LIZ WOKE TO THE sound of Monty shouting. Liz jumped out of bed and ran to the closed drapes.
“Monty. Are you alright?” She heard Monty clearing her throat. “Monty. I’m going to open the curtain and come in.”
When Liz pulled the curtain, she saw Monty was sitting up with the sheet pulled around her. “I’m turning a light on, Monty,” Liz said as she did so. Monty glistened with sweat. Her face was red, and she was fighting sobs. “Monty. Are you alright? Are you awake?” Liz put a hand on Monty’s shoulder and left it there. “Are…you…awake?”
“I think I had a dream,” Monty said softly. She looked around, blinking. Liz handed her a few tissues.
“I think it must have been a bad dream. You want to talk about it?”
“Not really.” Monty put her left hand to her forehead and wiped hard backward across the top of her head. “Shit. I hate that fucking dream. Pisses me off that I have to have that dream. Why do I have to have it?”
“Recurring dream, huh?”
“Yeah,” Monty replied angrily. “Same ol’ fucking dream. Again and again. The same dream. Sometimes a different person. My stepdad. My probation officer. My block guard. Shit!” She grabbed her forehead again, her hands shaking.
“I’ll be okay in a while. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry I woke you up…yet again.” Monty reached and put a hand on Liz’s hand, still on her shoulder. “That was nice of you to check on me.” Monty looked at Liz. Absentmindedly, she allowed her sheet to drop from around her shoulders. Monty was naked, at least on top.
Liz noticed again how thin Monty was, noting particularly the prevalence of the bones on her upper body. She was strikingly thin, and her musculature was captivating in contrast. Her small breasts looked firm. At that moment, Liz wanted to hold Monty. To kiss her. She was surprised to feel such desire for this woman she barely knew.
“Thanks again for checking on me,” Monty said softly. “I’ll be able to go back to sleep now, I think.”
“Sure.” Liz backed out and closed the drapes. When Liz returned to her bed, she slid her hands between her legs. She knew she would not be able to sleep now without addressing her need first. She imagined Monty was stroking her, caressing her, kissing her. She hoped she only imagined an audible sigh when she came, then drifted into sleep.
* * * *
Monday’s chore was to measure the living room for construction of a small bedroom and powder room within the existing room’s structure. The living room ran the entire depth of the house and was an addition to its original structure. The wall between the dining area and the living room had been an exterior wall on the original house.
Liz had always thought that if an interior wall could be constructed about ten to twelve feet from the existing back wall of the living room, there would be enough room for a Murphy bed with a built-in desk and a very small powder room. Having a half bath and additional sleeping space would add resale value and flexibility. Currently, her second bedroom was used as a converted laundry room and office, due to the location of the existing water lines. Liz had been told that it would not be too difficult to extend the pipes for a toilet and sink if she ever chose to do the remodel.
In addition to the walls, Liz wanted the existing carpet removed and luxury plank vinyl installed. And if all of that was going to happen, it seemed the perfect time to either paint or sheetrock on top of the paneling.
Monty said she could do most of the work except for the actual plumbing and the electrical, but she could stub for those and have everything ready. Liz assured her she could always ask for help. Monty said she definitely was game to redo the flooring and paint.
They both agreed that, during the construction period, Monty could sleep on a mattress in the laundry room/office. It wasn’t going to be perfect, but it would work. The dining room would have to house the living room furniture, making the entire house a construction zone for a while. Liz liked order, and she was not looking forward to living in clutter.
For a few months of discomfort, she would have most of the main touches she wanted for her small house. That’s what she would tell herself to endure the chaos.
Monty spent most of the day moving furniture, shelving, and books. By evening, she was exhausted. She ate a sandwich and returned to her living room bed for the night. The room seemed oddly quiet without the chairs or end and coffee tables.
Before turning in, Liz knocked on the wall outside of the drape door. Monty called for her to enter.
“What time do you want to get to Gainesville? Shopping before or after your appointment?” Liz asked.
“I think after. I don’t want to have the meeting looming in the future. I’ll just be too anxious.”
“Works for me. That gives us the rest of the afternoon for shopping.”
“Yeah, it shouldn’t take too long. Can you wait for me in the lobby when I’m in with Mr. Floyd? He might want to meet you or something.”
* * * *
Liz was somewhat nervous as she waited for Monty at the community supervision office. When Monty emerged from the back, she was escorted by a man in a business suit.
“Liz, this is Robert Floyd. Mr. Floyd, my friend, Liz Clay,” Monty said in introduction, and Liz and Floyd shook hands.
“Ms. Clay. Monty has told me about her arrangement with you. As I told her, I need to see her every six weeks for the time being. She has the printed schedule. At some point, it would look good for her if she had a job with benefits, social security being taken out, and the like.” Mr. Floyd seemed all business; Liz thought he probably had to seem stern.
“Actually, Mr. Floyd, I totally appreciate that. Right now, we have her set up as a 1099 independent contractor. I’m not sure how this will work, but I’d like for her to have a checking and savings account established. That way, she can keep track of the money coming in, going out, and what will be needed when she files her taxes.”
Liz noticed Monty’s wide eyes as she spoke with Floyd. Liz could only assume that Monty had learned to internalize deference when dealing with authority. Probably a wise choice. She hoped Monty would learn how to better handle herself. She hoped her own self-confidence would set an example. The three said goodbyes, and Liz and Monty headed to the shopping part of the trip.
