Alexander, Encouragement
Sir William Alexander. An Encouragement to Colonies. London, 1624.
“A Descriptive and Historical Account”
“A Descriptive and Historical Account of New England in Verse: from a MS of William Bradford, Governour of Plymouth Colony.” Collections of the MHS, for the Year 1794. Vol. 3 (Boston, 1810): 77–84.
William Bradford. A dialogue or third conference between some young men and some ancient Men Edited by Charles Deane. Boston: John Wilson, 1870.
Good Newes
E[dward] W[inslow]. Good Newes from New England: Or A True Relation of Things very remarkable at the Plantation of Plimoth in New-England. London, 1624.
The Journal of John Winthrop, 1630–1649. Edited by Richard S. Dunn, James Savage, and Laetitia Yeandle. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996.
James, Three Visitors
Sydney V. James Jr., ed. Three Visitors to Early Plymouth: Letters about the Pilgrim Settlement in New England during its first seven years, by John Pory, Emmanuel Altham, and Isaack de Rasieres. [n.p.]: Plimoth Plantation, 1963.
Josselyn, Account
John Josselyn. An Account of Two Voyages to New-England. London, 1674.
Letter Book
Governor Bradford’s Letter Book. In Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 1st ser., vol. 3 (1794); reprinted Boston, 1810. Reprinted as Governor William Bradford’s letter book. Boston: Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1906.
Levett, A Voyage
Christopher Levett. A Voyage into New England Begun in 1623. and ended in 1624. Performed by Christopher Levett, his Majesties Woodward of Somerset-shire, and one of the Councell of New England. London, 1624.
McIntyre, Debts
Ruth A. McIntyre. Debts Hopeful and Desperate: Financing the Plymouth Colony. [Plymouth, MA]: Plimoth Plantation, 1963.
Morrell, New-England
[Morrell, William.] New-England, or a Briefe Enarration of the Ayre. London, 1625.
Morton, New-Englands Memoriall
Nathaniel Morton. New-Englands Memoriall: Or, A brief Relation of the most Memorable and Remarkable Passages of the Province of God, manifested to the Planters of New-England in America; with special Reference to the first colony thereof, Called New-Plimouth. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1669.
Morton, New English Canaan
Thomas Morton. The New English Canaan or New Canaan. Amsterdam, 1637. Reprinted as New English Canaan of Thomas Morton, with Introductory Matter and Notes. Edited by Charles Francis Adams, Jr. Publications of the Prince Society, 14. Boston, 1883. Reissued in the Research and Source Work Series, 131; American Classics in History and Social Science, 2. New York: Burt Franklin, 1967.
New-Englands Plantation
[Francis Higginson]. New-Englands Plantation. or, A Short and True Description of the Commodities and Discommodities of that Countrey. London, 1630.
William Bradford. Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620–1647. Edited by Samuel Eliot Morison. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1952.
Phineas Pratt. “A Declaration of the Affairs of the English People that first Inhabited New England” [1662]. Published as A Declaration of the Affairs of the English People that first Inhabited New England. Massachusetts Historical Society, Collections, 4th ser., vol. 4 (1858): 474–87; available online at
Records of the Colony of New Plymouth. Edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. 12 vols. Boston: Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1855–1861.
A Relation or Journall
A Relation or Journall of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantation setled at Plimoth in New England. London, 1622.
Smith, Advertisements
John Smith. Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England, or Any Where. London, 1631; reprinted in The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580–1631), 3 vols., edited by Philip L. Barbour. Chapel Hill: UNC / Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1986, 3: 253–307.
Smith, A Description
John Smith. A Description of New England. London, 1616; reprinted in The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580–1631), 3 vols., edited by Philip L. Barbour. Chapel Hill: UNC / Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1986, vol. 1: 291–370.
Smith, New Englands Trials (1622)
John Smith. New Englands Trials. London, 1622; reprinted in The Complete Works of Captain John Smith (1580–1631), 3 vols., edited by Philip L. Barbour. Chapel Hill: UNC / Institute of Early American History and Culture, 1986, vol. 1: 413–48.
Wood, New Englands Prospect
William Wood. New Englands Prospect. A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called New England. London, 1634.
Winthrop Papers, vol. 3: 1631–1637. Edited by Allyn Bailey Forbes. Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 1943.