KAREN SET A FRESH CARAFE of water on the credenza behind Tori’s desk. “May I get you anything else, Ms. Whitford?”

“Please call me Tori.” She smiled at the secretary she would be sharing with Mallory. Not that her sister showed up at the office more than twice a month.

“Your father likes to keep the office atmosphere formal,” Karen said, plucking a dead petal off the bunch of roses Tori had swiped from the garden to put on her desk.

“Okay, then call me Victoria.”

The woman didn’t even smile.

“That was a joke,” Tori muttered. Karen was at least twenty years her senior. It was silly to address Tori as Ms. Whitford. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”

Karen started for the door, stopped and turned. “In private I’ll call you Tori. In front of your father or the staff it’ll be Ms. Whitford.”

“Fair enough.”

Karen smiled and left, closing the door behind her.

Sighing, Tori sank into her office chair, immediately kicked her shoes off under her desk and bent to massage her left arch. She hadn’t worn high heels for years. What the hell had she been thinking?

About Jake mostly.

Not good. There was more to life than sex. He wasn’t part of her long-term plan. She shouldn’t be thinking about him at all.

She straightened and flexed her foot while she organized the stack of reports Karen had left on her desk. The company’s prospectus she’d already reviewed yesterday so she skipped that and went to the profit and loss statements for last quarter.

Just as she started reading, she was interrupted by a brief knock at her door, and then it opened.

“Dad? I thought you were in Dallas.”

“I just got back.” He entered her office and took a seat across from her. At six-three, he looked too big for the wing chair. Height was one of the many ways Tori took after him. “How’s your first day going?”

“Lots of reading.”

He looked at the stack she’d been reviewing and frowned. “Hasn’t my secretary been sending you this information each quarter?”

“Probably. But I was in school, finishing my master’s. I was a little busy.”

His frown deepened. “No need to be snide.”


He looked at her for a long silent moment, disapproval lurking in his eyes. “I hope you take more of an interest in this company than your sister has.”

“I wouldn’t be here if I weren’t interested.”

A hint of a smile played at the corners of his mouth. “You do have your own mind, I’ll give you that.”

“Mom’s been complaining, huh?”

“She may have mentioned something about your attitude.”

Tori sighed. “I think she’s trying to marry me off.”

He laughed. “Would that be so bad?”

“Have you seen her list of candidates?”

“Don’t worry about it. Start getting involved here and you’ll be too busy to socialize.”

She forced a smile. “True.”

Is that what she wanted? She knew working for Whitford Industries wouldn’t be easy. Of course she’d be held up to a higher standard. But that didn’t bother her. What did, was not knowing if this was what she wanted to do.

“Well, Victoria…” Her father abruptly stood. “I have a lot of work to do. If you need anything, you’ll find Karen to be a very competent assistant.”

Tori started to make a joke about his political correctness in calling Karen an assistant, but then thought better of it. She just wanted him to go. She wanted him to close the door and for everyone to leave her alone for the afternoon.

“Will I see you at dinner?” she asked his retreating back.

“I doubt it. Tell your mother I have a lot of phone calls to return. No telling what sort of problems will arise.”

She nodded absently, even though he hadn’t bothered to turn around before leaving. For a few moments, she sat staring at the doorway, wondering if her mother had ever worried that he might be having an affair. His hours were so erratic, and his attention to holidays almost nil.

Probably not. Work was his mistress. God, what a life. Is that what she had to look forward to? No, not her. She wouldn’t go there. She could balance career and a social life…maybe even a family at some point…

She turned her attention back to the reports but her concentration was gone. Her thoughts kept straying to Jake, to the women at the center, to her friend Kathryn at school…

Not bothering to put on her heels, she got up and closed the door, and then got her laptop out of her briefcase. She’d waited long enough to report on last night. She wouldn’t settle down until she got it out of her system.


To: The Gang at Eve’s Apple

From: Angel@EvesApple.com

Subject: Bliss!!!

You advised me to be direct so any cracks about me moving fast will be swiftly dealt with. <G> Last night I met J at a hotel. And although I don’t wanna kiss and tell—Holy shit!!! I have no words to describe the mind-blowing sex we had. He was incredible! More than my feeble brain could imagine.

If anything, after all those years of lusting after the guy, I thought the experience would have fallen short of my expectations. Sheesh, was I wrong. The trouble is, one night hardly got it out of my system. I want more!!! In fact, we have plans to meet again tonight. The thought is making concentration really hard. I’m trying to work—it’s my first day in the office, but I can’t seem to focus.

Have I told you what a great body he has!?! I mean, I’d seen him without a shirt lots of times, but last night, without a thread to distract me, oh, my, God… I better quit writing this damn e-mail.

I have something else I want to bounce off you guys. Not about J. It has to do with my mother and coming home again and that sort of


Tori stopped typing when her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID before answering. All thoughts of e-mails and Jake faded. It was the center. They very rarely called her.

She answered the call, and at the same time sent her e-mail and then signed off.


“OKAY, POP.” Jake closed the ancient red truck’s creaking tailgate. “Get back inside. You don’t need to supervise me.”

