Chapter Seven


Julie and Letty both called Wendy the next day to find out how things were going. Wendy told them about Wade coming to the kitchen door.

"What time was it, do you know?" Julie asked.

"About five thirty this morning," Wendy said. "I know it was still dark outside. His banging on the door woke me. I told him I'd talk to him later and that he could drink his coffee in the bunkhouse. He didn't like that."

"Do you think if you talked to him you might find out what is eating him?" Julie asked innocently.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure I want to talk to him. Every time we talk something happens," Wendy said, her voice fading.

"Maybe you should go to him, confront him straight on. Just don't go somewhere there aren't some people around," Julie suggested.

"I want him to get used to the idea that he can't just walk in on me here. With everyone gone, I'm not comfortable anymore."

"I've been thinking about this, and I've talked to Cade and he doesn't know what is wrong either. Wade won't open up to many people. But you've worked with him so long, I thought maybe he would soften a little if you don't approach him as though he's the enemy."

Wendy sighed. "Okay, I'll try to talk to him…"


When Letty called, she didn't agree. "No, I wouldn't go near him; he'll take it as a flirt or a come-on, Wendy. Leave it alone for a while. At least until he gets used to the idea that he doesn't have the run of the place any longer."

"Yeah, I agree with you, but Julie thought it might work."

"Not right now it won't. He's got to cool off and have some time to think. I can't believe that woman did this to him. I think it's something else. But I don't know what. And I don't want you taking any chances of getting hurt anymore."

"Sam and I have a date tonight anyway." Wendy sighed.

"You and Sam are pretty thick, aren't you?"

Wendy smiled into the phone. "I really like him."

"I can tell. Does he really like you?"

"I think so…"

"Good. Well, call me if you need me, and keep that door locked no matter what."

"I will."

Later that day, when Wade flew out of the yard in his truck, Wendy went down to the barn.

Caleb was working, but turned toward her when she came in.

"I been wondering when I would see you." The old man's eyes lit up.

Wendy smiled. "I'm sorry, I haven't been around much."

"I want to know how things are." Caleb frowned at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Is Wade still bothering you?"

Wendy leaned against a stall and watched Caleb work. "He found out I changed the locks this morning and tried to get in. I told him he could take his coffee in the bunkhouse with the rest of the men. I don't think he was too happy about that, and he flew out of here like the devil was after him. I don't know what has gotten into him."

"Nobody seems to know. He's always been a pretty quiet fella. It isn't like him at all."

"I'm going to lay low for a while, Caleb. Until he simmers down a little. Then I'm going to try to talk to him."

Caleb's eyes widened. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not? Someone has to make him see he's being unreasonable."

"It doesn't have to be you." Caleb frowned and watched her.

"He might listen to me, if he wasn't so mad."

"You know, maybe Cade is right. Maybe there is something to this…bi-polar thing."

"I don't know much about it," Wendy confessed.

"Neither do I. But he does need to go to the doctor, to find out about it."

"Yeah, but you know Wade. You think he'll go?"

"Not unless he's forced. No," Caleb said. "But don't you worry about anything. All of us men know what's been going on. We'll handle this. You just stay close to the house and keep those doors locked. If it really is a bi-polar thing, he could be quite dangerous."

She smiled at Caleb, realizing how much she'd come to care about the old man. "Okay…thanks…"

She started to leave but turned to look at him over her shoulder. "Talking to you makes me feel better."

Caleb smiled.




That same afternoon, Julie came over to see Wendy. Julie's face was a wad of frowns and worry. Wendy knew something was wrong, she just didn't know what. "I want you to forget about talking to Wade. I was wrong, Wendy."

Wendy was trying to decide what to wear on her date with Sam. Slightly distracted, she wasn't paying much attention to Julie. "Why?"

"Because his girlfriend came to talk to Cade."




"And there is definitely something wrong with Wade. So I don't want you going near him." Julie was adamant as she stared at her sister for a reaction.

"How do you know?" Wendy asked, turning to look at her.

"She said she has noticed something very different about him lately too. A complete change of personality. She is even having doubts about marrying him now."

