Jean-René and Teresa are, too.” Michael took a deep breath. “Let’s get married tonight.”

Cam’s head snapped up to look in Michael’s eyes. “Are you serious?” she asked.

Oui,” was all Michael said. Then she sank down on one knee. “Je t’aime, cherie. Épouse-moi ce soir.”

Cam’s hand covered her mouth. Her eyes were wide. A smile formed on her face.

“Get up.” Cam laughed, “you’ve already done the knee thing. I told you that, yes, I would marry you, but tonight?”

Oui. Tonight. As soon as we can. Don’t you think so?”

Cam nodded thoughtfully. She smiled brightly. “Oui, je t’épouserai ce soir. I will marry you tonight.”

Michael jumped to her feet and took Cam into her arms. Then she kissed her.

Cam took a step back. “Are you wearing my grandfather’s lapel pin?” she asked as her fingers traced over it.

“Yes, I hope you don’t mind, but I was missing you so very much and Maggie suggested I wear something of yours so I could touch it whenever I thought of you. I know how much this means to you, so I wore it.”

“And you remember the meaning?”

Michael nodded.

“Then it is appropriate that it should be yours. It is my wedding gift to you.”

“Oh, no, cherie. That is too much,” Michael said.

“No, it is my love that will never be washed away,” said Cam softly.


Vraiment. Really.”

Michael kissed her again.

“If you have time to stop that,” Teresa’s voice interrupted them, “dinner is ready.”

“Food! The second-best thing about getting out of jail,” Cam said as she took Michael’s hand to go into the dining room.

They sat down with Maggie, Pauly, Chuck, Jean-René, Teresa, and their two teenagers.

Jean-René held up his glass of wine. “To Cameron, who went beyond what was expected. The bravest law officer I know.”

Everyone toasted and drank a sip of their drink.

“Now eat before this gets cold.” Teresa had placed plates with roast beef with gravy, roasted potatoes, and broccoli with green beans and onions in front of each of them.

Everyone started eating.

“This is delicious, Teresa,” Cam said. Everyone agreed with her.

“I imagine that almost anything would taste delicious after what you’ve been eating this week.”

Cam laughed. “The food was better than in that jail and the coffee was much, much better. You could tell what it was.”

Jean-René saw the questioning expressions on his children’s faces.

“Cameron is a very special law officer,” he told his children, “She actually committed a crime several years ago so she could be arrested and sent to prison to solve a case that others couldn’t.”

The two teenagers looked at Cam with their eyebrows toward the roof.

Vraiment?” Jean-Claude asked, his eyes wide. “You really did something like that?”

Vraiment,” Cam confirmed. “Truly. But that has to be kept secret. Only some people in the United States CIA and your family know the truth, so don’t tell anyone. I’ve kept that identity because criminals will trust me because it still says in online records that I’m a felon and we can learn more about what’s happening in many places. The only reason your family knows is because your tante Michael trained me to protect myself inside the prison.”

Emilie and Jean-Claude looked at her and Michael in awe.

“Doctor Maggie and Paul are both CIA agents as well,” Jean-René added. “They had to come here to rescue Cameron because she had been helping me in an investigation and got caught up in a drug sting that the city police did. She’s been in jail in Magog for the last two days.”

They talked as they ate. Everyone continued to explain to the youths what the situation was. The two teens were in awe.

“What did your family think?” Teresa asked.

“My grandmothers never believed it. They assumed I was doing an undercover thing. My sister cried. I wish I had been able to tell her sooner.”

They continued eating, as Cam and some of the others explained what had been happening for the past few weeks. Jean-René kept refilling their wine glasses.

“Now, is everyone finished?” Teresa asked as everyone was sitting back from their plates. “I made a tasty dessert I know you’ll like.”

Michael squeezed Cam’s hand and looked at her with a question in her eyes. Cam smiled and nodded. Michael stood.

“Can we wait another moment before we eat dessert? There’s something I want to say.”

When everyone had turned to look at her, she continued, “Cameron and I have talked about taking our relationship to the next legal level and these three days of being unable to be in touch with each other, has reinforced our desire.” She turned and looked at all the amazed faces. “We wish all of you to be present when we exchange marriage vows tonight.”

There were cheers and applause and Pauly and Jean-René jumped to their feet.

Vraiment?” Teresa asked.

Michael turned to her and nodded. Jean-René went around the table and hugged Cam while Pauly reached out to shake Michael’s hand.

Maggie sat there nodding her head. “It’s about time,” was all she said.

“Do you need a best man, ma sœur petite?” Jean-René asked.

“I thought you’d never ask,” Michael said, a wide smile spreading across her face. “But first we have to find someone to marry us.”

“Let me call the night court at the RCMP station. I’m sure they have time.”