“Did you load the small pruning sheers? The Princess Daisy roses are fragile, son. You know the ones I’m talking about—those salmon-colored ones by the gazebo.” He stood at the edge of the porch, leaning heavily on his cane. He looked old, his face weathered from years of too much sun. Hard to believe he was only sixty-three.

“I know, Pop.”

“And don’t forget the Scarlett O’Haras. They like—”

“Enough, Pop. I know. Now get inside and put your feet up, or I’ll park this old lemon and take the keys so you don’t get any crazy ideas.”

Muttering, he waved a disgusted hand, and turned to hobble into the house.

Shaking his head, Jake opened the driver’s door and climbed inside. He felt like a kid again. Sneaking around, misleading his father. Hector was perfectly capable of taking care of the Whitfords’ gardens. The guy had worked for Jake for six years. Longer than any of his other employees. Other than letting himself get distracted by a pair of breasts now and then, Hector was reliable and knew almost as much about landscaping as Jake did.

Still, it was easier for Jake to let his father think he was personally taking care of the Whitfords. Even though he had to act like a sixteen-year-old, pretending to pick up the old red truck and then handing it off to Hector at the end of the driveway.

It wasn’t just about not wanting to see Victoria. Hell, he doubted she’d come traipsing down with any more lemonade. It wasn’t about not wanting to get his hands dirty, either. In fact, it had been kind of interesting to get close to the earth again. He’d spent too much time at a desk the past two years. It was good to get out in the fresh air for a change. The added bonus, he had to admit, was Victoria.

The whole experience seemed surreal. After her being forbidden fruit for all those years. He’d gotten halfway down the driveway and glanced in his rearview mirror. No sign of his father. The poor old guy would have heart failure if he knew where Jake had been last night. Where he was going to be…he looked at his watch. In ten hours. Shit, he shouldn’t be so anxious. But what the hell…that was arguably the best sex he’d ever had.

Just thinking about her long, smooth legs got his heart pumping. She had to be about five-eight, maybe taller. Hard to tell when she wore those high heels. He was just barely six feet himself and with heels on, she nearly met him eye to eye.

But beyond the distracting thoughts of Victoria, the real problem was his full calendar. He had a prospective client to meet at eleven, and a meeting with a Forever Green representative at three-thirty. He dreaded that appointment, even though his lawyer would do most of the talking. Jake would sit there, nod, smile, and then take the money and run.


JAKE LOOKED UP from the room service menu when he heard a knock and then a key in the door.

Victoria opened it, still in work clothes, a navy-blue suit and white shirt, dark-colored hose and ridiculously high heels. Except that they made her legs look so good that he had to look away or embarrass himself. “What time did you get here?”

“About fifteen minutes ago.”

“Gee, I thought I was early and then I got to the front desk and found out you’d already checked in.”

He shrugged. “I was already in the area and it seemed foolish to go home first.”

Her gaze lowered to his striped blue-and-white shirt, khakis and brown loafers. Which were pretty much his work clothes when he had to attend meetings. He expected her to ask why he wasn’t wearing jeans but instead she pulled her purse strap off her shoulder and dug around inside.

He went back to perusing the room service menu, trying not to think about how those legs were going to feel wrapped around his waist. “Are you hungry?”

“What?” She looked up. “I hadn’t really thought about it yet.”

He snorted. “I’ve been thinking about it since lunch. I figured I’d order a few appetizers and a bottle of wine. Any preference?”

“Anything but rose.” She pulled out some cash. “Here.”

“What’s that?”

“For the room.” She dropped the money on the table beside him, and then kicked off her shoes in the corner by the desk. “I hope that’s enough. I’d planned on using a credit card so that’s all I have.”

He stayed silent, trying like hell to hold on to his temper. Finally, when he trusted himself enough to speak, he said, “You paid for the room last night. It’s my turn.”

“Yeah, but I’m the one who— Look, this place is expensive. I don’t expect you to fork out—” She stopped and moistened her lips. “You’re angry.”

“Damn right.”


“Put your fancy Ivy League education to the test. Think about it.”

She lifted her chin, her eyes sparkling with temper. “Is that resentment I hear?”

“Maybe, but not because of what you think.”

“Please, by all means.” She gestured an invitation with her hand. “Tell me what I’m thinking.”

Jake put the menu aside, his appetite shot to hell. Her sarcasm was the last straw. “I don’t resent the fact that your family could afford a top-notch education. Good for you. Everyone should have that privilege. But I do resent you treating me like a toy poodle.”

Her eyes widened. “What?”

He waited for realization to register in her face. Nothing happened. He laughed humorlessly. “You don’t even get it.”

“No, I don’t.” She folded her arms across her chest, her eyes wary. “I told you exactly what I wanted from you and you agreed. I don’t see the toy poodle connection.”

Okay, she’d been honest, he’d give her that much. He shook his head. He knew he was being touchy because she’d assumed he couldn’t afford the room. “Yeah, I agreed, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to be treated like an equal.”

“Is this all because I wanted to pay for the room? Because that’s pretty damn sexist of you.”

