
One year later

“ARE YOU SURE we should be doing this?” Jake stared at the glittering neon sign with misgiving.

Tori gaped at him. “You don’t want to get married?”

“Of course I do.” He slid an arm around her shoulders. “But I don’t know about doing it like this.” He frowned again at the flashing sign of the True Blue Wedding Chapel. “Hell, I think your mother is just starting to like me. This is gonna really piss her off.”


“Damn right. She doesn’t pull any punches.”

Tori laughed and hugged him closer.

“Seriously, she’s gone through a lot of trouble making arrangements with the caterers and florists and having invitations sent out. And what about Mallory? She even canceled her last trip with Richard to help with the preparations.”

Tori leaned her head on his shoulder. “She’s so much happier now that Richard is spending more time at home and she’s occasionally traveling with him. I’m proud of her for speaking up and telling him what she needed.” She sighed. “Okay, we’ll have the reception the family wants, but we’ll get married our own way. Even if it is at a tacky Las Vegas wedding chapel.”

“Fair enough.” He smiled. He was so damn proud of her. No one walked over Victoria Whitford. Not even him. Even her mother tended to tread lightly these days, making suggestions instead of demands.

And the family business was doing just fine without her. But she was still on the board and attended monthly meetings, but her days and energy were spent at the center.



“Do you mind getting married here?” This time she frowned at the gaudy flashing blue and purple neon.

“Honey, I love you. I’d marry you anywhere.”

She tilted her head back and smiled at him. “You know something?”

He smiled back, knowing what was coming. It was their private routine. “What?”

“I love you, too.” She broke away and then took his hand. “Ready?”

“Come on.” He led her toward the door. “But we’re still going to Disneyland for our honeymoon.”

“You got it.”

Laughing like two giddy teenagers, they entered the chapel.