“Can I be your maid-of-honor?” Pauly asked Cam.

Cam laughed. “Of course. Who else could do it? Maggie, will you give me away?”

“I’ve wanted to give you away for years,” she joked. “But no one would take you.” The whole table broke into laughter.

“Wait!” Pauly had a thought, as he sat back down. “You’re not going to want to get out of your marriage bed to drive me to the Montreal airport, tomorrow.”

Michael looked at Cam.

Cam smiled. “It’s not like we’ve never been in bed together,” she said.

“What time is your flight?” Teresa asked.

“Noon,” Pauly answered.

“Then stay here tonight. I’ll drive you to Montreal tomorrow.”

“Or I suggested he come back to Newport with me tonight and fly out of there tomorrow,” Chuck reminded them.

“I wouldn’t want to put anyone out,” Pauly said, shaking his head. He stopped to think. “I’ll call in sick tomorrow.”

“No. Cam’s right. We’ve really been married for months, now,” Michael declared. “It’s simply signing the legal papers. I can still drive you.”

“I can’t ask you to do that,” Pauly said.

“You haven’t asked. I have offered.”

“And you have to come see my new house,” Cam reminded him.

“Then it’s settled,” Michael said. “We’ll get married and then we’ll go back to the house, I’ll get up in the morning and drive you to the airport.”

“Are you sure?” Teresa asked. “It won’t be a problem for me to drive him.”

Michael looked at Cam.

“We’re sure,” Cam said. “If she has nowhere to go tomorrow, I’ll never get her out of bed. Maybe we should all go to Montreal.” She looked at Maggie hopefully. “And we can show Maggie some of that city.”

“Besides,” Michael said thoughtfully, “we’ll have to repeat the ceremony in a few weeks so Maman won’t be upset.”

“And probably again in Massachusetts so my grandmother can be there.”

“I’ll go call the court,” Jean-René said, getting up from the table.

“And I’ll get dessert,” Teresa added.

Teresa and Jean-René went out of the dining room to complete their tasks.

Michael looked at Cam. “I’m sorry this is so rushed,” she said, caressing Cam’s fingers, “but I want us to do this, as soon as possible. Don’t you?”

Cam smiling lovingly and she caressed Michael’s face. “Yes, I do. We can take some time later to go on a honeymoon.”


Cam nodded. “I love you so much.”

* * * *

After they had all finished Teresa’s parfaits, they all went about their businesses. Cam and Michael drifted into the den.

Je t’aime, aussi.” They gripped hands as they melted into a passionate kiss.

“Oh!” Cam suddenly had a thought. She pushed herself back. “We don’t have rings.”

“Yes, we do,” Michael said reaching into her jeans pocket. She took out two rings. “They’re not the best. I got them in a pawn shop in Montreal. But they’ll do for now. We can replace them when we see something we want.”

Cam inspected the two rings. “I’ll never replace it,” she whispered.

Maggie and Jean-René came into the den where Cam and Michael were standing.

“The justice will be here in a half hour. I thought it best that you not be seen out in public.”

“Good idea, Jean-René,” Cam said.

“Perfect! I don’t want her arrested again,” was Maggie’s comment.

“Yes, once a week is much more than enough.” Cam smiled at them. “And you raided the meth lab,” she stated. “I know, I was there!”

“Really? Al, the copter pilot said he was sure he saw two more people behind one of the cabins. He looked, but he couldn’t find anyone.”

“Yes, there were two of us but we escaped into the woods and walked about ten miles before we could get to a place where we could get some water and a nice guy drove us back to Magog. I didn’t think you’d have done that so soon.”

“I wanted to get it out of the way. And…We closed down Rosie’s Pub and arrested three people.”

“Rosie, Darren, and Ted?”

“Yes. Did we miss anyone?”

“Not that I can think of. Those were the only three at the pub and the runners and delivery guy were all at the compound that morning. Oh, and what about Ted’s girlfriend?”

“Rhonda’s taking a forced vacation. There was nothing I could hold her on and I didn’t want to say anything that would get you involved, but I scared the hell out of her. I expect she’ll admit to something soon.” Jean-René looked at Cam with a bright smile. “We got eight thousand grams and capsules of meth and another half ki of opium. It was a good morning. I’m sure they think someone ratted on them to get a reduced sentence.”

“It couldn’t have been me. There was nothing reduced about my case.”

“No.” Jean-René shook his head. “This was a satisfactory conclusion to the case.”

Everyone congratulated each other.

Cam looked at Maggie. “When do you have to go back? I’d like to show you around.”

“Not in Magog,” Maggie declared.

“No. Not in Magog,” was Cam’s response.

“I can stay through Monday,” Maggie added. “I have an early morning flight on Tuesday out of Montreal.”