He started to ask how that made him sexist since she paid for it last night, but reconsidered. They’d both gotten too hot under the collar to bring this to a conclusion. He was hungry, and still a little ticked that the meeting with Forever Green hadn’t gone like he’d planned.

He hated all the deadlines being shoved down his throat. He hated corporate bullshit. Sometimes he thought his father had the right idea. Work for someone else. Let them have the headaches.

“Look.” He got to his feet. “Let’s do this some other time.”

She blinked, reared her head back slightly. “This isn’t that big a deal.”

He bent down to fist the bills she’d left on the table. “Don’t forget this,” he said, and forced them into her hands, brushing against her breasts in the process. He’d probably kick himself later.

Her expression indicated she didn’t want to take it, but she reluctantly gave in. Regret darkened her hazel eyes. She gave him a weak smile. “You want to order something from room service before you go? We probably both could use a glass of wine.”

He kept on course to the door, but then stopped. She did look pretty miserable. Not his problem. “I’ll pick something up on the way home. Take care, Victoria.”


To: The Gang at Eve’s Apple

From: Angel@EvesApple.com

Subject: Aaargh!!!

The guy’s a jerk. We were supposed to meet tonight, which we did, but then he blew it. Accused me of treating him like a toy poodle. Got all mad and indignant just because I wanted to reimburse him for the hotel room, which he paid for because he got there first. Never would have figured him for a chauvinist. Damn! I know I’m rambling but I’m pissed. Or can’t you tell?

Any of you out there? I really need a shoulder tonight. Or a punching bag.


Angel, who’s thinking about getting good and sloshed


She quickly sent off the e-mail, hoping Taylor or Kelly or one of the Barbaras happened to be on line. They all tended to pick up their mail in the evenings. She checked her watch. Only eight-fifteen. She should have been writhing in ecstasy about now. Not sitting on her bed, alone, with her laptop, and drinking a glass of strawberry Kool-Aid, enjoying every last gram of sugar.

Sighing, she set the laptop aside and went to her closet for a nightshirt. After selecting the one with Mickey Mouse on the front, she slipped out of her robe and pulled the shirt over her head.

God, she was going to miss her walk-in closet when she moved to an apartment. Of course some of the newer ones had great bathrooms with sunken tubs and giant closets. But would she be able to afford one of those? Hell, she hadn’t even asked about her salary. Some businesswoman.

It wouldn’t matter, anyway. She’d find something suitable, probably not unlike the place she’d lived in while in school. Freedom and independence was the tradeoff. She wouldn’t have to sneak off to hotels. She could have Jake over anytime she wanted…

She stopped in her tracks. Jake was not going to be popping over, nor would she be inviting him to do so. The only thing they had in common was sex. And she might have screwed that up, too.

She got back in bed and piled up all three pillows behind her, wishing like crazy she felt she could talk to Mallory. But even though they’d more or less kept in touch over the last seven years, Tori felt distanced from her. Which really smarted since they hadn’t even started getting close until a year before Tori left for college.

Mallory would be the only person who’d understand Tori’s misgivings about her career. Not misgivings, really. She was happy to be included in such a successful, thriving business. But all their lives it was assumed they’d enter the family business. No one ever asked what their major would be in college. No question. An MBA it was. When it came time for marriage, there’d be no leeway there, either. Rich and influential was the core criteria.

After surfing through the Neiman Marcus Web site and checking out the new fall fashions, she went back to e-mail and found that Babs had written back.


To: Angel

From: BarbaraJ@EvesApple.com

Subject: I feel your pain

Angel! How awful! I wish I could give you a big hug. I know how excited you were. About the toy poodle thing—sounds like his pride’s hurt. Maybe he would have preferred stud muffin?:) Sorry, I had to throw that in.

You were up-front with him. You did nothing wrong. Screw him. At least you had that one night. I do have a question, though. Why a hotel? Who’s idea was that?

Good grief, girlfriend, I hope he isn’t married.

Anyway, take care, good luck, and don’t get sloshed. The headache won’t be worth it.




Like that was helpful. Tori sighed and got out of the e-mail to check the other two messages that had popped up. Taylor had also written, bless her. She’d have something worthwhile to say.


To: Angel

From: Taylor@EvesApple.com

Subject: Trouble in paradise

Ah, sweetie, I’m so sorry. Maybe tomorrow after you’ve both cooled off you’ll be able to talk. It doesn’t matter if this was a one-time deal. I’m sure you don’t want to leave things like this.

Gotta tell you, though, sounds like there’s more to it than you spilled. You said you didn’t really know him, right? So it’s not like you guys have baggage or past issues… Sorry, but I don’t get it. You were honest, explained what you wanted from him. Doesn’t sound like it was your fault. Either he had a bad day or you triggered some old pride issue. I don’t know…

What’s up with going to a hotel? Could that be part of the problem? Wish I could help. Write soon.




Tori groaned. What was the big deal about going to a hotel? She closed her laptop. Of course her friends didn’t realize she lived with her parents, that she couldn’t very well twist Jake’s arm to offer up his place. Not that she would have accepted. A hotel was neutral, anonymous, away from nosy family and friends. There was nothing at all wrong with meeting there. She couldn’t think of a better place in the world to have meaningless sex.