"I have kept up my studies and I wanted to learn more,” said Morgana. “I want to look at your magical books. Especially the book, Grimoire."
"No," Merlin said, "you still have to learn the basics. And Grimoire is a forbidden tome. Only the highest of wizards can understand the dangers and stay safeguarded from being seduced."
They started walking down a stone pathway with rose bushes dotting the landscape. The sun was high in the clouds and the smell of perfumed flowers assailed his nose. Lazarus knew he was walking in the Atlantean King's garden. He received the knowledge from Merlin's mind. Lazarus wondered if he could ask Merlin questions.
Morgana grabbed Merlin's hand and they walked for a while like that, moving toward a small lake. Large white swans, brown ducks, and geese swam over the water. Lazarus sensed Merlin's feeling toward Morgana. She was beautiful and happy. They were in love together, but something was wrong.
Merlin took his hand away. "Morgana, you know we cannot be together. You are betrothed to King Urien. You cannot be with me."
Morgana knelt close to the water's edge and placed her hand next to the lake. Closing her eyes, a splash of water sprouted upwards like a fountain shooting into the sky, and when it reached its highest trajectory, the water changed into a small bird and then fell back down into the water.
Merlin was surprised about Morgana's grasp of water magic. "You are getting better."
Morgana smiled. "Thanks, but I cannot make the water into real animals like you can."
Merlin looked into her green eyes. She looked so earnest. He wished he’d never shown her his secret library. But there was something about her that made him do things that he would never normally do. She was wearing a red, low-cut shirt, tight black pants, and boots. She stood and turned to him.
Merlin said, "Did you hear me? We cannot be together."
"Who told you this?" she asked. "Who are Arthur and Lancelot?"
Merlin was silent. It was King Arthur who’d told him not to see Morgana anymore. It was wrong and unseemly. Yet, Merlin knew it was Queen Guinevere who didn't like Morgana. Merlin had heard the Queen call Morgana a witch and a succubus.
Morgana moved closer to him. She breathed on him and then touched his cheek.
"We can do anything we want too,” she said. “We have the true magic power. The others don't. We can rule together. I read some of your books. We can get more powers."
Merlin knew Morgana was being blasphemous and treacherous.
"You are wrong. If you try any of the incantations from the Forbidden Books, we will be enslaved. We cannot go against our liege, King Arthur."
Morgana pressed her bosom against him. Lazarus felt Merlin becoming aroused.
"We are in the King's garden. We cannot do this."
He quickly looked around the area and also at the stone building above and close to them. Merlin didn't see anybody, but he knew better.
"Don't worry," she said, and waved her hands.
Merlin saw a magical shield come over them. He knew this protective shell would hide them from anybody unless a wizard was present, and he was the only magic user here besides Morgana.
"What are you doing? You are leaving for King Urien's castle tomorrow."
"Shh," Morgana said. She pushed herself away from him. Pulling her shirt down off her shoulders, Merlin saw her milky white breasts. He saw Merlin's hand reaching out to touch her. Then Morgana's form started to change. She was not a beautiful young woman anymore; she grew upwards and outwards, until it seemed that she dwarfed the very sky.
"LAZARUS, WAKE UP. LAZARUS wake up," Cindy said.
He looked up at her and for an instant he thought he saw a monstrous creature staring down, but it was Cindy's pretty face looking at him. Her blond her fell to her shoulders. She was standing over him. Lazarus was in bed. All the covers were on the ground and the pillow was pushed to the side.
"What?" Lazarus said.
"You pushed me off the bed and started to yell and scream," Cindy said.
"I was having a bad dream. But I think it was more than a dream. I think it was a vision from Merlin himself. And I think I know why he was not answering me," Lazarus said.
"What? He is not in the Blessed Isles?" Cindy asked.
The front door suddenly opened, and several elven guards rushed inside. They wore leather armor and had their swords ready. Della also barreled through. She had her energy sabers out. They looked at them.
Della said, "Are you okay, Master Alpha Mages?"
Lazarus felt embarrassed. "It was only a nightmare."
The guards and Della scanned the room.
"Are you sure? We heard a scream, and I sensed something dark."
"You can leave, guards. We are fine," Lazarus said. "Della, can you get Professor Jacobs?"
The guards nodded and walked back out of the room. Lazarus had some ideas to talk to the Professor and Della about.
"I need to get dressed,” said Cindy. “I'll be back. I think you should get dressed yourself."
He watched her leave his room. Lazarus got quickly dressed.
Cindy came back with Grace walking behind her into his room.
"Cindy told me about your dream. I think you want to talk to all of us."
Lazarus sat back on the bed. He really wanted to talk to Della and Professor Jacobs. He wanted to run some ideas with them. But he was getting hungry.
Della and the Professor stood at the doorway. They looked inside.
Professor Jacobs said, "Lazarus, I think we need to eat before we speak."
"Yes," Lazarus said, "I was thinking the same thing, and I also want to go to the library and consult with the wizards."