“Great. We can both go back with Michael on Monday morning and I’ll show you around the city.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Oh,” Michael added, “Jean-René has already made arrangements to get your car out of impound for you. He’ll bring it back sometime next week.”

Cam let out a deep sigh. “Thank you, all of you.”

“That’s okay, cherie,” Michael said. You could hear the humor in her voice. “I remember how hard it was to get you back to earth when you were in prison the first time.”

Maggie, Pauly, Chuck, Michael, and Jean-René sat down with Cameron in the den and discussed all that had happened since Michael found the bodies. The kids, meanwhile, removed all the dirty dinner dishes from the dining table and replaced them with dessert plates and forks. The whole house began to look festive. Teresa came and stood in the doorway to listen to their tale.

“Oh,” Cam said, “what happened with the other three people at the trial?”

Maggie looked at Cam suspiciously. “Was that girl another of your assignment-related liaisons? I saw her watching you intently during your sentencing.”

“Nope,” Cam said quickly. She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. “She tried to seduce me, but I didn’t go for it. It wasn’t necessary.”

“Then I’m proud of you.” Maggie grinned at her. Pauly and Jean-René applauded.

“The two young men got five years in prison and the girl got a five-year suspended sentence with random drug testing. The boys might contest it and go to trial.”

Cam nodded. “That’s the way it should have been.” She was satisfied that Laurie wouldn’t spend time in jail. Maybe this experience would turn her life around. Hopefully…

“However, a car we impounded that morning belongs to one of those young men, so his case will be transferred to my jurisdiction.”

“You know, I’ve been waiting for this day for years,” Teresa finally told Michael and Cam. “I don’t know why you two waited so long. I could see the love in your eyes when you were up here six years ago.”

“I was always away on assignment,” Cam explained. “We lived so far apart.”

“I’m glad you got that place. Mr. and Mrs. Whitburn were nice people with good taste.”

“Yes, I’m going to enjoy living there,” was Cam’s response.

Then, car lights pulled up behind Michael’s car in front of the house.

“That was fast,” Jean-René said. “There must be a rush on weddings today.” He went to the door. They heard talking and then he came back into the room. Cam’s eyes were wide when she saw who had come to officiate at the ceremony.

“Judge Starkley!” Cam exclaimed.

Josephine studied Cam. “It is a pleasure to meet you in a less rigid environment,” she said as she held out her hand. “I was anxious to be in a place where we could converse. I was astounded by the things Margaret told me. I’m sorry I had to be so harsh on you.”

“That was a phenomenal court proceeding,” Cam said, shaking her hand. “I was rather frightened until I saw Pauly coming toward the bench. Then I saw Maggie and Michael in the back row.”

“You didn’t drop your cover at all. I was worried one time when you looked like you were going to dash out of there.”

“Yes, I thought about it, but changed my mind.”

“I’m glad you did,” the judge said. “Mason, the guard by the door you came in through, can get a little nervous when things don’t go as expected. He might have shot you.”

“Then I’m very glad you didn’t try to run,” Michael said.

“You created quite a problem putting me down as your next-of-kin,” Maggie said. “I came here to get you, but when we found you had listed me, we knew I couldn’t. Jean-René called Chuck who stepped in and Pauly took my place.”

“I didn’t know who else to put there and I needed another address to put down. I couldn’t put my new address on those papers. I knew you’d take care of it if you were contacted.”

“You rely on me much too much, Cameron. Besides, you’ll have a new next-of-kin in a few minutes.”

Cam looked up at Michael who took her hand. “Yes, I will.”

“I don’t know if I can do as good a job in the legal department.” Michael smirked.

“I’ll try to be less rambunctious,” Cam pledged.

Teresa came in from the kitchen carrying a two-layer white cake.

“I hope this will suffice,” she said. “It’s all I had on such short notice. I couldn’t put icing on it because it hasn’t had a chance to cool, so I glazed it with honey butter, so it’s not really white.”

“That’s okay, Teresa. We’re not really virgins,” Michael said with a laugh.

“You’re not?” Cam exclaimed.

“No, and neither are you,” Michael retorted.

“Oh,” was all Cam said. “It’s beautiful, Teresa, thank you.”

“Not that I want to seem ungrateful,” Michael said, “but I would like to get this started. I’ve been three days without Cam and I can’t stand it.”

“Where would you like to do this?” the judge asked.

“Right where we are,” overlapped with, “Anyplace you want.”

“All right, right here in front of the windows overlooking the lake,” the judge decided.

“Perfect,” said Michael. “Absolutely perfect. Are you ready, Mrs. Gauchet-Andrews?”

“Extremely, Mrs. Gauchet-Andrews,” Cam responded.

Cameron beamed up at Michael as they joined hands. Today was the best day of her life.