"Why, what's happened?" Wendy asked, sitting on the edge of her bed and watching Julie closely as she sat on her vanity stool. Wendy wasn't completely dressed when Julie flew up the stairs in a hailstorm.

She slipped on a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, and then got into her cowboy boots.

Julie watched, but Wendy could tell her mind was not on the boots.

"Wade has been trying every night to get her to go to bed with him. She said she's not that kind of girl. She refused and, last night, he hit her and started to take her clothes off. She pulled a knife out of the kitchen drawer and threatened to use it on him if he didn't get out."

Wendy's eyes rounded with surprise. "You don't mean it? So Wade's been pushing her…for…sex?"

"That's what she said. She said he's been very aggressive since she came up here, demanding she have sex with him, where before he always said he wanted to wait until they were married. At the time her father approved of them getting married. She said if she told her father, there would be no wedding at all. She was hysterical. She's afraid of him too. The girl was in tears, Wendy."

"I hate to admit it, but I'm almost sorry for her. My God, Julie, what's wrong with him?"

"We aren't sure, but something is definitely wrong. Cade promised her he'd get Wade to the doctor. He told her he suspected he was bi-polar. But they needed a doctor to confirm it and then he'd need treatment, which means he'll have to go away for a while," Julie explained. "Valarie was upset about it, but even she agreed something needed to be done."

Wendy shook her head. "He's really sick, isn't he?"

"It looks that way, yes. And I want you to pack a bag and have Sam bring you to our house tonight when you come home. I don't want you here anymore until this is settled," Julie insisted, staring at her.

"But can't I just lock the doors?"

"No honey, you can't. If he decides he wants in bad enough, he'll break a window or something. I would worry if you stayed here while this is going on. And I've got enough to worry about with Cade having to face him down with it."

"Cade shouldn't be alone when he talks to him." Wendy sighed heavily. "I never thought it would come to this. And I never imagined saying this, but I don't want to see Wade hurt on account of me."

"Of course not, none of us do. But Wade can't go around terrorizing women. And Cade is his brother. He'll be the one that needs to handle this."

Wendy shook her head and then burst into tears. "Not alone he doesn't. Get Hank, and Sam and Caleb."

"Caleb's too old." Julie shook her head.

Wendy grabbed her and looked into her worried eyes. "Don’t be telling him that. He knows everything that goes on at this ranch. And he cares about all of us."

"Well, that's true enough. Kellie wanted to come over tonight after supper and see Caleb; she misses him since she started back to school. They got rather close over the summer. She said they both love horses so much. But I told her I'd rather her not be here."

"Julie?" Wendy pulled on her sister’s arms. "Did I cause all of this?"

"No, honey. You didn't do anything. It's Wade. He's sick. And we have to get him some help before it goes any further. If he hurts someone, he could go to jail."

"I feel so bad about him…."

"We all do, but sometimes these things have to be done. So pack you a bag, I'll take it home with me and put it in the spare bedroom. You can stay with us until things smooth out."

Wendy nodded dully.

"You know deep down, a small part of me cares for Wade still."

"You aren't still in love with him, are you?"

"Oh no, but…I never wanted this to happen."

"Cade is feeling responsible too. I think when Dad died it all got to be too much for Wade. I think it's been slowly building to this point all along. Cade hates to be the one to take him to the doctor, knowing how Wade feels about seeing one. It isn't going to be a pretty scene, and Cade might need help."

"Wade might fight him."

"Oh…I hope not." Wendy reached for Julie's hand.

"Me too."

Wendy finally got to her feet again and went to pull some clothes from her closet. "How long you think I will need to stay?"

"I'm not sure, just bring several outfits you can wear and when things settle down, you can come back," Julie encouraged her. "We can wash your clothes if you need to stay longer."


Wendy packed the bag and Julie kissed her on the cheek. "Keep the doors locked and don't let anyone but Cade or Sam in."

"I won't….Julie?"

"What?" Julie turned to look at her at the doorway.

"Thanks for helping me…"

"No thanks needed. I'll see you tonight."

"Julie…when is Cade going to talk to Wade?"


Wendy nodded, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Julie went back to hold her close for a moment. "Don't worry, everything will work out."

Wendy nodded numbly. But she wasn't so sure that was true.