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Marlena and her father spoke to Fergun and explained what they were planning.
Fergun thought they were crazy, and was shocked about Duke Volterus. Fergun wondered why the leaders didn't give the word to start their defensive systems and to have any space jets intercept the Vvong.
Marlena and her father squeezed into a small, round ship. It was originally a lifeboat ship, but Yaddle added an extra computer and nav system and extra thruster control.
Marlena said, "Do you think we could make it without being seen?"
"We are small enough and we will be flying around the dark side of the Hive. If we are lucky, we will reach the spaceport, where Fergun is waiting for us."
"How much time do we have?"
"Not enough."
Yaddle's voice came through the monitors. "Are you ready? You know this plan is crazy, but be careful."
"Open the doors," Captain Grendel said.
The doors opened silently. Captain Grendel edged the small craft through into the passage. Marlena didn't know how far away they were from the Hive. Her father maneuvered the ship forward. They had to move along this small planet they were orbiting and shoot along its gravitational field to push them forward, without thrusters, toward the Hive.
"Father, do you think you can override the Duke’s protocols once we get inside the Hive?" she asked.
"Yes, in fact, ever since I was head of the fleet I’ve known the codes," Captain Grendel said.
The ship moved closer in orbit to the small planet. Marlena saw the planetary sphere was a dead star with many scars along its surface from asteroids hitting it. Marlena thought it looked similar to the moon of the Earth.
Captain Grendel said, "Good luck, Yaddle."
Yaddle said, "You too."
"Over and out," Captain Grendel said.
She knew the ship's cloaking abilities would not work for a few more cycles and that would be after the Vvong attacked the Hive. Marlena and her father hoped if they started the Hive's defensive guns that the Space Station would last until the fleet came back. Marlena hoped the military space fleet would not be obliterated. There were too many unanswered things in this plan. It was too crazy. Yet, Lazarus spoke to her about hope. It was such a human emotion that she couldn't fathom this idea. Yet, hope was keeping her from giving into despair.
Captain Grendel said, "Marlena, we are in position. Are you ready?"
"Yes,” she said.
"When we shoot toward the Hive, we will go really fast and this small craft is built to sustain this speed. So, it might be uncomfortable for a little. But the computer's nav calculations should work," Captain Grendel said.
"Let's do it," Marlena said.
They position the ship close to the planet. The vessel started to descend in the planet’s gravitational field. The field was not strong, but powerful enough to surge them forward without thrusters.
"Okay," he said, "here we go."
Captain Grendel's finger hovered over the green button on the computer console. Then he pressed it. The engines of the ship whined. They shot forward toward the planet and then they skipped upwards. The craft flew into space. Pressure started to build up and push Marlena against her seat.
The Hive came into view and it was getting close. At the right time the ship navigated toward the dark side of the round Hive ship. The Vvong enemy ships were stationed on the other side of the Hive.
Their small ship had all its outside lights turned off. Then she saw something that made Marlena give them pause. She saw red lights of enemy ships stationed behind the Hive. The Vvong ships hadn't seen them yet.
"Father," she said.
Captain Grendel quickly touched the controls of the monitor before him. He had to manually maneuver their ship, slowing it, and move closer to the bottom of the Hive away from the angry red lights of the Vvong. They still hadn't used any of their fuel.
"This is not going to be easy. We will have to land somewhere else."
Captain Grendel stared at the monitor. It showed the entrance of the Hive docks looming closer to them.
"Father," she said.
Captain Grendel saw it. They flew past a high building jutting out of the Hive space station. He touched the controls and they slowed. Forward thrusters blasted, and they hid behind the buildings of the Hive.
"Whew, we made it," Captain Grendel said.
The ship slowly flew toward an open hatchway.
"We haven't been spotted," she said.
"Yes," Captain Grendel said, "I can override the Duke’s commands, by either talking to the Queen, or I can try to use my own code. But if I try to use my own codes they will be alerted. What do you think?"
Marlena was not used her father asking her opinion. "If we get to the Princess, can she override his commands by herself or does she have to speak to the High Council?"
"She can override anything."
"Good, but if the Duke tries to take control of the Hive's defenses, what can we do to stop him?" Marlena asked.
"Don't worry about that," he said. “Nothing can be started without her permission."
"Father, let's go find the Princess."
The ship connected to the airlock.
"What happened to the Hive dock’s central command?" Marlena asked.
A voice came through the ship's speakers. "Captain Grendel?"
"Fergun?" Captain Grendel asked.
"Yes, it's us," Fergun said. "I'm coming to your position. Just wait there."
They waited. Marlena felt like at any time the Vvong would know that they were there and start to attack. She heard a hissing noise and then the hatchway opened. Bright light came from door. A silhouette of a man stood waiting for them.