Their first stop was a hip store, geared toward young adults. Monty picked out boot-cut khakis and a pair of jeans. She also found a cool, pink-striped twill shirt, with long sleeves and a mandarin collar. She played with the shirred yoke and shoulder seams. The five buttons on the placket started just above the breast, with only a slight rounding visible at the cleavage. The second shirt she chose was a basic T-shirt with navy rugby stripes, also long-sleeved. She added a utility parka, some socks, and a pair of sleep boxers. At a shoe store, she selected a pair of everyday light hikers that seemed practical.
Monty had tried on the clothes in the dressing room, so Liz had no idea how the items looked. She wanted Monty to have freedom to pick those things she would feel comfortable wearing.
When they got back to the cabin, Liz asked if Monty would try on one of her outfits.
“What do you mean? I tried them on in the store,” she asked.
“I’m used to shopping with my buds. We come out and model outfits when we’re in the store. It may seem hokey, but it’s fun to me,” Liz said.
Monty obliged. She returned in her striped, button-front and the dark khaki twills with her new shoes. When Monty walked out, Liz was drinking some water. She coughed and choked, spitting out some of the water.
“Uh…you look fantastic.” Liz tried to control her choking. “Really. That looks great on you.” She smiled and shook her head.
“Why, I think that’s a compliment. Thank you?” Monty said, squinting.
Liz smiled at Monty, crossing her arms. “Yes, it is. And you’re welcome. Thank you for the fashion show.” She stood, trying to ignore her arousal. “I need to start dinner.”
“I’ll change back so I don’t get anything on these. Then, let me help.”
“Sure. Set the table, then you can grate some cheese.”
Liz made soft tacos with spinach, guacamole, spicy rice, and beans. They had red wine again. Monty seemed much more relaxed during that dinner than she had on other occasions. Liz was glad Monty seemed to be settling into a more normal life, with the first parole visit behind her. During dinner, Liz recounted how she ended up in Suches.
“I came here a few times and stayed at a friend’s cabin for her birthday weekend. We’d hike in the day and party at night. When I decided to move, I had to think about this as a possibility. It’s so much cooler at night since it’s at three thousand feet. It’s remote, though. I have never really done the dating scene. If I meet someone, great. If I don’t, fine. At least for now.”
“It’s definitely cooler than Atlanta!” Monty agreed, nodding.
After dinner, the two of them cleaned the kitchen together.
“You okay if I go into the living room now? At the prison, I was used to so much time in my cage. I’m getting used to being around someone, but I still need some space.”
“Of course. I understand. Have a good night, Monty.” Liz smiled.
After about an hour of reading in bed, Liz turned off her light. She heard the drapes move and heard Monty’s steps as she headed into the bathroom. Then Liz heard a soft knock on her door.
“Yeah,” Liz said. Monty opened the door slightly.
“You know, I told you this one time, but I can provide you with other services, you know. Pleasure you. I wouldn’t mind at all. You’ve done so much for me—”
“Monty!” Liz said firmly. “Look, I don’t want you to think of this as a prostitution situation. Is that what you think it is?”
“No. I don’t think anything. I mean, maybe it could be? Would that be so bad? You don’t have to give me anything extra.”
“No, Monty. No!” Liz shook her head in disbelief. “First of all, I don’t like the idea of your thinking that I’m a john or whatever a woman would be called. Second…I don’t even know what second would be. It just wouldn’t be right.”
“I thought you liked the way I looked. I saw you looking at me the other night...and tonight. I sure was looking at you. What would it matter? I mean, I guess I thought you liked the way I looked.”
Liz was flummoxed. “I do. I find you extremely attractive, actually, but to have sex because you feel like you owe me something? No.” She couldn’t quite comprehend what Monty was saying. Did Monty really not understand what an equal relationship might be like? “I’ll be honest with you. I saw myself…I think I better shut up before I say something I’ll regret.”
“I saw myself kissing you,” Monty said.
“Go back to bed Monty,” Liz said softly, shaking her head.
Monty pulled the door shut, and Liz heard the drapes close. This time, Liz felt sad at the thought of Monty’s dejected expression. She remembered how Monty’s blouse fell so nicely across her chest. How nice it would be to have those muscular arms pulling her close. Liz started breathing deeper. She felt a pulsation between her legs.
Liz got out of bed and walked to the draped door. She knocked on the wall and pushed the drape aside enough to walk through. She leaned, put her hand on Monty’s face, and lowered herself to Monty’s lips. She kissed her softly. Then again, softly. She moved her tongue to feel Monty’s. She sighed into Monty’s mouth, and Monty returned the kiss.
“Sometime.” Liz stood and took Monty’s hand which was reaching for her. “Sometime, maybe soon. Good night.”
“Night,” Monty whispered.
It took every ounce of Liz’s willpower to walk back to her room. She knew she would need to find pleasure tonight if she wanted to sleep. She thought about their kisses, about Monty’s mouth. Liz imagined Monty’s hand or tongue as her own hand moved her to climax. Liz was now certain that she needed to find some sort of sexual outlet, and she intended to do just that, but she felt that it shouldn’t be with Monty. Not yet. She didn’t want there to be any complications with their current relationship or with Monty’s feelings.